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Advanced technology in the days of noah?Who are these Aliens?*inside

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posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 12:27 AM
A thought hit me the other day, it says the end times will be like noah's times in terms of peoples' behaviour and also the sons of God taking(abducting)women and breeding them. What about technology? what if in noah's times people had advanced knowledge(received from those sons of God?) as we do today?
the tower of babel would have been a massive undertaking and would have required great architectural knowledge and God said if they were to do this nothing would be out of their reach!
so they were smart. Perhaps this is the same timeline when the pyramids were built?
anywho this would mean these "aliens" who are abducting and breeding people today are the same fallen angels(sons of God)
and are gonna reveal themselves to us(as space brothers bringing superior tech?)
and will want to be open in their communication with us just like in Noah's times. I think we're being conditioned for contact. Our tech could be proof we're in the end times
if the gov is really in contact with them then we're in trouble

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 12:38 AM

they are the governments, and demons of hell.

God did not creat green little creatures who [seem] to do nothing but plot evil. never heard of an alien saint?

thats because tv, movies, fake stories ect have not only confused our brains but have controlled are view on these creatures who were satans idea to confuse mass people.


posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 12:45 AM
i dont understand what u just said

please edit or create another post and i believe these "aliens r the fallen ones and the government wants us to think they're aliens. i mean, theyre doing EXACTLY what the fallen ones of Noah's time did! it must be the same people


posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 12:54 AM
what im saying is that aliens do not exist outside of earth, but were created as an idea to cause confusion, but they do have technology to
creat alien ships and have so they will be seen by people.

satan will most likely use these in the future to stage a phenominal arrival of a possible messiah.

jesus will [not] come until this earth is chastised and cleansed.


posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Truth

what im saying is that aliens do not exist outside of earth, but were created as an idea to cause confusion, but they do have technology to
creat alien ships and have so they will be seen by people.

satan will most likely use these in the future to stage a phenominal arrival of a possible messiah.

jesus will [not] come until this earth is chastised and cleansed.


conspiracy either way

i don't like it, and to think members here want to come into contact with these beings

wait......that's what is wanted

its working...not even ats is safe...oh well...
mushroom clouds are purrty

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by retardedgenius]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 01:14 AM
The bible speaks of mans knowledge dubbling daily in the last days..... this is not because of alien or fallen angel intervention. it is simply, the fact that we aquire technology from the future and bring them to the present to assimilate them.... if time travel is possible ,, even if it were a thousand years from now. it deems the present irelevent . it is then possible for people to interact will all facests of time. the more future techs we assimilate our abilities to understand techs even further in the future increases.... it is why tech s will increase 2x daily

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:09 PM
Question for you Truth, if aliens (prince of the air and his demons) don't exist outside the earth then where on the earth do they reside? Are we talking a physical realm or spirtual realm.
About this nephilim theory, I was thinking the same thing the other day. I guess its time to be concerned when you start seeing giants walking around or some other strange entities. This may not even happen but it is something to consider


posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 12:18 PM
retardedgenius . . .

I am with you on this one.

truth . . .

If man created the aliens, then who created the angels that fell? Doesn't make sense. And where did Jesus go and what is he preparing?

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 12:32 PM
i would say the aliens [are] the governments creation, i know the space ships are, but the things inside the
ships are probably demons or illusions that appear to be aliens.

if aliens had technology much greater than ours, they would have taken us into control ages ago. but we already have their technology and we hide it from the public, like space ships.

they [governments] are just waiting for their selected dates.


posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 12:37 PM

i meant the government working with satan, created the [idea] of aliens, not literal aliens, because all they are are demons.


[Edited on 4-4-2004 by Truth]

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Truth

what im saying is that aliens do not exist outside of earth, but were created as an idea to cause confusion,


Just like GOD.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 03:46 PM
People lived in those times a lot longer as noah lived also to over 900 years. In that time people must of been very intelegent as the knowlege they gain over the years for many generations i think hat they got too smart and started to plague the world in more sin than the world could handle. Therefore God gave us another chance and gave us shorter lives as we got smarter. Although our life span seems to be increasing now. I dont think it was anything to do with the nephelim.
Good thread untill you started going on about aliens.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 08:14 AM
That logic is a tad flawed, as a year would not be the same measurement of time as it is today. Remember, the calender we use is relatively modern, and it is only translations of the texts that refer to them as years, for want of a more appropriate recording of time. Noah would not have lived to be 900 years old as we see it, as a year would not have been the same amount of time back then as it is today, ie: 3 months long as opposed to 12. It would not even have been called a year, and so the heavy handed translation simply causes confusion.

Whats more all skeletal and archeological remains of humans of the period and location show them to hae died within a relatively normal human lifespan.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:11 PM
SpittinCobra - For someone who does not believe in God, you sure do out of your way to hate him.

Why critisize something you DO NOT believe in?

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:31 PM
I have never understood how people can believe in a book(bible) where deep down inside they know it must have gone through edits over the ages yet they take it literally word for word.

There is more evidence that implies US was part or fully involved in 911 than the existence of a god.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by project_pisces

There is more evidence that implies US was part or fully involved in 911 than the existence of a god.

wow. I dig that one. It's funny how people will go out of their way to argue of fight or die for something they only believe is real, when some of the facts surrounding 9/11 are staring at them right in the eyes and they just can't bring themselves to believe our government let this happen.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 05:44 PM
I believe the best evidence for ancient calenders being accurate comes from ancient temple allignments.
The doors and inner chambers were oriented so that the first rays of the spring equinox would shine on the holy of holies or shrine.
This provided an accurate calender, too accurate for merely planting crops.
But if you are going to travel in space, you have to know precisely what time it is were you are at.
People in Noahs time knew how long they were living.
The Sumer flood epic is richer in detail and predates the bibles version by about 3000 years.
The version listed in the bible was taken from the babaylonian-assyrian text , here's a link to info on that discovered and listed by E.A. Budge.
The jews learned this story after being taken captive by Nebbacanezer and were marched to Babaylon in chains. It was There that the Jews desperate to preserve their culture, first wrote down the old testament. Before that it was orally transmitted.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by retardedgenius
A thought hit me the other day, it says the end times will be like noah's times in terms of peoples' behaviour and also the sons of God taking(abducting)women and breeding them.

Erm...huh? Sons of god God abducting women and breeding them? Where is that?

What about technology? what if in noah's times people had advanced knowledge(received from those sons of God?) as we do today?
the tower of babel would have been a massive undertaking and would have required great architectural knowledge and God said if they were to do this nothing would be out of their reach!

The tower of Babel could have been 40 feet high. God knows our intentions, and the intention of the people building the Tower of Babel was to get to heaven without God's help. Obviously it wouldn't have worked, we have people in space daily, and they're not in heaven.

so they were smart. Perhaps this is the same timeline when the pyramids were built?
anywho this would mean these "aliens" who are abducting and breeding people today are the same fallen angels(sons of God)
and are gonna reveal themselves to us(as space brothers bringing superior tech?)
and will want to be open in their communication with us just like in Noah's times. I think we're being conditioned for contact. Our tech could be proof we're in the end times
if the gov is really in contact with them then we're in trouble

Except that technology has followed a parabolic curve since the beginning of technology. There is no reason to think it will stop, and there hasn't been a "jump" in this graph. The tech is steady. We're just noticing it now because we're developing so many new technologies thanks to information sharing via the internet, phones, televisions, etc. Take any technology where you can get the information on it's development, and it will make sense. Take, for instance, intel's nanotechnology. WOAH! Intel can make nanotechnological chips now! Well, yes, they can, and it has been a steady process. It wasn't one day using a quarter inch transistor and then suddenly making an advance to a 70nM transistor.

As for the calender, the Jews developed a lunar calander over 3,500 years ago that they still use, and it's as accurate as our own lunar calander accepted by science.

Originally posted by Red_Rocket
I dig that one. It's funny how people will go out of their way to argue of fight or die for something they only believe is real, when some of the facts surrounding 9/11 are staring at them right in the eyes and they just can't bring themselves to believe our government let this happen.

You think there's more evidence supporting Bush setting up 9-11 then there is in God? Were that the case, I would MOST ASSUREDLY believe Bush did it, without a shadow of doubt. Because there is evidence of God's existance.

Originally posted by Beanie_pianoforte
People lived in those times a lot longer as noah lived also to over 900 years. In that time people must of been very intelegent as the knowlege they gain over the years for many generations i think hat they got too smart and started to plague the world in more sin than the world could handle. Therefore God gave us another chance and gave us shorter lives as we got smarter. Although our life span seems to be increasing now. I dont think it was anything to do with the nephelim.
Good thread untill you started going on about aliens.

Remember, the wages of sin is death. If you read through Numbers (I think that's the one with the geneology) and note the ages of the people there, they steadily decrease in age. As the world became more secular, we started to lose our lives. Now we're at about 79 or so.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 06:01 PM
Millions of people believe in GOD but they never see him
Millions of people see ufos but they dont belive what they see

[Edited on 6-5-2004 by Cardu]

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 05:29 PM
The Bible verse is Genesis 6:4
It Reads: There were giants in the earth in those days;
and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto
the daughters of men, and they bare children unto them,
the same became mighty men which were of old,
men of renown.
- King James Version.

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