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Q & A with the brotherhood of free masons

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posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by network dude
Brothers, isn't it time we let the mortals in on it all. After all the cat is out of the bag. I think we should just tell them all. If Joe anybody is going to spill our most closely guarded secrets in a airport bar, even the "low level" masons might find out the "truth".

OK, so Low Level Mason, here is how it all goes, Scientology is right, John Travolta is actually an alien, the moon is his ship. It is of course made of cheese. I will fill you all in on the rest of our plan for world domination tomorrow. I have to go to a lodge meeting to conspire, with the brethren.

Have a nice day.
lochnarb to all.

Ah HA! I knew it! Brethren, I have found the mysterious and hidden high level mason after all!

I feel like we should all grab torches and march on a castle, or something. Or would that be marching on a lodge? Hmmm...

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by mellisamouse

Originally posted by HiAliens
Where's teh proooffffs? Seriously, can't we get off first base with the discussion?

Bravo! Excellent post! Exactly, why don't they just let the discussion progress and watch it and learn from it?

That being said, back on topic, my realtor is a Mason, and we did catoring for the masons..... his origional post sounds right to me.

Really, so when you were "catering" to a gathering of masons they were telling you all about Atlantis and plots for world domination?

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 06:37 PM
Here's my take on the interview:

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: What are the Free Masons?

A: The Free Masons are a botherhood of men whos goal is the betterment of man kind.

Well, we’re off to a good start. This is largely correct.

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: How does the brotherhood expect to achive these goals?

A: By influancing goverment and private corperations.

Oh dear. This subscribes to the popular belief within conspiracy circles that Masonry has a “finger in every pie” and uses the position and status of its individual members to effect changes in the world at large and directs things the way “Freemasonry” wants them to be directed. The problem with this is that Freemasonry has decentralised leadership, which operates in an annually-cyclical manner. So, you never have the capacity for ongoing dictatorial or tyrannical rule within Freemasonry, because the management keeps changing! I think that such a broadly-scope agenda as “influencing government and private corporations” would require some kind of centralised leadership. Plus, the tenets of Freemasonry would need to include something to this effect so that the members could work toward the goal. In reality, of course, it does not.

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: Well How many countries do the brotherhood operate in?

A: All of them.

Well, this is preposterous. How could a fraternity with the (fictitious) stated means of “influencing government and corporations” operate in a country like Somalia? And how could one “Mason” possibly know this to be a fact? Sounds to me like a sweeping statement for effect that was either completely fabricated by the “interviewer”, or a tall tale by the “interviewee”.

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: How is the mason organisation set up?

A: Well just like the trades there are laborers, apprentices, journeymen, and masters.

Actually, the 3 Blue Lodge degrees are Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master. The preceeding line of text was fabricated by someone who has a limited (and erroneous) knowledge of the structure of Freemasonry. Another point which leads me to believe that this “interview” was either completely fabricated, or the the “interviewee” was stringing the questioner on a line.

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: So a level 32 mason would be a master?

A: No, that would make him a apprentise.

Again, completely false. A Mason who has obtained the 32nd degree in the Scottish Rite (an appendant body of Freemasonry) must have already obtained the sublime (3rd) degree of Master Mason. Either the “interviewee” is a liar, speaking out of ignorance, or the “interviewer” is trying to make us believe the old chestnut that the 33rd degree is only the beginning, and that there’s a whole world of Freemasonry beyond it (probably involving Baphomet worship, Luciferianism or some other such nonsense).

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: Does the brotherhood of freemasons have any connection with the illuminati.

A: Yes.

I wouldn’t normally respond to this, but I think it’s important for people to know that the Illuminati as an organisation hasn’t existed since the 18th century. There has been no reincarnation of Adam Weishaupt’s organisation in any meaningful sense. There have been many insignificant claimants to the title, but nothing which can claim any real lineage. I challenge anyone to find any demonstrable evidence to the contrary (foregoing the tired old “they’re secret, so there is no evidence” by-line, if you don’t mind.)

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: What !?

A: Well the Masons believe in balance so at the master level we are split up into two groups, the brotherhood of light (the illuminati) and the brotherhood of darkness (the infusco). so by having a light and a dark we are a balanced organisation.

This seems completely made-up to me. The only remotely relevant reference to the Infusco that I could find on the internet is a mysterious webpage with no links, no content, and no explanations as to it’s presence except for a creepy motto "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow..... But soon." The page, titled “Infusco – To Make Dark” can be found here: Sounds like childish conspiracy fodder to me, or maybe a promo for some kind of net marketing campaign.

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: What do the illuminati and the infusco do?

A: The current main goal of the illuminati is to esentially replace the current monetary system to a resource based economy, among other things. The infusco controls knowledge.

So, the “Illuminati want to go back to a bartering economy? That seems pretty stupid given that they (allegedly) want to maintain control of everything. A barter economy would dilute control, giving artificial power to primary producers. So, unless the Illuminati are all farmers, they’d be screwed.

I must say that, based on the lack of content on their website, the Infusco are doing a splendid job of controlling “knowledge”, for there is certainly none to be had there.

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: I've never heard of the infusco.

A: Most people haven't

Maybe because they are made up? They certainly don’t feature in Regular Freemasonry.

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: What knoledge do they control?

A: To much to mention.

How convenient. But sensible. Hell, if the “interviewee” gave out that meta-knowledge, then it wouldn’t be controlled, would it!

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: wow, so the masons have pretty much been controling the planet for the last hunderad years?

A: Not controling just giving a push in the right direction, there is a difference. and its more like the last three thousand.

Speculative Freemasonry is widely considered to have commenced around 1717. So this assertion is kind of impossible, unless you hold to the ridiculous belief that stoneworking tradesmen have been influencing the world on a grand scale for the last 3000 years, which is just mindbuggeringly stupid.

Originally posted by aginstitallQ: So is there any proof that i can give to people to confirm anything you have said?

A: Well no one book, but its all out there.

Of course. The ole “do the research” by-line.

To the Original Poster: I personally think you either just made this whole interview up OR you have a near-perfect memory and are monumental gullible. The former is more likely in my mind.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:33 AM
Thank you all for your responces, i have learned much from them. I have also conducted much reasearch on the things mentioned. one intresting fact is that there are many branches and that most off shoots don't communicat, and at one time wared with each other. As for the origins of the free masonery i came across this web site which had documents of free masonery from the 13th century(not the 17 century) and have found numerous sites that link masonery to ancient earth.One name that keeps poping up is Pythagoras who lived in around 500 B.C .(if you want the proof, don't be lazy just google it their all pretty much the same.) this one is the best tho and it also touches on there being two groups of masons comming out of egypt.(interpit as you will). Perhaps the infusco. so rip on this post some more guys, ill keep looking and proving you wrong, and one more thing i came acroos the fact that only 15% of lodges pratice pure masonery meaning 85% of people claiming to be freemasons are infact just posers!!! turning a ritualistic and ancient group in to nothing more than a boys club

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by aginstitall
Thank you all for your responces, i have learned much from them. I have also conducted much reasearch on the things mentioned. one intresting fact is that there are many branches and that most off shoots don't communicat, and at one time wared with each other. As for the origins of the free masonery i came across this web site which had documents of free masonery from the 13th century(not the 17 century) . and have found numerous sites that link masonery to ancient earth.One name that keeps poping up is Pythagoras who lived in around 500 B.C .(if you want the proof, don't be lazy just google it their all pretty much the same.) this one is the best tho and it also touches on there being two groups of masons comming out of egypt.(interpit as you will). Perhaps the infusco. so rip on this post some more guys, ill keep looking and proving you wrong, and one more thing i came acroos the fact that only 15% of lodges pratice pure masonery meaning 85% of people claiming to be freemasons are infact just posers!!! turning a ritualistic and ancient group in to nothing more than a boys club

Has it occurred to you that anyone can create a website and that everything you find and read on the web isn't true? You've hardly proved anyone wrong, you've shown exactly how people fall for this kind of stuff: they believe anything they read.

Masonry can be legitimately traced back to about the 14th century, but what we know of as freemasonry today did not begin until the 1717. Its also quite inaccurate to say there are "many branches" of freemasonry. The foundation of masonry is the blue lodge, and side orders/rites build off the lessons of the blue lodge. The prevalence and variety of the side orders vary from country to country. Your "fact" about 85% of masons being "posers" is also opposite of reality - it is impossible to figure out, but it seems more like 85% are REGULAR freemasonry and 15% are irregular.

Google is not capable of discerning truth from fiction, and you should really not try to use it as such.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 06:33 AM
funny, when I google "illuminati infusco" this thread is the top result, without many other results to explain this "infusco."

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by aginstitall
Thank you all for your responces, i have learned much from them. I have also conducted much reasearch on the things mentioned. one intresting fact is that there are many branches and that most off shoots don't communicat, and at one time wared with each other. As for the origins of the free masonery i came across this web site which had documents of free masonery from the 13th century(not the 17 century)
What you've found is a document about Operative Masonry. The author of the document on Sacred Texts even admits that there's no relationship between Operative and Speculative Masonry. Scroll to the bottom of the page you've linked to, and click the link.

All this evidence goes to show that our Freemasons have no relationship, either actual or traditional, with the mediæval guilds bearing the same appellation
So how can you call this evidence when even the person who's presenting it to you says that it's not?

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 10:30 AM
Last night my lodge hosted a Lodge Officer's School where the Grand Lecturer comes and instructs the brethren on the correct way to perform ritual and floor work.

I was amazed to find out how much differently other states do their work compared to ours. It emphasized again for me how difficult it would be to control any group of masons on a national or international level.

While the ritual words all appear to be very similar the ceremonies and other activities seem to be markedly different from state to state.

For example I was surprised to learn that my state is only one of very few that use rods (or staffs) in our ceremonies. Several of the brothers that had moved here or visited lodges out of state said that many states don't even have rods and some states have them but don't use them.

For non-masons a rod is like a long pole with a metal decoration at the top, sort of like a flag pole or pike pole. In our state the lodge officers carry them during our ceremonies much like you would see an honor guard carrying flags or other ceremonial items.

It can be quite comical at times because the lodge rooms are usually pretty small and when you get four guys walking around and pointing these things in different directions it seems like somebody is going to poke an eye out.

I shudder to think about what Knight Templar ceremonies might look like. Some of the guys in my lodge are so ancient I would be afraid to give them a sword to carry around!

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Choronzon
One of the great things about being a mason, is that everyone asks you what do masons do....

When you tell them the truth, they dont believe you...But if you make up fantastical stories of mythical proportions their chin hits the floor and they turn into a sponge of gullability....

Hey bud, I would put any stock in your answer at all, if you are just 3rd degree still and have thirteen years in the order, you my friend are just another bee in the hive and I wouldnt plan on being any higher in the order. I am not trying to insult you, but for your level of training in the order you realy still know beans in the total picture of things in the brotherhood, I am only trying to help as your thinking you have it all figured is probably the reason none of your fellow brothers have not voted in favor of your advancement. Besides that what you think is fact about freemasonry, at this point is not even close to the truth, your are being taught to memorize falcities, on purpose to test your metal in the order. All I know is from the family, 32nd and 33rd. I would trust thier insights and input. By the way if I were you and you really want to advance in the order I would elect to join worshipfull master training so that you can circumvent a few of the initial york rite degree's. Nothin dicussed in this thread has been very acurate, not just that but the guy who was supposedly divulgin the secrets would have never done so, not even to a fellow mason. Let alone drop info about an interrelation with the illuminati.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by BeyondBelow

Hey bud, I would put any stock in your answer at all, if you are just 3rd degree still and have thirteen years in the order, you my friend are just another bee in the hive and I wouldnt plan on being any higher in the order. I am not trying to insult you, but for your level of training in the order you realy still know beans in the total picture of things in the brotherhood, I am only trying to help as your thinking you have it all figured is probably the reason none of your fellow brothers have not voted in favor of your advancement.

You assume here that Third Degree Master Masons must be first voted on for "going higher". Your assumption is incorrect.

In the United States, any Master Mason in good standing may apply for the degrees 4° - 32°, which is the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Such application anytime after the brother has received the Third Degree as he wishes.

By the way if I were you and you really want to advance in the order I would elect to join worshipfull master training so that you can circumvent a few of the initial york rite degree's.

The only "worshipfull (sic) master training" that one can get takes place after one has been elected Worshipful Master, through an annual Grand Lodge workshop.

And one cannot "circumvent" any "initial york rite" degrees.

[edit on 11-12-2008 by Masonic Light]

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason

Originally posted by mellisamouse

Originally posted by HiAliens
Where's teh proooffffs? Seriously, can't we get off first base with the discussion?

Bravo! Excellent post! Exactly, why don't they just let the discussion progress and watch it and learn from it?

That being said, back on topic, my realtor is a Mason, and we did catoring for the masons..... his origional post sounds right to me.

Really, so when you were "catering" to a gathering of masons they were telling you all about Atlantis and plots for world domination?

what you guys don't talk about that in your lodge?? We talk about that at every meeting...of course just after old business that is! Hey...I'm a Realtor and a mason..i wonder if we know each other....

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by BeyondBelow

Hmm... interesting. Some of my buddies from lodge who had been a 3rd degree for a year went over to the local Valley a couple weeks back on a Friday, paid $180 and by Sunday at lunch they were 32nds.

If you are getting your information from 32nd and 33rd degree family members then they would also have told you that there is no degree 'higher' than a 3rd Degree Master Mason.

Everything else is just ancillary, not higher.

It's like becoming a doctor. Once you become a doctor you have the opportunity to pursue specialties like family medicine, pediatrics, oncology, etc. But you are still just a doctor.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
You assume here that Third Degree Master Masons must be first voted on for "going higher". Your assumption is incorrect.

Additionally, it seems the person you are responding to is stuck in the "higher numbers = more power" illusion and doesn't understand that the Scottish Rite degrees are *NOT* anymore prestigious or powerful than any other side order.

I wish I had photoshop skills so I could draw a picture of what people think masonry is and what masonry actually is. The "what people think" would be a pyramid with the blue lodge forming the base and the scottish rite being the top going to the 33rd. I'd put a red cricle and line through that one.

Then the "what masonry really is" graphic would include three equal levels of the blue lodge on top of each other up to the third degree, and then all the major side orders out to either side in bubbles never reaching higher than the height of the third degree.

[edit on 11-12-2008 by LowLevelMason]

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 08:59 PM
What connection, if any, is there to some bloodline and blood test as a 3rd degree Freemason, such as with a child or offspring?

Can someone be 3rd degree freemason and 28th degree?

Does adding these numbers together also suggest another authority or right such as with numerology?

Cryptics seem to be related with many organizations. I suppose some may know and can't say, or those who wouldn't know unless they were a 3rd degree or similar close association. Afterall, it would seem likley a 3rd degree freemason would have elite privileges others are not ever aware of.

Does being a 3rd degree freemason give a certain amount of recognition and possible amunity in court?

Is there an elite edition of common reading materials that also use Fremason watermarks?

No doubt many would say these question are delusional in some form or another.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by aleon1018
What connection, if any, is there to some bloodline and blood test as a 3rd degree Freemason, such as with a child or offspring?

There is no "bloodline" connection at any time to any level of freemasonry or any side order.

Originally posted by aleon1018
Can someone be 3rd degree freemason and 28th degree?

This presumes that the third degree is lower than the Scottish Rite's 28th degree, which is not accurate. However, yes, they could and are. Everyone is a 3rd degree mason. Some have membership in side orders.

Originally posted by aleon1018
Does adding these numbers together also suggest another authority or right such as with numerology?

No, because the numbers aren't signs of power or authority.

Originally posted by aleon1018
Cryptics seem to be related with many organizations. I suppose some may know and can't say, or those who wouldn't know unless they were a 3rd degree or similar close association. Afterall, it would seem likley a 3rd degree freemason would have elite privileges others are not ever aware of.

Freemasons are just people. Its incredibly easy to become a mason, easier than it should be in my opinion. As a mason, there is no "elite privilege" extended to me or any other mason I know. In fact its quite the opposite - anti-masons have cost me job promotions before. If anything, being a mason guarantees you will be discriminated against.

Originally posted by aleon1018
Does being a 3rd degree freemason give a certain amount of recognition and possible amunity in court?

Nope, its quite the opposite. If the judge is a mason it just makes it all that more likely that you will be held to stricter scrutiny.

Originally posted by aleon1018
Is there an elite edition of common reading materials that also use Fremason watermarks?

Uh no, there isn't an elite edition of anything I am aware of.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by LowLevelMason

Thanks for clearing up some of that. No doubt it was false information. I recall having met someone when I was going through issues as a teenager. My Father was a mason for many years and I hadn't any knowledge of any special privileges through him either, except for the counseling they had givene me that failed. I thought of them more like boyscouts at the time and I was a smoker.

My dad eventually leftt the masons after he had established his business. I did happen to see an issue of a magazine that had mason water marks on it's pages. I suppose it could have been faked or even some weird dream.

Thanks again

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by aleon1018
reply to post by LowLevelMason

Thanks for clearing up some of that. No doubt it was false information. I recall having met someone when I was going through issues as a teenager. My Father was a mason for many years and I hadn't any knowledge of any special privileges through him either, except for the counseling they had givene me that failed. I thought of them more like boyscouts at the time and I was a smoker.

My dad eventually leftt the masons after he had established his business. I did happen to see an issue of a magazine that had mason water marks on it's pages. I suppose it could have been faked or even some weird dream.

Thanks again

No problem happy to be of help - you may have recalled seeing a masonic magazine. Lots of grand lodges and side orders put those out. I've never seen one with "water marks" though.

Compared to much of what I see freemasonry compared to, boy scouts for adults is probably the most accurate. However, I would stress that ideally freemasonry should be much more into philosophy and esoteric topics than the boy scouts! This isn't always the case though, as some lodges have sadly forgotten the fraternity's deep intellectual history.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 12:26 AM
You really shouldn't poke fun at people if you don't know exactly what you're talking about. The "YR" on Choronzon's signature doesn't indicate years as you would think it does. It stands for the York Rite so he is communicating to you that he is a 3rd degree Master Mason of the Blue Lodge and a 13th degree (Total) of the York Rite Known as the Knights Templar Degree in short. I am told that there are two after that, Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret and the Red Cross Constantine; However those two degrees I am not sure of so I'll leave that to the Masons on the page to tell you about (like I said, "I heard"). So he hasn't been a Free Mason for 13 years as a 3rd degree, he "has" advanced in knowledge.

That being said Even if he hadn't advanced any further like they said the degrees bare no rank and it's a persons preference to go into Scottish or York Rites after they become a Master Mason (THE HIGHEST LEVEL). So don't be so smug.

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." -Lincoln

Forgive typos. Sleepy!

[edit on 12-12-2008 by lazy1981]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by lazy1981

You really shouldn't poke fun at people if you don't know exactly what you're talking about. The "YR" on Choronzon's signature doesn't indicate years as you would think it does. It stands for the York Rite so he is communicating to you that he is a 3rd degree Master Mason of the Blue Lodge and a 13th degree (Total) of the York Rite Known as the Knights Templar Degree in short. I am told that there are two after that, Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret and the Red Cross Constantine; However those two degrees I am not sure of so I'll leave that to the Masons on the page to tell you about

"Prince of the Royal Secret" is the title of the 32° of the Scottish Rite. The Red Cross of Constantine is an honorary "side degree" in the York Rite.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 08:18 AM
Nice little story there, do not know if its true or not, but i like it. Oh by the way someone said they did not know what infusco ment: infusco = to make dark, blacken.

Best regards.


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