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The Best 11 9/11 Questions to 'throw back' at 'Official Believers....!

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 06:59 AM

posted by MasterRegal
The video was not altered. This is not a streaming video, it takes snapshots and because of that it could skip a time stamp. It skips 9:31:08 and 9:33:31. I'm sure it skips more but I got tired of watching the damn video.

Wow another video expert to keep us on our toes. So when it 'skips' the guy walking 50 feet (more than one timestamp), that is perfectly normal? And when it 'skips' backward that is normal too? Thanks for sharing your expertise.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by truthwillneverberevealed
heres some,

1. why did the towers fall at nearly free fall speed?

What speed SHOULD they have fallen?

2. why were several thousand pound steel beams launched up to 600 feet away from the two towers?


3. why did the towers almost fall exactly into their foot print?

I believe WTC 1 &2 both had 80% collapse outside its footprint.

4. why was their molten metal found after the buildings collapsed?

Because it was hot? There was no examination of the molten material that was witnessed in the rubble.

5. why have the black box recordings not been released?

There are two black boxes. The FDR's were released. The CVR for flight 93 was played for the victims families.

6. why have all of the pentagon videos not been released?

Anything of relevance has been released. There are not any video's that show the impact.

7. why did george bushs brother shut down all the electronic security and remove bomb sniffing dogs from the towers premises 2 weeks before 9/11?

Simple, he didn't. Marvin Bush was not involved in the day to day operations pertaining to security at the WTC. Electronic security was not shut down . The only dogs that were removed were EXTRA ones that were brought in due to bomb threats. Google "SIRIUS" he was a dog that was killed on 911.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:55 AM
Question: Don't the bone fragments found atop the 40 story Deutsche Bank Building prove that the innocent victims and firemen were pulverized and blown there by explosions?

Diagram of WTC showing aircraft trajectories ( Original )

The impacting aircraft crash energies and everything onboard were contained inside the towers. The bone fragments (over 700) were found on the roof of the 40 story Deutsche Bank Building. As can be seen on the above diagram, Flt 175 passes the Deutsche Bank before it impacts WTC 2 and the crash energy is expended away from the Deutsche Bank. You can also see that the Deutsche Bank is shielded from the Flt 11 impact into WTC 1 entirely by the South Tower which stood between the two buildings.

The Deutsche Bank Building at 130 Liberty Street in New York City, United States, adjacent to the World Trade Center (WTC), opened in 1974 as Bankers Trust Plaza. The building was acquired by Deutsche Bank when it acquired Bankers Trust in 1998.

Dateline: NEW YORK
Nearly 300 more human bone fragments were recovered in the past four days from the roof of the former Deutsche Bank building that was badly damaged by the Sept. 11, 2001, collapse of the World Trade Center, officials said Thursday.

The bone fragments, most less than 1/16 of an inch (0.15 centimeters) long were found in gravel that had been raked to the sides of the roof of the 41-story skyscraper, said Ellen Borakove, spokeswoman for the city medical examiner's office. The work on the roof is expected to take another week to complete.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 09:10 AM
ok, im an architect, im gonna try my best here to explain why the buildings acted they way they did when they fell.

Why metal mealts at 1350 degrees?
well did not have to, at 750 degrees F steel already loses more than 50% of its structural strength. by that time the building should be falling already.

Why it fell on one foot print?
The WTC buildings are built around a central core with curtain walls. The central core has all the elevators, services and main structural columns there, if you destroy those columns the building will collaps inwards towards the loss of structural integrity. If the main supporting columns where on the outside I doubt the Towers would have fallen at all, but if they did then they would not have fallen down streight.

Some people claim to have seen debree at the entrance foyers before they fell as "evidence" for explosives.
The debree came from the higher floors where the planes crashed as services fell down the service cores.

Why body parts where found on the roofs of other buildings? + why it looks as if each floor was detonated by explosives as it collapses?
If you think of one floor collapsing on another floor the space between the two floors is filled with air. The air has to go somewhere, so it blows out the windows through the curtain walls. after each floor has dropped only about 5 feet the pressure build up of air between the floor slabs is equivelent to the pressure in a car tyre, that air needs to go somewhere, it takes people, paper, tables. ext with it.

Why did the buildings fall at near free fall?
The steel columns where probably rated at about 60MPa, thats the compressive strength they can handle. But when the impact of about 142 Billion pounds of building on top of the floors from the point of collapse hits those columns they dont stand a chance of holding anything up for even a milli second. The steel (and even concrete) will act as a fluid under those pressures.

then a question to the "truth seekers"
where are those FBI people who set the bombs in the WTC buildings? Sleeping easy at night? How many people in America do you think will be capable of doing something like this to their own friends and families? Wont it be easier to get some one else to fly planes into the buildings?

Plus, the US does not have people sitting in Jets day and night hoping to shoot down civilian aircraft at every airport. To get a fighter to TAKE OFF will take at least 20 - 30 min from the first request. They are flown by people who have to get in the planes first you know.

Plus there was no confirmed threat or idea what the targets for the planes was till after they crashed. Its possible the FBI knew about a possible attack, but the USA foreign intelligence has never been known to be the best.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:09 AM

How could it? They've been addressed, debunked, and shown to be invalid.

Tell us, why do you insist on always ignoring answers? It truly boggles the mind that after seven years Truthers spew the same old nonsense.

Because those questions were never answered. And the answers that were given did not fit the facts.

You know it blows me away. I have been watching tv news all my life and I don't think I have ever been given any real information. Enough to satisfy the questions I have on any given topic.

I mean what? The middle east populous hates us because we are free?
Russia invaded Georgia?

I could go on and on but I would be getting away from the topic.

The fact remains that the majority of the population after reading the "Facts" at hand are not happy with the explanation they have been provided with.
It's just that simple.
It stinks of false flag because it was false flag.
The problem with society is we have been trained all our life's to believe the ultimate authority and last word is the governments.
It is not in our paradigm to think that our Government would have reason or will to do something like this. It would and it did.

What a great post to find out all the possible dis info perps though.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by jthomas

9/11 Truthers cannot admit that because the whole premise for its existence is that the government HAD to have been involved in the 9/11 attacks either sponsoring them or knowingly allowing it to happen. And when people are gullible enough to believe that premise without a stitch of evidence, it's easy to make them believe that everything we know about 9/11 had had to be made up by, and come from, the government.

The problem is, when people who believe in all of this 'evidence' none too convincing yet that all ties together (if it was truth it would blend together with other truth without any rough edges, which YOUR evidence unfortunatley does not). However, I believe that the BIGGEST problem is that people keep equating the 'government' with the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT! This is NOT the case. Only small factions within the government would need to truly be involved. People that would benefit most from a terrorist attack. (It's still amazing how many times we have been bombarded since then. Especially when the commission claims we were in such disarray with our intel.)

I'll admit that Bush didn't have to actually be involved. However, there are just too many coincidences my friend that lend to the serious possibility that some very high ups DID indeed know and allow for it to happen. Or even planned for it to happen.

I bet you are one who thinks that Oswald shot Kennedy all by his lonesome too.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by ArcAngel
Here's one ... serious now..

How could steel pillars melt at 1350 degrees (temperature of jet fuel .. kerosene based .. which airliners use) when steel melts at 2450 degrees? Ask them "how come your kerosene heaters don't melt all over your living room floor"?

Because that's exactly what the 3 towers did .. melted and free fall destruction .. at 1350 degrees.

And then tell them that people melt at 216 degrees F.


Steel has lost 50% of its strength at 60% of its melting temperature so when 40,500+ tons of the floors above impact point on the South Tower hit the floors below THAT was an impact load WAY above any design load for the floors to take its that SIMPLE!. Plenty of pictures on the net showing walls bowing outwards and inwards because of the stresses induced by the impact and fires also remember what else would burn in an office fire paper,carpets,computers etc etc. Not just the fuel!

Originally posted by SPreston
Question: Don't the bone fragments found atop the 40 story Deutsche Bank Building prove that the innocent victims and firemen were pulverized and blown there by explosions?

No ALL it actually proves is that people were pulvarised and bone fragments landed on they roof it does not PROVE explosives are involved.
Bone fragment like the dust etc were blown out by the change in air pressure as the buildings collapsed.
I mean we have still to be shown how the EXPLOSIVES were planted and
why none went off when the planes hit or when the fires were at there highest?

[edit on 1-12-2008 by wmd_2008]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:26 AM
My fav is the fact that all 3 wtc buildings are the only 3 steel buildings in recorded history to "implode" on themselves. Despite their individual damage characteristics.

[edit on 1-12-2008 by foremanator]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by foremanator

Would you please tell me where you got that MOST STUPID FACT I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!!

The design of the structure determains how it falls in, not the material its made of (it has influencing factors thou)

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by wmd_2008

still does not explain 110 story building collapsing in around 10 seconds.. anyone who thinks this was a natural free fall is insane.. There was no resistance to the collapse.. the ONLY way to do this is by blowing up where there should have been RESISTANCE..

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Marlborough Red

How about throwing these two points into the debate? 1) How can you fly a jet airliner into a tower at high speed, and with pin point accuracy, when you have only had a small handful of hours learning to fly small propeller planes? (a bit like asking a learner driver to drive an articulated truck around a car park without hitting anything).
2) How come members of the Bin Laden family were whisked out of the country by air within hours, without being questioned by the authorities, and during the time when all civillian and private air traffic were grounded due to 'security reasons'.
These two questions alone have kept me from believing the government version of events.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Marlborough Red

How about throwing these two points into the debate? 1) How can you fly a jet airliner into a tower at high speed, and with pin point accuracy, when you have only had a small handful of hours learning to fly small propeller planes? (a bit like asking a learner driver to drive an articulated truck around a car park without hitting anything).
2) How come members of the Bin Laden family were whisked out of the country by air within hours, without being questioned by the authorities, and during the time when all civillian and private air traffic were grounded due to 'security reasons'.
These two questions alone have kept me from believing the government version of events.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by MaNaeSWolf
reply to post by foremanator

Would you please tell me where you got that MOST STUPID FACT I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!!

The design of the structure determains how it falls in, not the material its made of (it has influencing factors thou)

Here you go MaNaeSWolf
If you would like me to teach you how to use a search engine I would be happy to.
And by the way you loose any class you have when all you do is make short rude comments that does not actually address any of the questions at hand
"Despite no steel-framed building ever collapsing due to fire in recorded history"
And what because you are an Architect that qualifies you to be a structural engineer? Go design me a kitchen or someething

[edit on 1-12-2008 by foremanator]

[edit on 1-12-2008 by foremanator]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by MaNaeSWolf
reply to post by foremanator

Would you please tell me where you got that MOST STUPID FACT I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!!

The design of the structure determains how it falls in, not the material its made of (it has influencing factors thou)

Here why don't you read what the professionals have to say about it

"I would like to thank Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth for presenting the scientific facts behind the unprecedented destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7. AE911Truth presents solid research that contradicts the official story of the building's destruction with the overwhelming evidence of explosive controlled demolition."

[edit on 1-12-2008 by foremanator]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Rapid onset of “collapse”

Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a full second prior to collapse

Symmetrical “collapse” – through the path of greatest resistance – at free-fall speed

“Collapses” into its own footprint – with the steel skeleton broken up for shipment

Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds

Tons of molten metal found by CDI (Demolition Contractor).

Chemical signature of Thermite (high tech incendiary) found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples by physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.

FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples

Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional

Fore-knowledge of “collapse” by media, NYPD, FDNY

And exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire, i.e.

Slow onset with large visible deformations

Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, to the side most damaged by the fires)

Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel

High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have never “collapsed”.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox

Originally posted by truthwillneverberevealed
heres some,

1. why did the towers fall at nearly free fall speed?

What speed SHOULD they have fallen?

via the 9/11 commission's "pancake collapse", the top few floors that fell onto lower floors should have encountered resistance and thus slowed the building's fall by at least a few seconds. (I'm not an expert, I'm just quoting

2. why were several thousand pound steel beams launched up to 600 feet away from the two towers?


yes, launched. watch the videos of the collapse. you can clearly see HUGE chunks of steel beams being "launched" and horizontally (if not upwardly) jettisoned from the building.

3. why did the towers almost fall exactly into their foot print?

I believe WTC 1 &2 both had 80% collapse outside its footprint.

you have it backwards, it was 80% in 20% out

4. why was their molten metal found after the buildings collapsed?

Because it was hot? There was no examination of the molten material that was witnessed in the rubble.

there was no examination of it because there was no need in my mind. you are right about it being hot. however, it shouldn't have been THAT hot. steel doesn't melt until 2777ºF, jet-fuel (kerosene based) burns at 1500ºF. I'll give the commission that steel "weakens" at half the melting temp. Even with that, there is still NO cause for the molten metal pouring out of one of the corners of the wtc before collapse. also it does not account for it looking " you were in a foundry.." (NYFD)

5. why have the black box recordings not been released?

There are two black boxes. The FDR's were released. The CVR for flight 93 was played for the victims families.

yet they were not allowed to listen to the last 3 minutes and were told to never speak of what they heard.

6. why have all of the pentagon videos not been released?

Anything of relevance has been released. There are not any video's that show the impact.

A horde of people have been screaming for the other 70 or so videos that "could" have shown the explosion. If they don't show anything, what's the harm of publishing them?

7. why did george bushs brother shut down all the electronic security and remove bomb sniffing dogs from the towers premises 2 weeks before 9/11?

Simple, he didn't. Marvin Bush was not involved in the day to day operations pertaining to security at the WTC. Electronic security was not shut down . The only dogs that were removed were EXTRA ones that were brought in due to bomb threats. Google "SIRIUS" he was a dog that was killed on 911.

He was in the company that secured the buildings, he may not have been involved in the day to day goings on with the WTC. however, he was supposed to be on the 105th floor that day in a conference. his group was moved with "our group is too large" cited as a reason. there was a power down for 36 hours from floor 50 up in WTC 2 (south)
article and sources

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by MaNaeSWolf
reply to post by foremanator

Would you please tell me where you got that MOST STUPID FACT I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!!

The design of the structure determains how it falls in, not the material its made of (it has influencing factors thou)

you are wrong yourself sir. the design of the building doesn't determine how it falls. the damage done to it does. the design of buildings take into effect natural causes of damage due to there location. EX: buildings in san francisco are built to withstand earthquakes. not very many buildings were designed with plane impacts in mind. however, the twin towers were. the architects knew about the bomber that flew into the empire state building in 1945. it killed 14 people and caused $1 million worth of damage.
the designers said "it could probably withstand multiple impacts at once"

as for Foremanator's comment, i think he meant that they were the only 3 buildings ever to fall as a result of a fire. Google it. it's a fact.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

The reason is it did not collapse in 10 secs PROVE IT! Thats another urban myth Explain this (look at videos) why is debris that shoots out of the sides of the building falling quicker than the building if its falling at freefall speeds.
You also cant see when the building has stopped falling because you cant see for DUST!

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 12:58 PM
Here is a couple i have.

How does a carbon fiber nose cone go completely through a building and pop out the other side? I know someone can explain this. Oh and that light pole that hit the wing of a plane going 400 mph just fell over? When I was stationed at Travis AFB we had a C-141 hit a light pole and it burned it to the ground and they were taxing to parking (5-10 mph).

Why won't GB and Dick testify under oath, and not separated?

Not related to to 9/11 but why do we spend double the rest of the entire world on security and defense and .99 cent box cutters took down the mighty USA? I can tell you as a grown man if you came at me with a box cutter (have you seen one) and it was my life or 1/4" deep cut (they cut open boxes without cutting the item inside) box cutter would not slow me down in the least. But i guess all the men on these planes were put at bay by that terrible weapon. Well now that I think about it Saudi men are very intimidating.

I think if you look at like a good consumer, you will realize that billions of dollars were involved. Many companies have done very well off Homeland Security. We have spent billions fighting terrorists. At that time our economy was headed where we are going now but literally trillions were made along the route. You want to see what happens when you get people scared. You watch what happens in India over the next few months and years. It will be a classic example of you better spend billions buying tazers and guns and stuff. There are domestic terrorists, homegrown terrorists, international terrorists, pirates (OG Terrorists). Anyway you get the point, there was a lot of money made from 9/11, and it changed our thinking as a nation overnight. It used to be the cold war, then it was Saddam, we needed a new bad guy and now you have one, one that will keep the cash drawer open with very simple attacks. That old saying about if it looks like *SNIP*, smells like it, then it is. It still holds true here, greed rules the day. At this point even if they could prove that GB lit the fuse we would fight about CGI and blah, blah, blah. Who ever did it, the damage has been done, we now are scared to death of terrorists and it take you 2 hours to get to a flight with 40 bag checkers trying to look busy. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were created from 9/11. HMS has a budget of almost 200 billion, prior to 9/11 there wasn't even a HMS. It is all about jobs and spending.

Mod edit: Removed profanity.

[edit on 12/6/2008 by Hal9000]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 02:19 PM
Everyone feeling safer no that the war on terror has taken the fight to the enemy? Don't get too comfortable. What's to stop 12 more guys with box cutters from simultaneously hijacking 4 planes with no intervention from the USAF or or any security for that matter. Ever try flying a Cessna near the White House or in any proximity of the Pentagon? Do it and see what happens to you? Ah, you can do it though. Just pick a day when the vice president has control of Norad and the military and you can march right in. It baffles the brain how bull baffles the MTV/ Fox generation. Damn, the next thing they will be telling us is there is no wreckage from 2 of the crash sites.......

oh? they did already? hmmmm... good thing we attacked those Iraqi killers then huh? First time for everything? Lovely Matrix!

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