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UFO Disclosure Has Already Happened!

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posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Im trying to voice my opinion about UFO disclosure. I believe that even if the president got on tv and announced the situation of UFOs being real it will still be swept away to the subconscious of peoples' minds. I believe that disclosure has already happened. Since the Disclosure Project by Dr. Steven Greer there has not been a harder hit of testimony to the subject. Astronauts, doctors, scientists, generals, engineers, professors, your moms!! Who else does the public need to tell you that UFOs are real and they are here. Why is the mainstream media still debating this issue and asking the question if they are real or not? Who here can not see the obvious? If you ask any regular person on the street about UFOs they will tell you what they look like, about area 51, greys, abductions, crop circles, etc. Would that have happened 15 years ago?

This brings us to the real problem. As long as media is being controlled by who ever or what ever, the general public will never realize the truth of the matter. Every wich way it is brought up on your television or newspaper it is suppressed and lied about. Disclosure has already happened but has been swept under the rug by the news giants. Until we get these people to fess up to the facts it wont matter if the pope tells you they are here (wich i believe already happened). The general public can't get the soap off their brains that have been washed on by our new gods, the mainstream news.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by saucertube]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by saucertube

Of course Unidentified Flying Objects are real. They just usually turn out to be birds, insects, meteors, or even the moon in some cases.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 12:52 AM
if aliens are manipulating this planet and harvesting humans there are only a couple of alternatives.

1. they haven't found a better way to produce whatever energy source they're getting from humans.

this is very unlikely. in the event that an intelligent race of aliens either inhabitd this planet long ago or came from elsewhere; it would seem very likely that there are multitudes of other species out there. energy sources would abound for all advanced civilizations. so much so that that requirement must be fullfilled entirely to traverse deep space. what are the chances that humans are required in this process so much that all of this time and energy are spent keeping us dumb about the whole process?

2. we're POWs in a war and we're just being tortured.

fine, deal with it. at least you'd know that your families somewhere else are doing ok and are probably a lot better off than you.

3. psychopaths rule the universe.

grape coolade anyone?

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 12:54 AM
I agree with you totaly and what killed off The Disclosure Project was lack of media spread internationaly and 9/11.

Also Greer went off the rails later with wild claims and bogus video and ended up trying to start a cult of sorts, its funny that happened because he was a down to earth guy.

Makse you wonder if someone got to him?.

As for most of the public realising what going on regarding a disclosure most are still narrow minded and afraid of something out of the norm/box.

Star and Flagged

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Mozzy

could be harvesting DNA?? whats with the hybrids I keep hearing about...

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 06:15 AM
Disclose what exactly? There is nothing to disclose. No shred of evidence of aliens exists. Grainy pictures, film footage of moving lights, fake autopsies etc. is all we have.

If aliens are here or have been here there can be no such thing as a government cover up - it would be impossible to do so. Far too many people involved to keep quiet. The only people who do 'come out' are pure lunatics with made up medical titles, clearly after making a quick buck from the gullible.

I want to believe. Sure there must be life in the universe apart from that on earth but as for disclosure? I'd be very, very surprised to see it.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 08:02 AM
Of course there are flying objects that have not been identified. To think that they are piloted or have anything to do with aliens from another planet is ludicrous. Wake up people, there are no other life forms flying around in space, just deal with it.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by vonspurter
Disclose what exactly? There is nothing to disclose. No shred of evidence of aliens exists. Grainy pictures, film footage of moving lights, fake autopsies etc. is all we have.

If aliens are here or have been here there can be no such thing as a government cover up - it would be impossible to do so. Far too many people involved to keep quiet. The only people who do 'come out' are pure lunatics with made up medical titles, clearly after making a quick buck from the gullible.

I want to believe. Sure there must be life in the universe apart from that on earth but as for disclosure? I'd be very, very surprised to see it.

This post is a classic example of why there will always be questions and doubts; you are making a definitive statement without any proof to support your case, other than your opinions;

impossible to cover up/ too many people would be involved? ever heard of the 'Manhattan project?' And perhaps you could tell us exactly how much info is available about Area 51 and the details of an average day there?

it never ceases to amaze me that so many people refuse to accept anything that is not in line with what they have been taught(programmed) to accept; and I daresay that you have never seen or experienced anything for yourself.

you are getting warm. Dis-info is the issue, and when agencies admit they use events like Roswell to cover up other activities under the blanket of national security then give us a little piece of cheese " oh, it was project such and such" how are we to decide that this isn't additional cover and camoflauge to further muddy the waters?

Good post.


posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 08:26 AM
Euh, the human DNA is hardly interesting. It's a avarage DNA mixture and even the little bit of DNA that was added on purpose by the Retro virusses was hardly worth anything in the universe. As someone else stated, there is hardly any reason for an alien culture to harvest human DNA. Humanity is not special, earth is not special and disclosure is not really that important. The governments on earth are not powerfull enough to prevent anything like disclosure from the existance of aliens, the aliens can do that all by themselves thank you.

Meh just like believing the internet has only 13 root servers, ha the fantasy in programming you count from zero and not from one. But then again, perhaps I should not tell the good ol' US of A top sercrets like here. Weak minded morons that are easy to read make that a challange thou.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by vonspurter

This is where media gets hold of you, making you believe there is no evidence. There is loads of evidence for the fact that we are being visited and have been visited for a long time. Do some research on these subjects and you will find more than enough evidence.

-alien implants
-abductee missing fetus
-crop circles
-UFO trace evidence
-starchild skull
-ancient sumarians
-the pyramids (still not explained)

You dont only have ufo videos to go by. There are people studying the subject scientifically and coming up with unexplainable findings that could only come from other worlds or from far more advanced technology than we have today.
To the case of people saying you can not cover up some thing this big, you are right. Thats why it is all out in the open. Its not covered up or else you would have nothing to talk about on this forum. It is covered to the extent that it is not all over the news everyday and that is about as far as it goes. People who see these things are blabbing all over the place, you just have to listen.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 03:27 PM
OK, normally I wouldn't pull up a thread like this after it's started getting buried, but I think there's an important thing to note here.

Saucertube - The problem with disclosure is that until you SEE a UFO for yourself, or do the research, the topic is regard with humor. This you probably already know, but what you don't seem to realize is that using the word UFO and meaning aliens is what makes it so hard to open eyes. Whoever is hiding it either worked hard at making these two words go together, or got lucky, because when people think aliens and UFOs, they see little green men from mars. So please, a request to all people, use the term UFO sparingly and literally, and if you mean aliens, say aliens, not UFOs.

Message to take home - UFOs /= aliens

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by saucertube
Im trying to voice my opinion about UFO disclosure. I believe that even if the president got on tv and announced the situation of UFOs being real it will still be swept away to the subconscious of peoples' minds. I believe that disclosure has already happened. Since the Disclosure Project by Dr. Steven Greer there has not been a harder hit of testimony to the subject. Astronauts, doctors, scientists, generals, engineers, professors, your moms!! Who else does the public need to tell you that UFOs are real and they are here. Why is the mainstream media still debating this issue and asking the question if they are real or not? Who here can not see the obvious? If you ask any regular person on the street about UFOs they will tell you what they look like, about area 51, greys, abductions, crop circles, etc. Would that have happened 15 years ago?

This brings us to the real problem. As long as media is being controlled by who ever or what ever, the general public will never realize the truth of the matter. Every wich way it is brought up on your television or newspaper it is suppressed and lied about. Disclosure has already happened but has been swept under the rug by the news giants. Until we get these people to fess up to the facts it wont matter if the pope tells you they are here (wich i believe already happened). The general public can't get the soap off their brains that have been washed on by our new gods, the mainstream news.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by saucertube]

This is tripe. Oure and utter bunk. There is no "magical force" causing UFO information t retreat to the sub conscious. IF the ufo cover up stories were truel, and IF the President went on TV and said yes, UFOs are real, there are aliens on Earth, they adbuct people, etc, the reaction would be massive and world wide. there is no "sweeping to the sub coscious" all you do is state some line of nonsense such as that and you dont even give an idea for a mechanism by which such could occur anyhow. It is pure occultic BS.

As far was what killed the Disclosure Project you can thank Greer himself for tis, the charlatan fraudster. e rlies on fantasic and unporvable claims, and lying. There have even been witnesses who were ngeredin the way that Greer presented their testimony and sub sequently requested removal from the project. Furthermore, for Greer, ET has become like a religion - he has this pre concieved notion of what Aliens should be like and makes up stories to fit this. Case in point, as I have aid many times before,
I emailed disclosure project asking a couple questions.
1. Due to the fact that disclosure project also tries pushing the political agenda of no weapons in space, I asked isnt that kind of foolish? Afterall if their are aliens, then inevitabl some of them might be quite hostile.
2. The disclosure project often paints these alleged extra terrestrial vistors as friendly beevolent etc what have you. So what about alien abductions?

to #1 I was told that there is a council that rules the ENTIRE UNIVERSE and would forbid any species who was war like from obtaining interstellar travel.

#2. I was told that abductions were carried out by the US military dressed as aliens in super advanced secret military aircraft.

both of which claims are bunk.
#1 should be quite obvious, as it would be impossible for anyone to rule the entirety of the universe.

#2 is foolish as well for obvious reasons. 1. no proof of such 2.
there would be logistical problems. 3. Does the military have a recruiting drive for midgets? as in these abduction claims, alot of these alleged aliens are reportedly between 3 and 5 feet tall. call to all midgets: Uncle Sam wants YOU. Not to mention the alleged capbilities of the alleged space craft reported in these reports.

If you want to know what killed the disclosure project you need not look anyfarther then greer himself.

Just recently there was a thread here reporting on Greer claiming to have "vectored" in the phoenix lights. and you wonder why no one takes the discosure project seriously? you had a press conference where people got up stated their name and that they would testify under oath. Then nothing. It was all lightsand whistles no substance and is just another act in this big circus show that the UFO phenomenon has become.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by NavalFC

While I'll go ahead and state, for the record, that I believe quite firmly that Advanced Extraterrestrial species have been actively engaging humanity for quite some time, I have no choice to agree with you wholeheartedly.
Greer is a head-case. It pisses me off really. I had actual hopes for the "disclosure project", but in the end it has become a tool to keep whatever truth there may be locked up tight.

The guy starts his project by appearing to be completely legit and then somewhere along the line punches his ticket for the short bus. I wouldn't go so far as to say the entire project is bunk. There were a WHOLE BUNCH of seemingly credible people involved in that project, but he did a great disservice by making them all look foolish.
I personally think the man is a disinfo agent, but that's just my opinion. Whether he started off that way or was turned that way is another story, but yeah, he did UFOlogy a great disservice.

As for the topic of the thread: Discolsure hasn't happened yet. Sure, people are all over the place talking about it, but disclosure is defined, at least in my eyes, as Official Government Release of all Pertinent Information... Other Governments around the world are more open (see Interno's kick-butt thread about the Italy case here but I don't mean to sound arrogant when I say that it isn't official until the American Government says so.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 04:50 PM
Really it already happened? I must of missed the press conference.

In all reality though... If these are alien spacecrafts, the government doesn't have the slightest clue where they came from. They can't communicate with an alien. All we MIGHT know is anything from an autopsy and the reverse engineering of the craft. Orbs are a completely other subject and I believe they completely clueless about those.

I believe the government only knows about 5% of whats really going on.

And if this is soviet technology, which is very slim. Then we know all we need to know.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:06 PM
I seem to be missing a chunk of the disclosure project. what happened to steven greer that all of you are so disgusted about? Also i am not aiming that greer did the full disclosure or was a success. Greer did on the other hand have, like Jay-in-AR said, seemingly credible witnesses. I more of arguing that disclosure has pushed and pushed and i believe has gotten its foot out the door only to be slammed shut by the media.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:27 PM
Well, I don't think that the media focuses on some of the stuff that they should, and I don't want to go through an entire list of things they COULD focus on that would help push general attitude towards accepting the possibility, for there are a bunch of cases they could work on, but they have gotten a lot better of late.
Noticeably better, in fact.
I still think you DO need the President of the United States to give a press conference, during Prime-Time TV hours stating as much...
I think the press conference should coincide and override Monday Night Football. (sorry football fans)...
If that were to happen, people would crap a brick.

Of course, I would hope that the President wouldn't use the opportunity to incite fear.
Something like this will never happen unless it would be disclosed in a manner that wouldn't destroy society. Telling people that ET could be hostile would rock us back to the dark ages and quick.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by saucertube
I seem to be missing a chunk of the disclosure project. what happened to steven greer that all of you are so disgusted about? Also i am not aiming that greer did the full disclosure or was a success. Greer did on the other hand have, like Jay-in-AR said, seemingly credible witnesses. I more of arguing that disclosure has pushed and pushed and i believe has gotten its foot out the door only to be slammed shut by the media.

On (I believe it was the ATS radio show) he said he had full contact with aliens. He met them on a mountain top through mediation. I believe he also said he flew around with them, I can't remember that part, dont hold it against me. But he said when he got done meeting with them, he walked down the mountain top, walking OVER THE TREES. HE WALKED OVER THE TREES?? Can someone post a link to that radio show?

[edit on 30-11-2008 by weknowyouknow]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:38 PM
I been having for a long time now a feeling that Greer is pretty far, in terms of personality, the same person now as he was in the year 2001 when he did the pressconference.

So I have a feeling the he "had to change" and start to lie about this issue instead of sticking to the facts he had. Just so his own work would be rediculed as we all are doin here now. Threaten in some way? Perhaps. Who knows...and....who cares.

Greer is NOT the disclosure himself. He can be a fraud for all I care, those I DO believe, however, are the Witnesses he had at his disposal.

So, let's put Mr. Greer aside and think about the testimonials. They seem, to me, to be just as legit, no matter what Greer have said or done.

Personally I doubt that the disclosure will come from our governments.

It doesn't matter if you show videos with Alien crafts in it and the Military says "These are real", or that the Presidents and all the other high positioned men say they are real....
You will ALWAYS have people that doubt they exist.
Therefore, to me, the only proper disclosure is when they make themselves visable for everyone around the world in our skies. ( Kinda like Independence day ).

People will prolly doubt even then and claim it to be chinease lanterns..=P

[edit on 30-11-2008 by Akezzon]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
Well, I don't think that the media focuses on some of the stuff that they should, and I don't want to go through an entire list of things they COULD focus on that would help push general attitude towards accepting the possibility, for there are a bunch of cases they could work on, but they have gotten a lot better of late.
Noticeably better, in fact.
I still think you DO need the President of the United States to give a press conference, during Prime-Time TV hours stating as much...
I think the press conference should coincide and override Monday Night Football. (sorry football fans)...
If that were to happen, people would crap a brick.

Of course, I would hope that the President wouldn't use the opportunity to incite fear.
Something like this will never happen unless it would be disclosed in a manner that wouldn't destroy society. Telling people that ET could be hostile would rock us back to the dark ages and quick.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

If the UFO cover up stories are true, which I tend to be skeptial of, and disclosure does happen, The President will not have to try and incite fear. It will be automatic. Do you realize the gravity of what disclosure entails? You are basiclly telling the world yes aliens are here, yes they fly around our skies with impunity abducting people and doing medical experiments, and there isnt a thing we can do to stop them. You dont think that in and of itself might cause some fear?

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 06:10 PM
I do not believe there is anything for the government to disclose except more sightings, and such. I am still on the fence about recovered crashed ET craft. I tend not to believe it. I have read a lot about the Military and civillian pilots chasing UFO's over the years so I believe there are intelligently controlled vehicles of some sort. In order for full Disclosure to happen, one would have to prove with physical evidence, such as a crashed saucer, or an alien. After all the debunked stories from people over the years I really have doubts about absolute proof from anyone.

I could be wrong though.

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