posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 06:26 PM
Dude I am in a similar situation she wanted a divorce for same reason,we sold home divided property ,now she has gone thru about 170k in about 2
yrs,and now and now she needs a place to stay an as an idiot ,shes nested,so I'm thinking of moving out of state to see if that get rid of her,but
honestly she has pretty much told you it's over,so by having her hang around all you'll do is scare of potential ladys,believe me sure has me,there
comes a time when you have to think of your own well being,and this would be one of them,so keep her as a friend at a distance,she closed door and
time for you to close yours,I was married 25 yrs ,been divorced 2 yrs now,I know what it feels like getting divorced you feel like a failure,but of
well life goes on,be cool