reply to post by schrodingers dog
First, I would like to thank you Schrodingers dog for sharing this with us as I personally would have never opened a flash file for fear of the
implications to my computer that could be associated with that. Well done and thank you.
There is a lot of interesting stuff here and it will probably take me days if not weeks to decipher and verify most of it. I would like to throw one
suggestion to the op. Spell check, you lose a lot of credibility when you have this many misspelled words in any kind of writing especially when you
are trying to convince people of your ideas. Every writing program I know of has it, it is free and quite easy to use. I am absolutely certain that if
you have the intellect to come up with some of these ideas, you have the necessary intellect to use a spell checker program of some sort. I can
certainly understand that spelling has no bearing on intelligence as I myself have a documented IQ of 154 and I cannot spell very well either (the
English language is definitely not a very logically spelled language); however, that does not change perception. When dealing with humans (in case you
are not) you must understand that perception is in fact reality in our world.
Of what I am able to decipher at this point I would tend to agree with most of it; but, you only seem to be offering a problem and not much of a
solution. On top of that, you are most definitely addressing the wrong crowd. Nearly everyone here already understands the corrupt nature of our
government, we know they have been infiltrated by those not having a vested interest in America or Americans. All of the history you speak of
regarding the USA is common knowledge here. We all know about the Bush family and their involvement with the Nazis; furthermore, some of the most
important information regarding the family, you fail to mention completely. None the less, this is information that you need to transmit to the
general public and good luck there. Myself and most likely 90% of the members here have tried and tried to open people's eyes to what is happening by
using language and data they can easily understand to no avail. I would suggest that after fixing your spelling and grammar that you tone down your
rhetoric to a level that is easily understandable by the average person, otherwise, they will stop reading before they get to the second paragraph.
I would like to thank you for providing references as this makes my own research into your ideas much easier and able to bear fruit more quickly. This
was a very interesting post and I do appreciate your posting it here and will examine the information you provided to the best of my abilities.
I also do not post much here although I have been a very active member for almost 4 years. Mainly I read what others have to say and if there is an
intelligent response I can make, I will offer it. The lack of space you get unless you post 20 posts a day is kind of ridiculous; however, I do not
own the site and thus I am not afforded the opportunity to make the rules; therefore, I read mostly and respond rarely.
Again I would like to thank Schorodingers dog for making this available to us as well as thanking you for taking the time to post this in flash,
although myself and most members here would have never opened it, I do still appreciate the effort you put into it.
Edited for grammatical errors.
[edit on 11/30/2008 by DarrylGalasso]