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OK, so UFO's are what?

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posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 07:18 PM
"The most commonly reported "alien" is not shaped like a beetle or blob of good, or a clump of crystals. They look a lot like people. "

Perhaps they are humanoid for good reasons. Our natural upright stance got us out of the trees and into superior defensive structures such as caves. We can't run as fast as a cheetah but at least we're faster than a clump of crystals. Our small size and large brain forces us to eat meat, meat contains plenty of proteins which is required to keep us mentally sharp. Our hands allow us the ability to create weapons that are as deadly as any fang or claw.

I think most aliens that have been reported look humanoid for very good reasons.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Badge01

3. The Fermi paradox. It only would take a million years to colonize an expanse the size of our Galaxy. They're not on every planet yet, and Billions of years have passed.

How was it determined that it'd only take a million years to colonize our entire galaxy? Last I heard there were 400 billion stars in our galaxy, you're telling me it'd only take a million years to colonize 400 billion star systems? I don't think so.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by Leto]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 07:39 PM
This is a great question. Who cares about UFOs, I wanna know whos driving them!!

They could be any of the aboved mentioned. I simply dont know.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Badge01
4. Cross-contamination by micro-organisms is a REAL, valid and compelling consideration. H.G. Wells was right.

To summarize:
4. No visits in person by biological-entities due to contamination risk.

H.G. Wells' story is interesting but short-sighted. His War Of The Worlds was written in 1898, the same year the 'space suit' concept was imagined by Garrett Serviss. Had H.G. Well's heard about Serviss' 'space suit' concept, he would not have written his incredibly short-sighted ending to War Of The Worlds the way he did.

With a space suit and decontamination procedures, there's no need to worry about biological contamination.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Leto

Hi Leto, I truly look forward to your participation in PART TWO, where we will actually discuss and debate the findings of PART ONE. I definitely recognize your passion for this subject and do appreciate your thoughts.

The purpose of this first thread (PART ONE) is to record the general consensus
of this forums readers, members and moderators. It will be a truly daunting task to sift back through these posts and tally all the results if we debate every members comments.

We will need your help on PART TWO!!! Thank you for your contributions on this thread .. I mean that sincerely.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Alter-Ego

OK. Our curiosity may have stumbled upon a natural Cosmic system of transportation and through that UFOs appear and disappear for brief moments while passing through to different worlds and different realities. A system as old as the very first civilization in the universe that might had initiated space travel. The system might be shaped through the physical characteristics of every world it includes and it is included within, as nature changes and star systems evolve and planets maturing, suns born and die, cosmic bodies change orbits or get destroyed, so this system evolves and changes and shifts, and might be creating new links and or destroying old as everything changes along with it.
Where are the fairies and dwarfs and demons and strange creatures, all that realms that our older generations believed in their existence? Are we wiser, or hallucinating less? Probably no. Probably some other "pathways" closed and maybe some other pathways appeared.
UFOs maybe craft from other civilizations in space among other things. This idea can make sense. Their behavior and look is what it appear to us to be puzzling.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by spacebot]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Alter-Ego
Awesome responses everyone. PART ONE will be up for one week. I would like to give everyone that wishes, time to enter an opinion, then I will set to the task of documenting the results and then publishing them in PART TWO, so remember ..try to keep your replies short on this thread, the real debate will commence in PART TWO through FOUR! I applaud you all for your time and efforts!

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by Alter-Ego

OK, so UFO's are what?

Did I miss something or what?
Every UFO info posted on this forum for as long as can remember is
Fake, Intentionally Deceptive, or has a earthy explanation.

Show me a "Non Fuzzy","Non Shakey" photo
or video, Footprint, Fingernail,
Toenail, Teeth or any peice of UFO material. You can't because the "secret"
government agencies have them all, Proof that they therefore exists.

Yes, my friend.. you have indeed "missed something" if you do not know that UFO's are in fact a reality. So, by reading this thread you should be brought up to speed.

I will not DEVOLVE to prove a point. This thread is not here to convince you or anyone else..thats old news. I (and MANY others) have personally witnessed craft or objects that clearly are not "conventional". To be honest I am amazed that there are still people that dispute the fact of UFO's
exist! You are now the minority, but its ok.. we will NOT call you crazy!

The very term UFO has been convoluted to the point that it is almost synonymous with ALIEN..which at this point is not proven. That is the purpose of this thread... to figure out WHAT UFO's are or represent.
Feel free to join us as we search for answers in this mystery.. you might just be amazed at what you discover!

[edit on 30-11-2008 by Alter-Ego]

Show me the Money.....

Show me anything that points to physical evidence of Alien origin.

I do believe in Inteligent life outside our own bioshere, but visiting here
I'm afraid that's just wishful thinking.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Leto

That's an interesting bit of history! Nice.

Uh, but I might be able to dispute that.

Did you know they found Streptococcus on the Moon lander:

During the Apollo 12 moon landing, astronauts recovered a lunar lander that had been sent to the moon years earlier. Upon examination back on Earth, scientists found bacteria on the lander that were still alive after years of exposure to the vacuum of the Moon’s atmosphere! As Pete Conrad, one of the astronauts on the mission, put it so eloquently, “I always thought the most significant thing we found on the moon was that little bacteria who came back and lived and nobody ever said [anything] about it”. The search for extreme life on Earth has revealed the existence of organisms that can survive a remarkable variety of hostile circumstances. Life, it seems, is tough.

Now, those things are stringently sterilized when they are launched.

So, if plain Earth Bacteria is that hardy and that hard to remove, imagine how some kind of super-alien micro-organism might thrive.

In addition, I'm sure you're aware that 'sterilization' is rarely 100% complete removal of all bacteria and spores.

In fact, I've theorized this scenario as one of the methods by which budding space-faring civilizations become suddenly and prematurely extinct.

They find a planet that is inhabited by lower forms, but their Xeno-Biologist flubs up and a bit of contamination remains on the outside of their LEM, and is taken back to their home planet, where, uncontested, it multiplies geometrically, as micro-organisms do, wiping out all life on their home. (a similar scenario would exist if the newbie space-faring civ failed to realize there was life on a planet they thought barren, so they didn't sterilize before lift-off to return).

(similar plots are found in the Species 2 movie and others).

So, yes, contamination is never 100% and Chaos Theory works its charm.

[edit on 11/30/2008 by Badge01]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:20 PM
I think this post asks some good question.

There's mountains of evidence to support these things. I think people deny these things because it fits a belief they may already hold.

If a physicist has theories about what occured before the big bang he/she is a genius but let a physicist or anyone talk about extraterrestrials, u.f.o.'s or paranormal events and they are just practicing wishful thinking. There's more evidence for u.f.o.'s than there is for many of these theories that precede the big bang.

For the longest time science didn't want to admit the universe had a beginning because it sounded too much like religion.

So, it's all relative and you often hear skeptics talk about the "natural explanation."

That's purely subjective.

So if they see a u.f.o. in a video it's a weather balloon and that's good enough because it fits their idea of a "natural explanation." Even though there's no evidence that a weather balloon can do what the u.f.o. did in the video.

I can say that an extraterrestrial is the "natural explanation" because they evolved and life finds a way and we are finding water in our own backyard on other planets so they wouldn't have to travel millions of miles to get here if they evolved in our own backyard.

I don't see any other logical explanation for eyewitness accounts, abduction cases, trace evidence, video, pictures and more.

Skeptics will say we can't apply logic to the evidence because we will be making a leap but that's why humans have the ability to reason.

No other explanation makes sense. It's either unexplained or extraterrestrial.

It's okay to make a leap of logic when it comes to parallel universes, string theory or quantum loop gravity but we can't make this leap for things within ufology and we have to keep these things unexplained until we find a "natural explanation" that fits the skeptics subjective view of a natural explanation.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:20 PM
25% of the sightings are top secret military(based on alien technology)
25% are hoaxes
25% are alien space craft
25% are mistaken identity.

that's just my humble opinion.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:46 PM
yes i belive that 2 of the 3 types of UFOs are real.

type 1 - naturaly occuring events that we misidentify or do not yet understand.

type 2 - military (Unconventional Flight Operations - eg flying wing now the b2 bomber) or scientific testing of some sort.

type 3 - hoaxes / alien visitors / 'flights of fancy'

i dont belive in type 3 UFOs due to lack of any compelling evidence - Occam's Razor.

i do belive that life exists on other planets, i just havent found / seen / been shown any credible evidence which stands up to any close scrutiny, that they are visiting our solar system let alone our planet.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Badge01

So, if plain Earth Bacteria is that hardy and that hard to remove, imagine how some kind of super-alien micro-organism might thrive.

In addition, I'm sure you're aware that 'sterilization' is rarely 100% complete removal of all bacteria and spores.

In fact, I've theorized this scenario as one of the methods by which budding space-faring civilizations become suddenly and prematurely extinct.

They find a planet that is inhabited by lower forms, but their Xeno-Biologist flubs up and a bit of contamination remains on the outside of their LEM, and is taken back to their home planet, where, uncontested, it multiplies geometrically, as micro-organisms do, wiping out all life on their home. (a similar scenario would exist if the newbie space-faring civ failed to realize there was life on a planet they thought barren, so they didn't sterilize before lift-off to return).

Bacteria or a virus wiping out all life in a planet? Highly unlikely, especially in a planet inhabited with sentient beings. As you say life is tough.

One of the scariest viruses we've ever known is HIV, and yet today it is estimated that only 33 million people have it, that's not even close to 1% of the total human population. We're not doing so bad considering we don't even have a cure for it.

As for decontamination procedures not removing all biological life, certainly it is feasible to come up with a superior method of decontamination. If there are alien races that can travel through solar systems, surely they have found ways to deal with tiny organisms.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by Leto]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Alter-Ego

how can anybody claim that they believe u.f.o's are real but offer a hoax as an explaination?

to come to the conclusion u.f.o's are real surely that must mean you believe they are not ALL hoaxes. if you believed they were all hoaxes then you would be unable to conclude they exsist.

so surely if your going to claim u.f.o's are real, hoaxes don't even come into it, they are simply discarded and not included with the video evidence.

anyhow, it's not very hard to conclude that something unknown is in the skies. its just knowing what they are. what now? we need serious research and monitoring of the skies, and also openess by those who conduct the research(no covering up data).

is'nt that what people are calling for now? by asking for disclousre? other than that all you can do is look yourself with a community of others(which is also already being done by other groups).

lots of strange things are witnessed and filmed. but all it ever proves is u.f.o's are real, something you already claim to know with the thread opener.

so there is only one option left to find out the truth or what they are. disclosure. video's and photo's of u.f.o's or aliens or anything else is'nt proof to many. and just because somebody misindentified a plane in certain cases dos'nt mean all cases are the same.

the only proof will be disclosure on what u.f.o's are. that is the next step. the step after that is being able to touch a u.f.o. and see it close up with your own eyes. but if your the type that believe all u.f.o sightings are explainable as something manmade that is an everyday normal item, then there are no more steps to take, unless at some point in the future your opinion changes.

so it all comes down to what you believe in the first place as to what the next step is.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by lifeform]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:45 PM
I posted this answer on another thread but it seems to apply to this one as well, so here it is:
Not that extraterrestrial beings and craft aren't real, but, if you consider terrestrial (man made) origins and theories like PROJECT BLUE BEAM, which are based on real technologies, abilities, agendas, and such, then the "why" becomes obvious (as media are PR machines by nature). [The question I answered was why I thout CNN seems to be becoming the UFO channel see the thread.] For more on PROJECT BLUE BEAM, GOOGLE the term, or visit:
the above thread for links.
Or read articles like COSMIC DECEPTION: LET THE CITIZEN BEWARE by Dr. Steven Greer @ which says

Since 1992 I have seen this script unveiled to me by at least a dozen well-placed insiders. Of course, initially I laughed, thinking this just too absurd and far-fetched. Dr. Rosin gave her testimony to the Disclosure Project before 9/11. And yet others told me explicitly that things that looked like UFOs but that are built and under the control of deeply secretive 'black' projects, were being used to simulate - hoax - ET-appearing events, including some abductions and cattle mutilations, to sow the early seeds of cultural fear regarding life in outer space. And that at some point after global terrorism, events would unfold that would utilize the now-revealed Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs, or reversed-engineered UFOs made by humans by studying actual ET craft - see the book "Disclosure" by the same author) to hoax an attack on Earth.

Basically a hoaxed "alien" war would lead to global nuclear disarmament and eventual Global World Order or a New World Order. Therefore the news is necessary to make the world believe these fabricated craft are aliens and that they are bent on our destruction. If that were true, I wouldn't doubt they'd insert believers and debunkers intentionally towards that end on sites just like ATS to propogate such ideas to "ready" the world. So Posters and readers of ATS and the like Beware (:lol

[edit on 30-11-2008 by PhyberDragon]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:56 PM
its kind of like ghosts. It was really seen b4 enough that it is still one of the most popular inspirations for stories and so much evidence proving its possible and even true that it just HAS to be real in some way.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by PhyberDragon

Basically a hoaxed "alien" war would lead to global nuclear disarmament and eventual Global World Order or a New World Order. Therefore the news is necessary to make the world believe these fabricated craft are aliens and that they are bent on our destruction. If that were true, I wouldn't doubt they'd insert believers and debunkers intentionally towards that end on sites just like ATS to propogate such ideas to "ready" the world. So Posters and readers of ATS and the like Beware (:lol

[edit on 30-11-2008 by PhyberDragon]

i don't doubt that scenerio being possibly true. but i don't think people believe because the news people say it's ok to believe in it.

people believe because of what they have witnessed with their own two eyes. they may well be seeing these black op in action, but all ican say from my own experience is that is some awesome technology they have there if that is the case.

i hope people do not ignore the possibility of both scenerios being true at the same time. ie: alien reversed tech, that they then use and keep covered up for their own personnal agenda.

therefore meaning both scenerios would be true at the same time.
they would just blame 'aliens' to divert away from the fact they have the capabilities to. but it's all just speculation or somebody's word for it.
and anybody can be planted to give false information, not just people on ATS, it would include your sources to your information to. or anybody's.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by lifeform]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by PhyberDragon

As a side note to potential man made craft is the 1942 and later research (catalogued in the Library of Congress website- good luck finding it I haven't seen it since I last used a "thomas link" back door to the site in 2001, they shut down and reconstructeded the site by the next day)
But apparently Iridium 115 completes the atomic table of elements somehow. While it is rare on earth, it is abundant in space. It is claimed they retrieve it from meteorites. What they don't tell you, but what's filed in the LOC archives for all you 37173 (ELITE) hackers out there it's a good find--follow tech notes from TVA's Martin Marietta plant out of Cambridge Tenn.for 2000-2001- I did) Anyways. What they don't tell you is that, while it has a weight that is heavier than led, and while they admit it is conducive to electricity, what they won't say is that if you pass a current through Iridium 115 it becomes altered so as to become lighter than hydrogen. Further as a heat shield to safely use it and to protect it from overheating, burning, or melting whatever they used it on to test or otherwise-as it becomes white hot- they manufactured and used a magnesium based fiber board as a sort of heat shield. Now , go back to Roswell, you find a similiar metal. Further, reports indicate there was a white chalky panel attached to this mystery metal. Could the mystery be beaten sheets of Iridium 115 and magnesium fiberboard heat shields? I believe so. To have metal that can be heavier than lead or lighter than hydrogen in direct proportion to the amount of current you pass through it. You would effectively hover without wings, rudder, or tail fin being needed. Add a gyroscope and some type of propulsion to give you speed and direction, ion jets all around a cylinder, say. To be white hot so as to glow with a luminescense, yet, rapidly cool so as to appear like any other metal when current is reduced or ommited. Makings of a man made craft. Depends, how rare is the material? How thin do you have to beat the sheets out to support the weights in question? Possible. Yes. Likely? Wouldn't you if you were them?

[edit on 30-11-2008 by PhyberDragon]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by lifeform

I agree with you're real aliens, hoaxed man made aliens theory. Both at once is what I am sure of as well.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:13 PM
My opinion is that there are UFO's as well...and that there are several kinds...aliens, government crafts, as well as illusion/trickery.

If the governments of the world were open and honest entities, this issue would have been dealt with already. I KNOW that there is life beyond Earth...not because I have seen an ET or have been abducted...but because it is the only logical conclusion.

If there was no life beyond Earth, existence would make no sense...and logic would be proven invalid...therefore, life beyond Earth must exist.

As far as UFO's are concerned...just keep your eyes and your mind open, and the truth will be revealed to you.

By the way, first post...I'll do better next time.


posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:42 PM
I read a thread a while back suggesting that when we see a UFO, we should shoot at it.

I find myself agreeing with that idea! If we shoot at it, it'll either shoot back, we'll bring it down, or we wont hit anything and police will get pissed and eventually offer an explanation to get us to stop shooting (after they've doled out enough punishment). Then we'll find out really quick!

I do not know what UFOs are. As long as its unidentified anything is possible.

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