The preparation of War is the Cause of War
If we did not have Nuclear weapons as we do, which I think would be the sane thing to do, any country like Britain if it openly set a stage of
timeframe say 36 months to totally disarm, and then with huge political pressure and much MSM not creating enemies, but to use the political and Moral
bullying of such a move to openly send diplomats to every other Nation with them in the world, inviting them to do the same.
To do so in a letter from the government and people, outlining the dangers, and costs both in Life, the earth and financially then stating openly they
would Publish totally any such response, would I think be a real wave of disarmament. The people of the other countries as whole would put pressure on
their governments to do the right thing or be ostrasized morally and diplomatically,I really think you would have huge public rallies in favour of
responding in kind....
Now it could be done with the equal fear of Retaliation still, by keeping 1 or 2 nukes over until all were gone, but the scale and amount we have is
ridiculous.... any major capital hit in todays modern world with even a hiroshima like nuke would cripple and practically end that countries ability
socially and economically, we have ones from 1960 that could hold that last protection with systems such as the stealth bomber to ensure they got
However i have always thought I would only except a One World army/Force as such for this reason alone, the proposal being, do the above but remove
all Nukes from our country, push the others as stated and have an international agreement whereby a very small arm of the UN, or some such body
written into international law would have say 10 of these evil things left under control, maybe just 2 subs for Failsafe around the world, 5 on each.
If any country did not sign up, or even if they did and ones were hidden and ever used against another country, this International Treaty would mean
immediate responce in Kind, on their own country.
It would take away any pre emptive actions, any mad political leaders loosing the plot and taking the world to WW3 and would hold the same argument as
used now, use one on us and you get one back....
The savings in the environmental effects, the financial outlay and the bringing together of the world would be immense.
Simple but very effective, 10 nukes could change the entire world, and hit back all the current holders of such if they carried on making them in
I dont think people realise that if just 1 was used in Washington or New York, or Moscow, or London Or Islamabad, those countries would cease to exist
as we know them now, there is no need for all of them, the costs would be spread around the world and be negligible and in addition at least good
environmental practises would be upheld..
The cost to Britain in these times when pensions are dropping, depression is looming and our public services are underfunded of these Trident boats
and all the associated stuff is huge, I am sure if such a proposal went to referendum in the UK it would be a YES big time, and we could
diplomatically put that as part of the proposal to other countries, there own populus would then be asking i am sure strongly for the same right of
choice by themselves and not Politicians with shares in the companies that make these vile things...
Now the current trident system, which is a follow on from Polaris is hugely expensive and needs to be replaced again soon,,, take a look the real cost
never mind morally, or the dangers of a mistake and environmentally:
Now Trident Has Cost
The true cost of replacing and operating the Trident nuclear missile system would be at least £76bn, according to estimates revealed today. Based
on official figures, they take into account the initial cost of acquiring new Trident missiles and replacing Britain's existing nuclear submarines,
and the annual running costs of maintaining the system and nuclear warheads over its 30-year life. The figure is based on calculations made by the
Liberal Democrats from parliamentary answers and is backed up by independent Commons researchers.
The Independant
Some estimates as we know the overspends are usually a lot more than any government figures has been put at £120 Billion!!!
To prepare to kill most of the world! Insane.
Now the Total cost of my proposal to srap what we have safely is only £1.25 Billion!!!
Source PDF
What the money Trident without the replacement could do for our Country is staggering, for example
We could provide an Entire NHS system like we have in the UK, a thing to be very proud of for another 70 Million people!
Thats free nusring, drugs, operations, The building of 150 magor specialist hospitals,, the hundreds of thousand of General Practioners on at least
£100,000 a year wages (rather than having to spend 4-5 mins as they do now with each patiant) etc etc etc...
Basically Britain would not be going into any depression and we would have by far the best and leading free healthservice in the entire of the world,
or even spend that on poor countries.
We could change instead from an average of 30-40 Children per class in school, to 10-15 children per teacher, with Textbooks and equipment to, and
build an extra 2 major, new spankingly technological major schools an colleges per county, employing the builders and teachers etc etc,
Again no depression, poverty we would have no homeless people and no people trying to get drugs that arnt free here for their healthcare...
Anyhow, some years ago I saw an interesting documentary on the Falklands conflict. When The British navy was being decimated by the Exocet missiles
from France the present prime minister Margaret thatcher after being briefed about the French sale of the Exocet Missiles to Argentina and third
parties who were selling them on, and the fact that Britain would be unable to take the islands if another 3-4 major ships were hit, did the
She without warning ordered an immediate flight to Paris, jumped on the plane, and stormed into without any prior diplomatic contact the French
Presidents Palace/home and demanded a Meeting with him there and then.
It was all hush hush and never originally released but on the documentary the sources were very good, interviews etc...
She demanded that he stop sales of all Exocets there and then world wide... he would not agree saying he would stop them to Argentina and allies...
She got very agitated apparently, stormed to the window of the room, (he had been asleep when arrived!) thought for a while, turned and walked back to
him practically nose to nose and said along the lines of...
"I tell you now that I will turn Beunos Aries to glass, before Brittania will sail her ships home under force of your weapons, and we leave british
people occupied on our territory"
Stared eyeball to eyeball till he blinked/looked away, then turned her back and walked out without saying another word.
The rest is history, Argentina only at that point had 4 Exocets left, and never procured any more from any source in the world.
We should be careful of Meglamaniacs with such dangerous weapon?
How close were we?
I saw a very interesting documentary on the Falklands Conflict
[edit on 29-11-2008 by MischeviousElf]