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Forbidden Truth or Fiction?

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posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 04:16 AM
As I sit and think about what the is going on in our world today I must take pause. I pause because some of what has been prophesized is now taking place right out in the open, which says to me perhaps someone is trying to hide it. I cannot help but wonder, what the heck does all of this mean? The entire world is experiencing a finical crisis of epic proportions. Now I realize that all countries are, relatively, aware of what is going in other countries around the globe, however, something I cannot put my finger on smells extremely bad. Several governments from around the world have taken over private banks that hold up to sixty percent of their respective countries mortgages. And here in America rumors abound that several banks that have received public infusions are going to buy even more banks thereby increasing their own power, and then I read the same is true in other countries… Dangit I say something smells! So as I try to follow the stench, I have to take into consideration all the things I have read over the last twenty years, while at the same time I have to consider which could be probable… I say probable because unless you know… there is no way to know for sure… so you have to allow deduction to help lead the way. Yet, what I’m about to say I find ridiculous in the extreme, however, if what I’m about to say is true then someone or a group of people are extremely brilliant.

Before I begin I must discuss my limited knowledge of 2012 prophecy. I say limited because I have only read three books on the subject and a handful more websites. Yet I find it increasingly annoying how a society several hundred years ago with no known living culture alive today, how the heck did they predict this time so accurately… At least up to now… And if I suspect what has been predicted is playing out right in front of our eyes, then that means that others had to know years in advance of my knowledge. If that is true then that would mean they would seek, or hire others to seek, information to prove, if possible, how much of the Mayan prophecies are true.
As much as people like to focus on the extreme aspects of predictions, namely because that sells more books then the tedious, or boring, aspects do… yet the tedious almost always shows the road to such predictions and how you will know them to be true. However as a touch it, smell it, feel it before I accept it type of person, I still find prophecy and those who believe in them narrow minded or ignorant. As I watch this financial crisis unfolding across this planet, and on the heels of 2012, I have to face the question… Am I the one who is being narrow, ignorant, or both?

This post is basically my thoughts on the subject with no real answer, its more my attempt to put my thoughts to paper and see what fruit if any will fall from the higher branches. Because if the worst part of the Mayan prophesies are correct, then that means other prophecies from other people the world over may also be correct, and in very short order… A crisis of conscience could afflict some of those who are perpetrating this destructive nonsense. Perhaps that is fanciful meandering on my part, yet I cannot see how people believe whatever short gains they create in their time cannot destroy their families in the future. All one has to do is look to history to see exactly how these things end.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 04:17 AM
(continue from above)

Perhaps, the most scary part is, if this is true, these people believe their bloodline will be so deluded it won’t matter… In aspects as dangerous and destructive as this, perhaps that makes it easier… Yet in time as the more diabolical aspects begin to unfold, will each of their players continue to be so strong or weak of conscience? Yet the most startling concept of what I’m thinking is this… We are living in a time where never before in the known histories of man has government held such a powerful position over the people. In times now forgotten the power between government and the people was extremely slim… One needs to look no further then the American revolution to see one of the last great examples. For sure there are others, yet now, one machine or one bomb can kill hundreds or indeed millions… I don’t have a tank or a fighter jet in my closest to bring out to battle in times of trouble. Yet the governments of America, Europe and Asia spend billions each year to train their troops extremely well. Gun to powder, as it was once said, the people have the power. However in today’s world, steel to exhaust to firepower to the explosions of rights, the people are now but slaves unless the military sides with the people. To which I must ask, where in the course of human history has the military ever taken the side of the people except in times where the government is crumbling? These are the thoughts that began what I am now going to discuss.

If what the Mayans’ have written is true then there should be some aspects in our time to prove what they say will in fact happen… Yet before we look forward one has to look in the past to see what else is written. Every single culture the world over has a story of the world ending in times past. Just as every single culture has a story of the world ending in the future. Yet that can be attributed to superstitions or ignorance of nature… however… as we now know for certain, our entire solar system is heading for the center of our universe, yet only two cultures, (that I am aware of), have a written history that talks about this reality. Other then prophecy there is really no account of what to expect… not to mention I am unaware of any geological evidence to support these claims of destructive forces that have destroyed the Earth as it was known to people long since dead. Sure there is some evidence to suggest major calamities have happened in the past, yet just as soon as you get one professor to say, “this is proof”, you have ten more calling it, “nonsense”. Even though I would admit there have been some papers I have read in the past that raised my antenna, there is still nothing I can point too that is sanctioned reports or thesis’ with regards to our solar system entering our galactic center and the destruction such an event could bring.

[edit on 29-11-2008 by litlbunny]

[edit on 29-11-2008 by litlbunny]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 04:18 AM
(continue from above)

The one part that bothers me to know end is the fact humans have gone from cavemen to landing on the moon in less then seven thousand years (known) history. Not to mention, Romans and other (ancient) cultures were more advanced then recent human history. Meaning they were more advanced in most things, which just began to change within the last 400 years in some areas, and finally surpassed in the last eighty. I have one heck of a hard time accepting the fact humans lasted for millions of years as cavemen, (as the story goes), to walla… one day something clicks and humanity the world over starts to think multi-dimensional about themselves and this existence we call reality. There is no other life entity on this planet that has seen that type of jump, mentally, then what science says must’ve happened to homo-sapiens. Which leaves me to call out… oh bovine-sticology! (To avoid cacology I won‘t elaborate anymore then saying, I heard that once during the first Gulf War to describe information that was completely contrary to the facts!)
Yet if I find the leap science says must have happened completely absurd, then that means there can only be one other explanation. (besides of course… humans were created by beings, or gods, from other planets.) So that means, (if I don’t except “gods” from other planets, or man jumped from throwing rocks to landing rovers on Mars in less then seven thousand years), then I have to come to the conclusion that something happened to man in the past that turned man from where it was then right back to the stone ages in less then two generations. And if I accept that must be the reality, then I have to accept if it happened in the past it could very well happen in the future. So if that is what I must accept, where can I look to see if there are any predictions that can help me begin to understand our future, if there is no science to prove it. Then, if I find those predictions that explain what could happen, I then must look to see if what they predict could in fact happen by following the clues they would leave behind.

Unless mankind nuked itself, (which India’s culture says happened in the past), that is something that can only happen once mankind re-finds the technology to do it again. Or if a comet or asteroid hit this planet each of those destructive forces could only happen once per entity. So there can only be limited accounts of those things happening the world over... Because even though a culture could say, “the sky grew dark and then the fire came”, there would be no way for them to know what caused the fire and dark skies. Yet as strange as this sounds, several cultures that are separated by thousands of miles or dirt and oceans, each have the same belief, with regards to a reoccurring natural event, when our solar system reaches its zenith within our galaxy. What could allow that to be true? Commerce by land and by sea explains that no doubt, yet science says that cannot be the case when it comes to the old world and the new. Yet we still have these problems. So that means either science is completely full of incompetence, or the information they have uncovered has been hidden from the masses because of how scary that information must be. Or lastly the stories that have been passed down for generations are just stories that has no basis in fact. I agreed with the latter until the last few months.
So after I accepted that those predictions could in fact be correct, and I accepted the fact that science is purposely holding back information from us lowly masses. I then had to make the leap that there must be some who know the truth. And if they know for a fact that something is coming, and it is coming at us like a freight train… Would they do anything to protect mankind and all our technology so we may not fall back into the stone ages once this passes? From that thought… Come this…

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 04:19 AM
go copypasta!

my favorite keys are cntrl c and v!!!

if its forbidden then how did you post this?

i read it and its good writing but i dont see why it would be forbidden.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 04:21 AM
(continue from above)

If you were one of those who knew this freight train is coming and you knew you had the time to prepare, would you tell the whole world or a selected few? That is a vexing question. There is a part of me that wants to scream out, “Heck Yes I would tell all“. Then there is the rational side that asks, “could mankind change or would mankind continue to find ways to destroy one another under the dirt?” From that question I knew my answer could quickly change to, “Heck No, protect those you can trust to live in peace!” If that was my choice and I know for a fact that the world is just three years away from an armageddon event, I know I would suffer from a crisis of conscience. However… if I knew for a fact I would not be alive when this hits or happens, then all I would care about in this world would be providing protection to my family and friends. But first there would have to be proof to even begin. Then I would need to convince others to build these extremely deep underground safe locations. But that is just the beginning… Then I would need to figure out who I can trust, who I can count on, and which country or leaders do I want sharing the future with my children and great to the great grandchildren. Once those choices where made I would then need to decide where to build these places, and as I see technology improving I would then want to implement that new technology into my hideaways…Or, perhaps, after building one I learned it was not as safe as we previously thought so therefore it had to be abandoned, along with all that technology that is outdated now anyway. Would I learn to stop building all the infrastructure and wasting all that treasure on machines or devices that become obsolete rather quickly, and wait until the time is nye? Meaning, would I learn to wait until there is only a few years left before I put in place all the technology mankind will use and build upon as they hide from the destructive powers of nature? If so, how could I hide all the stuff that will be needed, and how can I keep the rest of humanity from noticing all the danger signs that have been predicted? Not only that, if I knew the world was going to drastically change, would I allow a government to build, say, a nuclear power station in an area my people are saying is a sixty percent or higher chance that that nuclear power station will most likely be completely destroyed above water after the train hits. Or would I want to have some kind of control to say you can have nuclear power, but you must build them on low lying areas only? Because I know that even though everything above ground will be completely destroyed, if nuclear power devices, when the dust settles, are miles under water, my family has a better chance of surviving. Would I want to make sure that the group of people who have been selected to win, would I want to make sure that they have the power to say yes or no once we learned everyone demands nuclear power? If so, what would we need to create to make sure these people get that power and the world will listen? Now obviously I could continue on describing even more things that must be taken into consideration. How to feed millions of people, how to give them clean water, how to get rid of all the waste these people would create and so on. So if I knew for a fact we could walk instead of running towards our survival, would I want to try and hide all these realities under rocks and dark corners… or would I want to hide this information right out in the open?

[edit on 29-11-2008 by litlbunny]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 04:23 AM
(continue from above)

Would I allow this information to be leaked out in small increments, and then as the time grows nearer to the end of this cycle, would I want to have a way to keep people looking to the right and to the left while everything we want happens right in front of everyone? If those are the choices I and my friends decided, can anyone think of a better way to do all of that then by creating instability, not in just one part of the world, but to all of it at exactly the same time and just a few years before the clock hits zero? Now would these be my choices, or would I be following the directions laid out before me by those ancient predictions? Seriously, would you choose if you knew the facts and prophecy are in fact correct… Would you recreate the wheel or would you follow the directions laid out before you? Sure the actual work would be yours to do, yet aren’t instructions so much easier to follow when you know others have survived the same exact experience?

There are so many different facets one could consider to bring this train of thought into focus. (no pun intended.) Could it be people are actually working to save the few, willing to allow billions to die, in order to save hundreds of billions of humans in the future? Could it be these same people are allowing the information to be leaked out in order to weaken the resolve of those who have not been chosen? I mean, if the world continued the way it was last year, everything seeming to go wonderfully for most of the first world… If you knew the end was coming, would you create horrific instability so that way people would say when the end comes, “oh thank god!”? Or would you want them to be sitting peacefully in their homes when they learn their favorite shows will no longer be around because humanity is about to disappear? I mean, which do you think would be easier to control?

Because this message is already so long I have decided to stop here and summarize. I started this just to put some thoughts to paper and see how many of you are thinking around the same lines. I was thinking about writing a short book, but have decided a short thesis is just as good. Now that your mind is swimming with these ideas I would really love to read what you believe is happening with this current financial crisis. I believe it is extremely possible this will most assuredly turn into a world war. Now I know there are some who believe a NATO war with China and Russia is highly unlikely because some believe the outcome would either be disastrous for NATO or lead to a nuclear exchange. However, looking at current events through this prism, do you think if these people do exist and they knew this was coming, do you think the futuristic outcome would over weigh the ultimate time lined outcome? I mean the best way to get people to do what you want is out of instability and fear. “Give your people an enemy to fight and they will ignore the tragedies committed by their own government against their own people.” As we all know the wars of America and NATO are soon coming to an end. And as you all know, 5 percent of mortgages are beginning to destroy the other 95 percent, not to mention that five percent has started to destroy the financial markets of the world . Instead of asking how can that be, perhaps you should be asking… why now? What is their goal? I don’t care what you believe the ultimate aim is, whether that is a OwO or to hide the fact that billions are about to die because of galactic radiation and the effects it will have on this planet and our Sun… the question is still the same…. Why now? The best place to hide anything is right out in the open, and the best way to lead people is to lead them without letting them know you are leading them. Whatever the reason, where are we being lead?

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 04:25 AM
(continue from above... last post of original message)

How does five percent of bad mortgages destroy the whole global economy? How does fusing 7.5 trillion dollars into the world economy save anyone or anything? That much money will create hyper-inflation. Which will cost millions of jobs around the world, which in turn will create havoc on governments around the world. Or, perhaps because every major radio source, including Coast to Coast, are putting our worst foot forward regarding the worlds economy, this Christmas season will most likely be the worst ever. Which will cause the loss of millions of jobs right after the first of the year, which will then cause the worst deflation this world has had since the Great Depression, the 7.5 trillion dollars infusion be damned. I ask that because if you want to ensure an outcome how do you guarantee that it will happen? Each of us has our own fears and prejustices. If you fear and or hate the government you will always lean towards the information that fits your world view. And if your enemies or handlers know what those things are, it is extremely easy to find those willing to spread what you want when you want it to happen. If all a person or group of people desire is predation, as history has proven, that cannot sustain for the long term. So what can help millions of people to keep a secret? A secret so vast billions of people will die. Could you truly keep that quite or would you help those who have certain fears help you to spread the lie that a secret government wants to kill billions to control the whole of the earth? When in truth a secret project exists to save millions so humanity may continue, sadly however billions must die in the process of saving humanity. Which story are more people willing to ignore or believe if or when the reality of history smashes headlong into this planet? I do not know the future anymore then what I read or see on the news… However as I try to make sense of what I see, hear, and read, I keep getting a horrible feeling something smells horribly bad. What that is I can only guess, and seeing how this site affords these type of questions and statements, and these are my thoughts as I consider the extreme, because right now I see no logical reason for governments the world over to be afflicted by the same things financially, in almost the same fashion. I admit this is far from orthodox thinking, however, what is truth and what is not? We know secrets are kept, to what level we can only surmise. If that is the truth would any of us behave any different if we had the power to choose? Or, knowing that it is true and we are destined to die... and I must be counted among the dead... I just hope whatever the truth is, I hope they have built those living centers deep within the earths surface and mankind continues to live on this planet, and in time, on others planets across the galaxy.

I will stop here… These are my thoughts as they bounce inside my mind… what say you?

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 29-11-2008 by litlbunny]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 06:16 AM
sorry litlbunny but that post was far to long i honestly don't think anybody will read it all

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:12 AM
Well you got one person who has read it. I really haven't had the time to research the whole 2012 thing as of yet but I mean to soon, so I can't give much opinion on that. I do think you made a good number of points and a few things really caught my eye and made me think, the fact that this is happening to all countries almost vs. just a few at the same time for instance. A little lengthy for some maybe but I enjoy a good read, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 09:37 AM
obviously someone already knows something. who do you suppose knows? those who are creating our reality of warfare and chaos. are the corrupt leaders of the world the only ones to be saved? doesn't say much for evolution, does it? knowing the source will save you and your family. benevolence always pays huge dividends in the end. if the people who know have already taken steps to save only those they care about, they may be in for a very rude awakening because if all is destroyed, they will have little to fall back on and the corruption goes underground with them. sounds like hell to be a survivor with all that, doesn't it?

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by litlbunny

I will stop here… These are my thoughts as they bounce inside my mind… what say you?

--Charles Marcello

Yup you were bouncing around alright.

I love a good read and enjoyed this very much.

But when the mention of 2012 came about I had to fight my emmediate involuntary reflex of clicking the back button.

Thanks for the post.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 02:58 PM
iced_blue: Thank you for your thoughts, sorry you did not read the whole post.

kunzinator: Thank you for your thoughts, I am glad you enjoyed this and that you were able to read the whole thing.

SLAYER69: Thank you for your response as well. I agree with your assessment, whenever anyone mentions 2012 or Mayan Prophecy I usually run away as well. As I said however those were just my thoughts, and for fun as I watch the world unfold, I always start with the lame and take it to the extreme. What I find entertaining is how I can usually see what’s coming before it happens because of that process.

To All: even though I enjoyed reading everyone's responses to my post, I would much rather read what you think is happening and why instead of responding to what I have written alone. To the Anonymous ATS: thank you for your comments as well.

I have no idea who knows or if there is anything to know or not. I believe the future is open and not locked by others visions or beliefs. With that being said, when things happen exactly as they are predicted that forces me to raise an eyebrow and just listen and watch for awhile. The rest of your points were good points to ponder and I thank you for that.

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 29-11-2008 by litlbunny]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 11:49 PM
To touch a little more on prophecy in our time and without giving to much away, I would like to ask anyone who is willing to read Revelations Chapters 16 thru 19. After reading then report back here, knowing our recent history, and tell me what you think those chapters are talking about.

I await your response.

--Charles Marcello

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 11:53 PM
Hey lilbunny, that was an interesting read, but it would be easier to read if you avoid the all miighty wall of text.

Now on topic. I have been thinking the same question ¿Whats going on here?
You are a smart chad, you can see that things like the 2012, the economic crisis, the NWO are all there so the mases can see them.
Its no secret at all, we have big documental channels making hand holding shows about this topics, channels like Discovery or History Channel.

Right now i don't have a clear opinion, but i do have several hypotesis, contradicting each other.
One is like yours: the end of the world is close, that explains the general human apathy, the seed vault in norway, the end of the world kit in netherlands...
One the other hand is the oposite:
What if this is a change of power that has been predicted. This economic crisis is making a lot of busisnes fall, but at the same time is making a lot of conglomerates bigger and bigger.
There is an RPG Pen & Paper book, that is somehow dificult to get, called Cyberpunk 2020. Cyberpunk 2020 takes many cyberpunk settings, from writters like Gibson, and makes a world were corporations control the world. Where mega cities are full poor people full of tecnology and consumism. A world were the USA is bankrupt, the EU is surviving, and russia is bigger than ever because of its oil.
A world where US invaded venezuela for oil. A world where millions of farmers have been kicked out of their farms and now they roam the highways as nomads. And the farms produce alcohol for fuel.

I really recomend you read (at least) Neuromancer, from Willian Gibson Neuromancer
Or try to get the timeline in Cyberpunk 2020 corebook (which is really hard to get for some strange reason).

You will see that there is another way the future could resolve.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 04:31 PM
I for one thought it was a really goof post s&f. I am new to ATS, and it is just this sort of thing I like to read. I am trying to prepare my family for the unkown"worst" hoping for the best. The short of it is that, posts like this keep me reading, learning, and questioning. so thank you. I also read revalations as you suggested, and it all seems intertwined, but like you said people have been predicting this, all throughout history, it is hard to tell what or when revelation is talking about. but its not hard to make it fit into the now, and things that are going on. I just pray that if the apocalypse does come in my lifetime, that my family and I are together, and either die instantly, or are in an area that i can get my family to safety, and figure it out from there. very troubling times indeed. Keep you family close, pray for forgiveness, hope for the best, plan for the worst.
I know you are looking for peoples thoughts on what you've written, and I do suspect something is going to happen also. It started with G.W. getting elected, I always thought he was satan...or close to it. I have had a sense of foreboding, that has been getting stronger, ever since then, but I cant put my finger on it. As I said before, I am new to ATS and alot of what I know about 2012 and such, Ive just recently started to take it seriously. I like the way you wrote, it seems like logical steps, and ideas that explain what is going on, and what may be happening. thank you again.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:31 PM
Everyone who has read this thread needs to watch this video... Watch It!!!

This video is 8mins long and helps put this thread into greater focus.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:53 AM
interesting, all of it..makes alot of sense. but doesnt it make more sense that the "powers that be" would take the opposite road. why would they make everyone miserable in order to distract them. people are greedy. people want stuff. in a time when it is very possible that some group of people who know that a doomsday event is coming, and that same group of people have the power to change a global economy..the simplest way to get the people distracted would be to shower them with everything they could possibly want. any smart person would figure that out.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by litlbunny
To touch a little more on prophecy in our time and without giving to much away, I would like to ask anyone who is willing to read Revelations Chapters 16 thru 19. After reading then report back here, knowing our recent history, and tell me what you think those chapters are talking about.

I await your response.

--Charles Marcello

It appears to be the destruction of the earth and a new earth being born, on the surface.

Metaphorically it could be our current events.

Interesting that the governments are building D.U.M.B.S. Could be that they are the ones left behind or the reference to the second death part could actually mean they will suffer as well.

I always find revelations a difficult part of the bible, it can be taken so many different ways I think it is personal to everyone.

Whats your opinion?

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
I always find revelations a difficult part of the bible, it can be taken so many different ways I think it is personal to everyone.

Whats your opinion?

What is my opinion? Hmm, now that is a loaded question with no real answer seeing how I only allow myself to ponder yet never completely accept. But I'll go ahead and attempt to answer your question anyway.

Now, when a person reads Rev 16 thru 19 there are several concepts, interpretations, or beliefs to choose from. However this one is my personal favorite.

Before I begin I want to talk about John the Baptist. IF he in fact was not talking about his own time and was in fact seeing the future. Would he be able to relate to the west and the way we live/dress in our time in comparison to his own. Or would he feel more comfortable with those who live in the middle east and who look more like himself and continue to dress similar to the way he did in his time, let alone the language barrier? The reason I ask that question is the reality we have just experienced in our own time and then rereading what Rev 16 thru 19 talks about when you take into consideration 9/11.

As most of us are aware the middle east calls Israel the Little Satan and America the Big Satan. As most of us are aware, the middle east calls America the big whore. And as all of us are aware 9/11 destroyed the two most prominent buildings in New York, and arguably the most influential buildings in America and perhaps the world… That being the main reason some claim those buildings were attacked.

Now, taking all of that into consideration... Could it be John the Baptist believe this country, The United States, was/is the evil of the world?

Now I am not saying I believe that nonsense, however I have to accept it could have been what he prophesied. No one needs to look any further then Las Vegas or any big city in the first world to understand how he could have reached that conclusion. Let alone all the stuff that is said about this country around the world, and by our own citizens. Could America in fact be the country John the Baptist, so by proxy, the bible was talking about? Personally there is no way in hell I can accept that, but then again I kind of have a slanted view of America because I love it so. Let alone all the good I know this country and its citizens do all across this planet. However, I have to accept the fact that those in the middle east do hate this country and do refer to this country as the Great Satan. And when you read Rev 16 thru 19... Well I’ll leave that for you (or all who read this response) to decide.

Now my question to you is, taking all of that into consideration what does Rev 16 thru 19 mean to you?

--Charles Marcello

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by littlebunny

Originally posted by XXXN3O
I always find revelations a difficult part of the bible, it can be taken so many different ways I think it is personal to everyone.

Whats your opinion?

Now my question to you is, taking all of that into consideration what does Rev 16 thru 19 mean to you?

--Charles Marcello

Well to explain my opinion I do have to share my viewpoint on what we are and why we are here.

I am inclined to believe that we are all the same Consciousness (God) experiencing seperate lives in order to create what could be called infinity from the finite. A one man race, the hu-man race. A whole lot of things tie into this from the bible or well knowing sayings.

"You are only hurting yourself", "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you", "What goes around, comes around", "The past comes back to haunt you"
If you harm another etc, you are only hurting yourself from a past or future experience you will or have had.

"God is everywhere", "I am the Alpha and the Omega", "You are a part of god's plan"

If our own personal experiences are part of the finished product God then of course everything we experience will have been "watched" by god.

A lot of people will say "The bible was written by man, it cannot be the word of god!" for the very reason they argue, the bible is the word of god when you learn what god really is.
Jesus also existed, it is part of the plan after all and infinite possibilities from the finite makes it true.

Anyways I think you can ponder on the rabbit hole enough for yourself without me going on but I have yet to see someone tell me im wrong unless just by saying im wrong. The journey is what is important anyways, not the knowledge.

Now to answer your question.

I think that revelations is the story of our future.
When we reach the end of our purpose here and create infinity to reach the Omega the being we become will get rid of the baggage sort of speak to create "heaven".
I am unsure if we will actually become a God as such but I think our goal in this part is a paradise as such with no evil, d-evil.
I tend to look at the bible as a series of metaphorical scripts rather than a storybook.
I think the majority of our "houses" are on the sandy land and we all know what happens in the sand. We are creating a sea of dead if you like.

What will happen?
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea"

The resolution?
"And the sea gave up the dead which were in it"
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire"
"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire"

I dont see any book, fire, lake or anything like that when i read this.

Metaphorically I see an explanation of what is going to happen and im looking forward to it because the negative "experiences" or whatever they could be called, which again does not matter, have served there purpose for us to judge right from wrong.

Hope that makes sense

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