Originally posted by littlebunny
Originally posted by XXXN3O
I always find revelations a difficult part of the bible, it can be taken so many different ways I think it is personal to everyone.
Whats your opinion?
Now my question to you is, taking all of that into consideration what does Rev 16 thru 19 mean to you?
--Charles Marcello
Well to explain my opinion I do have to share my viewpoint on what we are and why we are here.
I am inclined to believe that we are all the same Consciousness (God) experiencing seperate lives in order to create what could be called infinity
from the finite. A one man race, the hu-man race. A whole lot of things tie into this from the bible or well knowing sayings.
"You are only hurting yourself", "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you", "What goes around, comes around", "The past comes back
to haunt you"
If you harm another etc, you are only hurting yourself from a past or future experience you will or have had.
"God is everywhere", "I am the Alpha and the Omega", "You are a part of god's plan"
If our own personal experiences are part of the finished product God then of course everything we experience will have been "watched" by god.
A lot of people will say "The bible was written by man, it cannot be the word of god!" for the very reason they argue, the bible is the word of god
when you learn what god really is.
Jesus also existed, it is part of the plan after all and infinite possibilities from the finite makes it true.
Anyways I think you can ponder on the rabbit hole enough for yourself without me going on but I have yet to see someone tell me im wrong unless just
by saying im wrong. The journey is what is important anyways, not the knowledge.
Now to answer your question.
I think that revelations is the story of our future.
When we reach the end of our purpose here and create infinity to reach the Omega the being we become will get rid of the baggage sort of speak to
create "heaven".
I am unsure if we will actually become a God as such but I think our goal in this part is a paradise as such with no evil, d-evil.
I tend to look at the bible as a series of metaphorical scripts rather than a storybook.
I think the majority of our "houses" are on the sandy land and we all know what happens in the sand. We are creating a sea of dead if you like.
What will happen?
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea"
The resolution?
"And the sea gave up the dead which were in it"
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire"
"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire"
I dont see any book, fire, lake or anything like that when i read this.
Metaphorically I see an explanation of what is going to happen and im looking forward to it because the negative "experiences" or whatever they
could be called, which again does not matter, have served there purpose for us to judge right from wrong.
Hope that makes sense