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Bush Has Revealed His True Intentions [Please Read]

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posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 11:55 AM
"Where is our President? This man that swore to hunt down the terrorists that conspire and commit murder against the American people and people all over the world."

****In 1928, Wall Street funded Hitler to the point that if they hadn't we would not have had WWII and there would have been no Hitler. Prescott Bush was a big part of the funding and long term support of the Nazi party as was DuPont, IBM, Rockefellers etc......The apple does not fall far from the real tree.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Truthseeker31
I don't understand why some of you need reassurance from the biggest hypocrite to ever run our country! You need him to go on TV and give a speech about how everything is gonna be alright and how Americans have nothing to fear? IOW, you want him to lie to you so that you feel better?

It's not about the need for re-assurance, it's the need for the guy to do his job.

And yeah 5 Americans died in India, but what about the other 190 non-Americans that were killed? Or do they not matter because they're not Americans?

I didn't read anywhere in this thread where someone said they didn't care that non-Americans also died. If you did, please show me.

Guess what folks, people die by the thousands all around the world everyday and their deaths go unnoticed.

And if the thread subject matter included those deaths, we would talk about them as well.

I don't want to sound anti-American because I'm not and I am riled up at the fact that those attacks were targeted mainly at Americans, making us more fearful about traveling overseas. But what can we expect, we go around policeing the world and meddling in other countries' affairs for so many years?

Here's the problem. None of those people who died had anything to do with policing the world. This is the problem these terrorist morons don't get. There's a difference between the US government and it's citizens. bush's popularity is the lowest of any president in US history. That means the US people do not approve of what bush is doing in the white house. I do admit that bush should have been impeached but most people simply don't know how to go about doing this so they feel as if they cannot remove him from office.

What about the blood we've spilled all around the world?

I haven't spilled any so please do not include me in your "we" statement.

What about all the false flag attacks we've staged for our governements personal interest?

Well I suppose if you can prove that the US government staged false flag attacks, you should take responsibility and present that information so those responsible can be prosecuted.

You should be aware that its not only Americans that are not safe, but its the whole world that's not safe anymore. Times are changing for the worse and Bush's lies will only make the sheeple that are still asleep feel better.

on a separate note,
I find these catch phrases and "designed words" amusingly useless
False flag


posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
"Where is our President? This man that swore to hunt down the terrorists that conspire and commit murder against the American people and people all over the world."

****In 1928, Wall Street funded Hitler to the point that if they hadn't we would not have had WWII and there would have been no Hitler. Prescott Bush was a big part of the funding and long term support of the Nazi party as was DuPont, IBM, Rockefellers etc......The apple does not fall far from the real tree.

Some info about IBM I thought might be interesting

The author Edwin Black has alleged that, during World War II, IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson used overseas subsidiaries to provide the Third Reich with unit record data processing machines, supplies and services that helped the Nazis to efficiently track down European Jews, with sizable profits for the company. IBM denies that they had control over these subsidiaries after the Nazis took power. A lawsuit against IBM based on these allegations was dismissed. In support of the Allied war effort in World War II, from 1943 to 1945 IBM manufactured approximately 346,500 M1 Carbine rifles for the United States Military

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Shocka

So what? People die every day. I expect since he is a "shining example" that he should make a speech everytime an American dies? Grow up.

America isn't the 'cure all' solution to the world. As soon as people realize it, the better. Just because he doesn't make a speech RIGHT AFTER it happens doesn't mean that he was lying to us all along. It's people like you that hate a president no matter what he does. Like somebody said before, 'damn if he do, damn if he don't,' well there you have it.

What is he supposed to do? People would rather him STAY on vacation than make another 'speech' about terrorism. They are tired of it and ready for a new President. That is a FACT.

Well you'll get your chance to get somebody new. Very very soon...

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

What sort of statement is that?...its inbreds like you that disgust me, "what is he supposed to do you say"...He,s the president he should know what to do...i bet you supported him then...and you probably support him now. There was never a war on terror...just a war of terror.
Bush and his neo-cons are guilty of 9/11 just like the British government is guilty of 7/7. But you,re asking everyone to just sweep it under the carpet. shame on you and whoever gave birth to such a neanderthal.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 12:55 PM
The problem is that President Bush is little more than a figurehead for the true architects of the present American philosophy. He isn't appearing in public because there is nothing to gain from it for HIM. He got where he is because of Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, his daddy, his daddy's buddies and others who needed a puppet to achieve their ends. (For instance, Cheney's company, Haliburton's shares have doubled.) Why would President Bush invade Iraq aftre 9/11 when it was well know that Bin laden was in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Where is the logic? There is none other than he wanted control of the Iraq oil fields. At the time I didn't believe it but look at the mess and the cost. Remember when he announced troops had secured the Iraq oil fields - he grinned. When thousands of poor US boys and girls are coming home without limbs or in body bags, he grins!!?? This man has done more to hurt a great country than anyone else in history. The prestige, the power and the respect of America have all been squandered by him.
Whenever anyone questions his direction he called it un-American and wrapped himself in the flag. He suspended your laws and debate. Anyone who protested was cast as either a coward or a traitor. I greatly admire America, its accomplishments, its sense of fair play, its generosity, its morality and more...but this man is an intellectually-challenged puppet who couldn't even string five words together coherently. Now you have Obama and fresh hope. Here is a man who works tirelessly, is picking the best people he can find to get the US out of its economic morass and about to reinstate the laws of which America has always been so proud. You may feel I have no right to criticise America but that is NOT what I am doing. I actually love America and its people! It's "W" and his cabal who have hurt this wonderful country so much. God bless America from a Canadian.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 12:59 PM
This Thread is a little whack y'all.
Bush sucks -sure.
But he met with PM Singh at Camp David

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:00 PM
The Anthony Sutton books are good..............

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:05 PM
W is a puppet much like very president since LBJ but not to the extent that Bush is.His father had more of a spine then he does and that's the sad truth.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
I didn't read anywhere in this thread where someone said they didn't care that non-Americans also died. If you did, please show me.

And if the thread subject matter included those deaths, we would talk about them as well.

They don't have to say it. The fact that the other 190 victims aren't even mentioned says it all.

Here's the problem. None of those people who died had anything to do with policing the world. This is the problem these terrorist morons don't get. There's a difference between the US government and it's citizens. bush's popularity is the lowest of any president in US history. That means the US people do not approve of what bush is doing in the white house. I do admit that bush should have been impeached but most people simply don't know how to go about doing this so they feel as if they cannot remove him from office.

You're right that's exactly the problem. A problem created by our wonderful government. Sadly, our government and its actions around the globe represents the people of America. Our enemies specially see it this way. The end result: innocent Americans paying the price.

I haven't spilled any so please do not include me in your "we" statement.

Again, read above reply. US Govt = America. You and I don't see it this way but unfortunately for us, this is how our enemies sees it.

Well I suppose if you can prove that the US government staged false flag attacks, you should take responsibility and present that information so those responsible can be prosecuted.

LMFAO!!! The proof is everywhere do your own research with an open mind. Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, the list goes on I don't have to prove anything. Government officials have spoken out about these atrocities in the past and yet people still choose not to believe. Do you honestly believe that Bush and others responsible will be prosecuted?? Wake up!

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Truthseeker31]

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Truthseeker31]

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Truthseeker31]

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Truthseeker31]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:18 PM
the only ones with backbone in our history has been Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, Bhutto, Congressman Larry McDonald and guess what....ALL have been murdered by the Illuminati or in Andrew Jackson's case he survived the misfire of two musket pistols.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Here's what I think any real president should do in this case:
Immediately make a statement on TV condemning these attacks and making sure the American people understood that we are sending aid, advisement and at the very least, put special forces units on high alert. I would think it would be important to re-assure the American public that these evil acts will not be followed by terrorism inside our borders.
And for the record he will only be damned for the crimes he's committed -which are numerous.

Well first it was 5 Americans in a 3rd world country...I'm sure 99.999999999% of Americans not there do not need his re-assurance.

Second, just think of all the little terrorist groups that would love to have their 15 mins of fame by seeing the "leader of the free world" (ya right)comment on their actions over nationwide TV. If the president knee jerked on all this we would see more and more of these acts for fame.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
He is not the leader of the free world...he is the President of the United States, and this sad act of violence happen in India. Not much he can do there… sorry to say.

Also, Remember “if it bleeds it reads” the media will milk this to death to make it the most important event in the world, but the 10,000s that died of starvation, war and disease on that same day in other countries goes unnoticed.

Once again what is he to do?

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Xtrozero]

Are you dense? Just a few years ago this guy DECLARED WAR on terror. What this thread is saying is that he obviously didn't do that in order to actually stop terrorists around the globe, but he did it to secure lucrative contracts in Iraq and harvest drugs in Afghanistan. The topic starter is just pointing out to everyone that Bush DOES NOT CARE about us or anyone else unless it benefits him or his friends. He will and has lied to his own countrymen and he has sent poor farm kids off to die looking for WMDs which he checked under his desk for, mocking their efforts. HE IS EVIL and your passive attitude is exactly what's wrong with the vast majority of Americans. What are you even doing in a forum like this, don't you have, I dunno, like a Jonas Brothers concert to be at or something. Maybe that's so Ravin is on.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
the only ones with backbone in our history has been Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, Bhutto, Congressman Larry McDonald and guess what....ALL have been murdered by the Illuminati or in Andrew Jackson's case he survived the misfire of two musket pistols.

Oh please.

Ronald Reagan
Theodore Roosevelt
Nixon Truman
Franklin Roosevelt

I mean, those guys were all c-r-a-z-y

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
Ok...what is he suppose to do?

Should we send them a few billion dollars, should we send in the troops, should he fly there and give a speech in front of the hotel?

I'm not sure what it is you think the president should do in this case.

Bitching about GWB is so old news now...damn if he do damn if he don't...get over it for you will have totally fresh president to complain about when he does or doesn't do something.

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Xtrozero]

Finally someone with some common sense!

Really people, bashing Bush is pointless, get on with your lives!

Contribute and stop complaining..

It seems as though these boards have nothing constructive or interesting anymore.. just a bunch of Brits and Canadians complaining about everything and nothing, doom sayers who actually want the world to end (I think to add excitement to their own boring lives) and ranting drunks!

Where's Zorgon when you need him!

P.S. Star to you Xtrozero!

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:32 PM
This thread is already old and tired.

Americans are killed every day around the world. This attack was
not aimed at America, if it was they wasted a lot of time, money,
planning and resources to kill 5 of us. It is tragic that any PEOPLE were
killed at all. A few happened to be Americans so naturally American
media will address that point. Our current president did what I would
have done. Offer condolence from the white house. Offer assistance
if needed. India said they did not need assistance and said they could
handle the situation. Then keep tabs on how the thing develops.
For the record, our president elect also did what I would have done had
I been in his position.

Some members I think need to relax the Bush bashing just a bit.
Those same members ought remember their hatred of the president,
whoever he is, come January 20.

I offer my heartfelt condolence to anyone who new any of those who died.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by MakeSoap
HE IS EVIL and your passive attitude is exactly what's wrong with the vast majority of Americans. What are you even doing in a forum like this, don't you have, I dunno, like a Jonas Brothers concert to be at or something. Maybe that's so Ravin is on.

Well first I never said I like Bush nor did I say he is without failures. You my friend sound like a ranting armchair quarterback on world issues. I'm also sorry you feel threaten by people who do not have the same radical views as you do.

Lastly, do not pigeon hole me down some path you think I'm like. You have no clue to whom or what I am. But what I am not is a person blinded by hate and scared by shadows of false conspiracies.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
the only ones with backbone in our history has been Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, Bhutto, Congressman Larry McDonald and guess what....ALL have been murdered by the Illuminati or in Andrew Jackson's case he survived the misfire of two musket pistols.
You forgot Reagan. And they tried to kill him right away too so that Bush Sr. could jump right into the presidency.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:54 PM

George Bush leads world condemnation over Mumbai attacks
George W Bush led worldwide condemnation of the attacks in Mumbai
as he offered his sympathy and full assistance to India.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

"These co-ordinated attacks on innocent civilians
demonstrate the grave and urgent threat of terrorism," said Mr
Obama's national security spokesman Brooke Anderson.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.


posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:59 PM
Sorry, you are 100% correct, I had thought about that, and yes he started off that way but gave in.

Check out the words starting 3:40 to 7:10 it gets hot.

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