posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:57 PM
Conspiracy theorist and researchers have been around a very long time, you could even say the founding fathers were themselves.
Now in the past they have been a very small group with limited knowledge and connections to the truth like most people. They set themselves apart by
continuing to search once they had their 1st piece of the puzzle. Then comes mass communication technology and this has changed everything. Now this
once small group has turned into a much larger, more organized and more informed community.
Think about this for a second. At what point in time would the truth start coming out more quickly and more accurate than any other? Right now, just
as most of the world is getting online and it is unregulated. That also could be said for disinfo of course.
So when trying to get the sheople to even consider what you're telling them as truth throw that at them for thought.
Anyone else have some food for thought?