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My strange shadows in my yard

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posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:06 PM
On the 1st or 2nd of November I posted about very uneasy feelings when I am not around because we had been noticing strange things happening and my fiance was pregnant. I was afraid she or my unborn child or our 6 year old daughter may be harmed. We live on 4 acres of land of which most is wooded. I smoke cigarettes unfortunately and when I do smoke I go out side to do it and since we lived here I have seen 3 dark figures but thought it was my mind playing tricks on me but before I would see them my stomach would knot up and I would feel sick. My fiance does not come out with me because she is an ex smoker so I did not think she had ever seen anything but I never brought it up because she frightens easily and I work crazy hours and i,m on call a lot and not always home at night.
We has the baby a few weeks ago and things have changed, maybe for the worse. My fiance has seen them on quite a few occasions and never told me because she didn't want me to think she was crazy. Last weekend the children were asleep and my fiance came outside with me to look at the really beautiful night sky while I smoked my cancer stick. I noticed her uneasy and constantly looking in the direction where I have seen these shadowy figures so I asked her why she kept looking over there and she told me the truth finally that she has seen 3 tall dark figures in the area at night and how they creep her out. I told her I have seen them and felt the same.
The following Monday I started researching the property and the area. The only thing I found is about 5 blocks from the house their use to be an old sugar mill which was destroyed and rebuilt 4 or 5 times by local Indians.Maybe this has something to do with it.
Every day this week I have been exploring the woods especially the area we usually see them and since I have been doing so activity has been increasing in the house. Two days ago I got home late and every door and window in the house was wide open and it was very cold out. Everyone was sleeping and all the cats were hidden. I was obviously freaked out coming home with the door open and did not realize everything else was open too.
Yesterday My daughter and I were jumping and playing around on her trampoline which is close to the woods line when she stopped and had a sheer look of fear and terror on her face. I grabbed her and looked in the area she was looking and asked her what she saw she told me a scarry man with a bloody face. I took her inside and now she seems frightened for her life every time she goes outside.
This mourning Thanksgiving I woke up early to start cooking the turkey and ham and found two bloody footprints in the middle of the tile floor. They were barefoot and bigger than mine or anyone else. I quickly cleaned them up and tried to act like nothing happened. After dinner some of our guests went out side to smoke , my mother walked in and told my that the same area of the woods gave her the creeps and asked if I knew of anything happening there.

What should I do. Move, I would appreciate some help. I know someone out there can help or maybe knows something......... Oh and the woods has also been home to about 30 buzzards or vultures since we have lived here... Not sure if that helps.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:16 PM
Based on your saying, that the shadow appeared as a blood covered face and blood stained footprints on the floor, the possibilities of this being harmful is high, so take extreme caution with these shadows. The best thing is to move to another house, or else try communicating with them through EVP and tell them to leave your home, and if they do so no problem, if not go to church and ask your priest to spray holy water in your home and hope that helps.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:25 PM
Thank you I am honestly debating on moving bout would like to try to at least try to get rid or them. Ill try the holy water

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:40 PM
this has the makings of a good movie.. "The Woods" like the The Village but better

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Let's say ghosts exist. From your story they don't sound like they are doing anything just creeping you out by thier presence. If they creep you out then move...other wise stay and attempt to document these happenings. I am on the fence about ghosts, but yeah they sound like they are just doing what ghost do....unless they physically harm you....why so scared?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by ironjello
Thank you I am honestly debating on moving bout would like to try to at least try to get rid or them. Ill try the holy water

You need to contact some Indian people.
They might be able to help you.
You need to research more about that place.
How can anyone be sure there is not a burial ground near there?
Where can you get more information?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by riggs2099

I am not afraid for me. I have a fiance a 6 yr old daughter and a newborn baby boy. I am afraid for them.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by CaptainCaveMan

In not sure where else to go. Maybe someone could help me. I live in New Smyrna Beach Florida. If that helps

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by ironjello

Have they ever done anything besides show themselves? I don't get why people fear ghosts when all they ever do is show themselves.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:00 PM
Is it regarding this?
Maybe you could ask these people.
Apparently its widely known about shadow people or ghosts frequenting the ruins there.
But for them to be bothering you, you should ask these Native people if they can help.

The shadow people of the Sugar Mill Ruins in New Smyrna Beach are “very dark, almost black shadows that creep into dense trees at dusk and climb onto the walls and rubble,” watching the tourists who visit there. Locals believe these are the spirits of Native Americans killed in the Seminole Wars of the 1800s.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by CaptainCaveMan]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:14 PM
For starters contact your local paranormal investigators. They can point you towards sources of people who can help you.

It appears as if this person died tragically and needs to complete/fulfill something. Perhaps to tell who had done this to him. Often souls are held captive to a location by other more malevolent ones.
Research the house/location for violent crimes/murders and/or its history via newspapers or legal records at your local library.

A psychic who could communicate with this soul would be a step forward towards closure. You could possibly understand why they're tied to the property as well as what would encourage them to move on.

I would also recommend a cleansing/smudging of the home and a blessing for protection to prevent them from entering your home. Kosher Salt around the perimeter of the property will create a barrier of protection.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by CaptainCaveMan

you rock thanks man

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:55 PM
It's really unnecessary for you to go to any of those lengths. If there are spirits there - and it sounds that there clearly are - your course of action is very simple. Unfortunately, it will require you do find it within yourself to feel no fear when you do it.

I will try to explain this as best I can so that you may understand what ghosts are and why they are still here. These spirits/souls are displeased (angered) by their deaths, are unwilling to accept their deaths, are unaware of their deaths, are frustrated that they are ignored by the living, are emotionally attached to whatever they are haunting, and myriad other reasons. As many reasons as you have ghosts.

Our belief systems teach us to fear death. It's one of the most absurd and harmful things we do in our society. Did you fear the birth of your son? Naturally not. Why not? Anything can happen now. In death, your body dies but your soul never does. It is only then free.

As such, ghosts cannot hurt you. Over the years, these particular ghosts seem to have gathered quite a lot of energy around them in order to manifest as they have. You have a chance to help them.

Now, if you can understand the above information, perhaps you are feeling somewhat more at ease with the situation. Try to imagine an old family member who died but is still lurking around. You wouldn't be afraid, would you? You would try to console them and let them know that everything is fine, that life goes on and that they are now free. You don't need to say anything out loud to them, but you can, of course. All you need to feel is compassion and understanding for them.

Next time you see them, try to practice feeling that understanding and compassion. Try to go out to them (when you are truly without fear) and let them know that you see them and that you understand them. Let them know that they must go though and they have family and loved ones waiting to receive them. Simply imagine a stairway filled with a gentle white light and ask the spirit's family to meet them there. They will come. There is nothing but love out there and it's more glorious than anything we can imagine. You can though and this is a good way to start.

You can ask the Seminole to help, if you think they will. I would hope they would but it seems odd to me that given all this time that they have done nothing to free those souls. Can there really be so much animosity still? Such a shame. No wonder those souls haven't gone yet. Give them your help and I feel certain they will go.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:05 PM
Well this is one I can actually relate to.

I grew up in a house next to a feild where there had been some old Indian battles. I used to find musket balls there. It is not my way to see shadows, but I always felt very bad vibes coming from there, like the land was bruised.

I can say from personal experiences that one is very vulnerable to spiritual influences during, and after, a pregnancy.

I agree with the person that said you should seek out an Indian person and see if they can offer any guidance.

If not I would go to a chuch and ask for help. (Catholic, would be my first choice)

Even if you have qualms with the Christian faith, remember that a lot of the members have experience dealing with this kind of spiritual stuff and can help you--the exact manifestation of the "cleansing" ritual doesn't matter, it's the voracity of the performer's faith.

Best of luck, these kinds of situations are truly difficult.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:22 PM
Thank everyone I am open to try anything. I am not close minded by any means. I just want to do whatever it is i need to do to protect my family and get a piece of mind too.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 11:35 PM
Why don't you try and gather evidence somehow to prove to the world that there's is a ghost. Wouldn't you want to be the first to prove such a thing ?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by ironjello

In the woods near your home... I am quessing that the corpse(s) havn't been found, and that the "spirits" are trying to tell you a message of somekind when ever somebody goes out in the backyard.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by ironjello
it sounds like someone has died tragically there and might need to fufill something. often though souls can be held there by more powerful ones. locate the nearest paranormal investegators and they could help you. go to your nearest church and ask the priest to bless the house or just spray holy water. i would not suggest that you contact the ghost by yourself if there is a stronger ghost/demon there, it might not be a good idea by the chance you can get harmed. do more research on the area and house to check for any murders. now there is a high chance that it will get violent so i would suggest getting help fast before that can happen. now in the case thats a demon all the reason to get help faster, moving wont be optional it will only follow you and your family. until help comes a way to tell if its a demon or ghost is that a demon has hot spots and a ghost has cold spots. put kosher salt around your house that will put up a barrrier. control your fear;if you show fear that will(i belive) only strengthen it.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:47 AM
[edit on 28-11-2008 by bellla198]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 11:48 AM
well the more i dig around and the more I try to find out what to do to help them the worse it gets. Last night in the middle of the night I could hear a man talking outside the bedroom window I couldnt make out what he was saying. I got dressed and got a flashlight and before I could step outside heard a womans horrorable scream. went outside and nothing anywhere. Now my daughter had developed a imaginary friend who she says tells her he is very very sick. I dont know if it is something or her imagination. no return calls from the seminole indians as of yet. Im goin crazy

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