posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:55 PM
It's really unnecessary for you to go to any of those lengths. If there are spirits there - and it sounds that there clearly are - your course of
action is very simple. Unfortunately, it will require you do find it within yourself to feel no fear when you do it.
I will try to explain this as best I can so that you may understand what ghosts are and why they are still here. These spirits/souls are displeased
(angered) by their deaths, are unwilling to accept their deaths, are unaware of their deaths, are frustrated that they are ignored by the living, are
emotionally attached to whatever they are haunting, and myriad other reasons. As many reasons as you have ghosts.
Our belief systems teach us to fear death. It's one of the most absurd and harmful things we do in our society. Did you fear the birth of your son?
Naturally not. Why not? Anything can happen now. In death, your body dies but your soul never does. It is only then free.
As such, ghosts cannot hurt you. Over the years, these particular ghosts seem to have gathered quite a lot of energy around them in order to manifest
as they have. You have a chance to help them.
Now, if you can understand the above information, perhaps you are feeling somewhat more at ease with the situation. Try to imagine an old family
member who died but is still lurking around. You wouldn't be afraid, would you? You would try to console them and let them know that everything is
fine, that life goes on and that they are now free. You don't need to say anything out loud to them, but you can, of course. All you need to feel
is compassion and understanding for them.
Next time you see them, try to practice feeling that understanding and compassion. Try to go out to them (when you are truly without fear) and let
them know that you see them and that you understand them. Let them know that they must go though and they have family and loved ones waiting to
receive them. Simply imagine a stairway filled with a gentle white light and ask the spirit's family to meet them there. They will come. There is
nothing but love out there and it's more glorious than anything we can imagine. You can though and this is a good way to start.
You can ask the Seminole to help, if you think they will. I would hope they would but it seems odd to me that given all this time that they have done
nothing to free those souls. Can there really be so much animosity still? Such a shame. No wonder those souls haven't gone yet. Give them your
help and I feel certain they will go.