posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:26 PM
internos first off, thank you so much for your time to comipile this information. Once again you have outdone yourself to help all of us in
the search for the truth.
I am really impressed of the amount of data you have researched here, I have heard about this place but didn't have all the information that you have
provided us with. What ever is going on there I hope it isn't just military secret activity going on, there has to be a reasonable unknown
explanation about this, especially with the things spontaneously catching on fire, charging of cell phones, etc.
I will be monitoring this events myself as close as possible to contribute with anything I may come across with. I have been to Sicily myself way
before this events started happening back in 2004 and obviously there was nothing to talk about at the time (with regards to UFOs that is).
Again, thanks for all your findings and hard work!