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Child is attacked by ufo in ITAREMA Brasil

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posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:14 PM
The populations in the localities Córrego Salgado and Alegre in Itarema , have witnessed in the last days the visitation of a of a unidentified flying object that is generatng panic in the habitants , they avoid to get out of their houses at night , the ufo normally appear´s at 18:00pm.

Heres the video of the wounds of the suposed child attacked by a ufo

The broadcaster Benedito de Paula that visited that isolated zone said that the 6 years old child had no reason to lie , the child and his family live in a humble house in a isolated place.

The child says he saw a light near the moon , the light dissapeared and seconds later it was near the ground , hovering at half meter above the ground , the ufo then "caught" or attracted every wire´s and poles in the surroundings , the ufo tried to abduct the child but the wires got in the way of the child and the ufo and were cutting the kid , the other kids said that fire was coming out of the wires.
The boy said that the ufo made no sound , and says the wounds he has never hurted.

Two days later the ufo appeared again , it was 200 meters above the ground , the father of the child picked up his shotgun and started shooting at it , and the ufo disapeared.

There is another boy that tells he was folowed by the ufo , has he was heaading home , he rushed inside crying and grabbed his mother.

Benedito de Paula that visited the place to investigate the case saw two ufo´s when he was fishing with is son.

I tried to translate the story the best i could , sorr for any mistakes i made.
Heres the original link of the new´s:

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:21 PM
Those wounds don't look very recent at all

Weird none the less

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Thats what i tought too , the attack took place at the beginning of this month , can´t find the exact date.

The child ws submited to cirurgy because of the wounds.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by dracodie]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:34 PM
If they have seen this UFO numerous times, I wonder why they have no footage of it. They obviously have a camera. They said they know when to expect it. And someone went to "investigate" the alledged place and saw 2 UFOs, but no footage?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:36 PM
It's called child abuse.

Or running into an electric fence.

The deep scar doesn't look like a wire wound, It looks like a knife stab.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Thethingthatwouldntleave

So your saying that the whole village is lying about the lights , the kids are lying about the attack , the kid inflicted the wounds on himself or maybe the father attacked the kid , and everybody is making stories about the attacker? I really doubt it.

This zone has been a ufo hotspot in 1997 , they say that every 10 years ufo´s start to appear.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by dracodie]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by dracodie

Never mind them. It's not worth arguing with that logic. They can not understand that we don't know much at all about the physical world. They believe what they were taught in school.

I also thought immediately that the wounds look old-ish. I would gauge the healing rate as normal if it happened a few weeks ago. They never hurt though. Very interesting. Would that be a trait in the child or owing to the nature of the wound's infliction?

It doesn't seem to me like the villagers have a camera, the professor does but is he resident in the village?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by dracodie
or maybe the father

Why does it have to be the father?

Why is that your first response?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by Thethingthatwouldntleave

That was one of the many examples of the excuses i was expecting to see here.
I believe this event has credibility , because of the number of witnesses , if it was just the kid that had experienced this , i would probably think that there were no ufo´s present , and the kid was lying and suffering from abuse from the father , but still using a ufo has an excuse would seem pretty ilogic , when there are so many ways to get those wounds.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:24 AM
I can see there are some here who have never seen wounds made by wire.
This looks quite normal for a wire wound and the lighter ones are about where they would be after a few days or a week or so.

I see no reason to doubt the kid, and to just say that it was child abuse is beyond rude.

Saying things of this type or sort sounds like fear to me.

I my self would like to have more news on this to have more facts.
If this is true then there is a real issue that needs to be dealt with.

Good post and find. Now we just need all the data that we can find,that way we may be able to find the truth of what happened. Even if we really do not want to know .

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
Those wounds don't look very recent at all

This does have some echoes of the "chupa" attacks in Brazil a few decades ago, but I have my doubts about this one.

I thought the same, Chadwick. Some of the wounds they showed look like very old scars; I have similar ones criss-crossing my arms and hands. The worst injury, which I believe was in or near the subject's armpit, looks old as well. It seems ike a scar from a serious injury that was not given proper medical attention; which would not be surprising given the supposed remoteness of the locale.

What bothers me is that we see the scars without context. We would need to see the wires he was supposedly tangled in to see if they were able to cause such wounds.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:09 AM
This is a creepy story, it reminds me a bit of that similar situation in South Africa where a class full of school children in a remote area were on video telling a reported about a UFO that landed outside the school and an alien that made contact with them.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 02:58 PM
i found this update on this case and the current understanding from what i gather from the article is that the boy probably made the story up.

We believe the case is more a tall tale than truth.

interesting though that the boy is still standing by his story

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 03:18 PM
to lie to conceal child abuse you wouldn't tell a story that is more spectacular and draws international attention, I don't think,'d say something more like "he fell" or "the dog bit him" and not "Jesus raped me on a cloud" or "I was savaged by UFOs or vampires"...

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by easynow

Thanks for the link easynow , in the translation i did not understand some of the brazilian words.
I still find it strange that a 6 years old boy would make up such a out of this world story.

I have here a brazilian ufo magazine , thathas a article about attacks of ufos in Ceará , on 2002 variuos witnesses reported that they were chassed by ufo´s.

And in 1987 in Maranhao people reported attacks by metallic ufo´s.

So this phenonmenom does not appear to be rare in brazil.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:00 AM
If true, has anyone asked the question what provoked the attack?

I tend to think that its a story..nothing more. For this kind of event to be occuring, and in a "hot spot"..someone over there would have a camera to catch these every 10 year


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