The populations in the localities Córrego Salgado and Alegre in Itarema , have witnessed in the last days the visitation of a of a unidentified
flying object that is generatng panic in the habitants , they avoid to get out of their houses at night , the ufo normally appear´s at 18:00pm.
Heres the video of the wounds of the suposed child attacked by a ufo
The broadcaster Benedito de Paula that visited that isolated zone said that the 6 years old child had no reason to lie , the child and his family live
in a humble house in a isolated place.
The child says he saw a light near the moon , the light dissapeared and seconds later it was near the ground , hovering at half meter above the ground
, the ufo then "caught" or attracted every wire´s and poles in the surroundings , the ufo tried to abduct the child but the wires got in the way
of the child and the ufo and were cutting the kid , the other kids said that fire was coming out of the wires.
The boy said that the ufo made no sound , and says the wounds he has never hurted.
Two days later the ufo appeared again , it was 200 meters above the ground , the father of the child picked up his shotgun and started shooting at it
, and the ufo disapeared.
There is another boy that tells he was folowed by the ufo , has he was heaading home , he rushed inside crying and grabbed his mother.
Benedito de Paula that visited the place to investigate the case saw two ufo´s when he was fishing with is son.
I tried to translate the story the best i could , sorr for any mistakes i made.
Heres the original link of the new´s: