There would be no need for a world wide population control scheme or some other 2/3 wipeout so the world can contine scenario had government and all
of the participating world's space programs had done the right thing back in the day and continued to reach outward into the solar system.
With all of the elements and resources out there to sustain humanity for the next billion years, and had the initiative and drive by the people had
kept up and presisted on reaching for the stars, the human race would be spread out and there wouldnt be all this rediculous wars over oil that no
matter who wins the war, will run out, and there would be so much more industry, jobs, wealth, technology, freedom, advances, so many things that
would make the notion of some plan to control and reduce population, an idea that would not even be considered because there would be no reason to do
such a thing, nor would there be conflicts over territory because space is very big, plenty of room out there for each individual on this planet to
have their own planet!
But and power/control freaks decided to divert the human destiny to this mess the world is in now.
What does the public want out of all this eh? Do any of you realize that the power is truely within the public domain? Well it is. Instead of cowering
in a corner and crying about collapse this and NWO that, why dont the people of this planet begin to demand, not beg, DEMAND the changes that will
really change humanity's destiny!
And it aint going to be found in more holes in the ground for oil either!!! So dont even go there with that stupid idea!
Suggestions are welcome. But frankly its quite simple. Write your elected officials, go to their offices, talk to them, call them, email them. Be
presistant, be diligent, and be civilized about it.
The opportunity to make the change doesnt reside in some over glamoured individual thrusted up into the seat of power as president, the real change
MUST begin with each and everyone of us.
Being an armchair loafer munching on chips and banging away at a keyboard all day and all night isnt going to solve anything and certianly wont help
this new elected individual to bring about the change that really should take place.
As he stated in the victory speech...."It will take ALL of us to make the change happen".
It doesnt take a slide rule to understand that.
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