posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:15 AM
For all the UK posters (only UK people can actually sign)
The current UK 'Government' (using the term as loosely as possible) have an agenda to push through a law that would force ALL parents to vaccinate
their children if they want them to attend schools. If they don't they would also lose Child Benefit.
We do not send our children to school and have never vaccinated but I'd still like this choice not to have a State penalty imposed for my choice. We
already get grilled by misinformed and Big Pharma controlled 'Doctors' for our choice as I guess we don't fill their Drug coffers?
Anyway, look at the potential harmful effects of Vaccinations and then if you disagree or at lease think we should have the right to say no? Then
please sign this petition trying to stop a parent’s right to say NO!
Say No To Gov. Forced Vaccinations
and yes it is political!