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Blueprint for Government

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posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:42 PM
All citizens capable of reading/writing are compelled to serve. A committee of people will be chosen randomly every 3 months to decide the world's future. All actions are final and nothing but the next committee's decisions can change the laws.

Anyone, ANYONE in the world can and will be part of the committee and will make the laws governing the entire globe. Rich, poor, stupid, disabled, children, women, men, gays, geniuses and even movie stars will be required to serve on the committee.

Each committee would last a week or two until all decisions are made and would be conducted outdoors in a location safe from tsunamis/hurricanes etc. A popular vote would be required for an advisor to attend the meetings with no power other than having the right to comment on all actions.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 11:55 PM
If you are trying to think up a new form of Government, then you should check out these guys:

or you can watch the zeigeist movies:

Amazing ideas indeed.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:54 AM
the venus project, what do you htink is going to happen? haven't you ever had a job? guess who you have to hire? the morons and jerks. that's the population pool.

i'm saying we make govt service manditory and everyone has to have a say whether they particularly want ot or not. i think it would make things a lot less time consuming with a lot less war.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:11 PM
okay I'm down, so which week do we get to smoke what your smokin'?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:30 PM
i'm more of a drinker at this time. i think this idea would be the best idea for govt short of making the politicians sign contracts that cannot be superceeded under any circumstance.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:41 AM
Seriously there is no honor among theives. We have law and there for that same contract. This is that problem of arresting the now v.p. of the U.S., but it only seems to make the belief that it can be done. The politicians will still break the contract. It's a comparison. How much corruption occured during the times when people would overrule monarchy with immediate death as opposed to this type of diplomacy toward fairness in a democracy?
The proposal on how to stop the event of corruption must be pristene, so that it is a vyable alternate gov't.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:55 AM
Well, I'm not a "smoker" or a drinker, but I think the idea of everybody having to get together to decide things like this might just work, as it would force people to at least think for a bit and not be the mindless gobots that the powers that be would like us to stay as. You would have a "committee of the whole" to ratify everything and smaller committees set up to handle things like education, transportation, commerce, etc.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 08:20 AM
here is an idea,pick the person that would never ever want the job of president and make them serve a 4 year term.if they perform well they are off the hook,if not they have to serve a second term.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:53 PM
okay maybe your saying get new people. The idea of organizing a forum on issues is being done. I think the idea, right or wrong, that nets the most money usually is the decision. I think we're a bit on for a morality correction. This would look unique, fit most humans, however, it is socialistic, rather than imperialistic, which most people like about money.
The answer to living under the "american drug cultured gov't" in an al-quaeda cell is to simply say "no". It's cost effective and you are protected by the constitution, which drug dealers believe in, so you'll never be forced to do drugs. A problem which will arise because of loss of revenue due to the lack of intelligence. They just believe "zombie" is better than "racist". We have to understand they just made the combo of drugged up racist. It won't work, and getting new people together.....certainly we should discuss some right way to be prosperous.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:00 PM
i'm not so sure about the "nets most money" thing. it's more about who MAKES the money in the first place. the point i'm trying to make is that we do have a workable system in place that millions of people are content with. of course, millions are not.

if we could avoid crashing the system and work with what he have what could be better than forcing everyone, EVERYONE to be involved in govt.

think about it, do you really think henry hangover from armpit arkansas is going to concieve a plan of world domination and be able to implement it in the short time he has as a committee member? no, he's going to stick to the basics and the agenda and of course give hiself a nice fat paycheck for the trouble.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 02:23 PM
Yes, I think awareness is a bastion of progress but we've grown to accept corruption. Theives still need their hands chopped off at this point in human mental growth/digress. Morality still seems to be that insurance of fairness. So the first committee would be working, insuring citizens become educated, so that trust can be insured? Instilling quality so that quality comes out? Now how much is this going to cost and where is the money coming from.
Our present system is in cost over-run we believe it comes from corruption. What is the price of right and has wrong, in reality saved us a bundle in financial terms?
Right seems to cost alot, especially meeting the particulars, salarys as you say will be high. I'm just a person who believes you mean utopia, and I don't won't my bubble burst should I get there.

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