posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 09:41 PM
Are you one to believe the global control through a company. Seeming as it may it appears to be happening. This is the one I have noticed in the
United States Hemisphere. I’m pretty sure there is another company maybe even a third like this in Europe and Asia. For now I will only report on
what I have found out on this particular company.
The Onex Corporation
Stated by the Wall street journal as a “buyout firm” Onex seems to be the leading controller in almost all aspects of American life and liberty.
Basically when a company on this side of the world files chapter 11 Onex comes in buys it out and seizes control of the company. If it cannot control
the company then what they do is “manage” the company for its investors and owners. Now it all sounds simple and good, but you have to realize
that this company controls everything now from medical equipment and private emergency response service to movie theaters and restaurants. It all
seems innocent but you have reported court cases that have been filed that the Onex company will create a sub company in order to buy out a company it
wants, or to control a company it cannot achieve by its own name. If it cannot do this by any means necessary then it will just try to bully its way
into the business and force other business around to close due to lack of profit.
both CEO’s of the company have been know to and still support the Bilderberg Group. This in turn makes me believe that there is more to this company
than just what you see.
I fully understand going forth and making the all mighty dollar but this company has taken it to a whole new level. In my enthusiasm to post this I
know I have missed some vital points in this discussion. I ask all of you who view all this info to gather around and share what you find.
I will share that the company info page does not seem complete or fully disclosed. I was trying to look for a particular company I know for a fact
controlled by Onex and it did not show up. So I am left asking, how many other companies does this one corporation control that we do not know about.