posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 03:12 PM
take back your power my friend,
It's not Dulce or Demons or Ghouls that can do this, unless you let them,
it's all basically deep down about your mind.
Meditate, bring your Locus of Control home.
just breath in pink loving energy into all of your body, see it surrounding you in a bright white light all around you,
breath out release any fear, anger, and dark sticky waxy substance (for visualisation) from your breath and pores,
In with pink love, blue healing, white positive energy, see it fill your entire body going out into your aura strong,
Out with fear, anger, demons lol
and again
and again EVERY morning when you wake.....
no battles, no missing bits, JUST NOW and your breath in and out...
I promise in 21 days 10 minutes every morning upon sunrise it will get much better for you...
it really will.