Originally posted by LeaderOfProgress
This is just fear mongering. There is no way to mark the rear side of a bullet. Even the tried casing marking in California has had bad results.
Marking a bullet would be pointless. They get massively deformed on impact.
You're problem is you're arguing with logic, reason and fact. The gun-grabbers do not understand such things.
I sat in on the last hearing in CT when they discussed the ammunition serial numbers and the etched firing pin that would stamp a serial number in the
primers that was unique to the gun.
It's amazing those bills were shot down. Engineers, cops, representatives from firearm manufacturers from all over were there. The engineers from
Colt took a 1911, removed the firing pin and did two things. Swapped a different one in and scratched the head of it with a file and put it back. Both
acts took less than 30 seconds, didnt cost any money and successfully defeated the "microstamping." In response the CT legislators only said "but
dont want our children to be safe?"
My head nearly exploded.
For the ammo marking they had representation after representation of what happens to a bullet once the primer is struck. There is no way any amount of
marking or etching is going to exist on any bullet fired outside of ideal laboratory circumstances and even then the chances of finding the marks in a
controlled situation were like 10,000 to 1.
The arguments that theives would steal ammo registered to me or you were all but ignored and when somebody brought up, with regards to
"microstamping" that you could just grab a handful of somebody elses shells from a public range and spread them around a crime scene or anywhere at
all and waste the cops time for days or weeks or months chasing an innocent man the legislators responded "that wouldnt happen" and we were all
expected to take that as gospel and divine truth.
The people proposing these laws and the people in these states who will inevitably pass them are at best misguided idealists and at worst functionally
California, if I'm not mistaken, actually passed the microstamping bill.
It's mind boggling.
Dont ever assume because a law is absurd it will fail to pass. The people passing these laws are themselves circus clown level absurd and have no
capacity to recognize or understand reality in any form.
I forgot, they dragged out the typical "my life was changed because of gun crime" witness at the hearing. His son apparently had been killed by some
punk with a shotgun. When asked if any of these measures would have saved his sons life the answer from law enforcement was "NO." In fact, the only
thing that could have saved his sons life was if his son had himself been armed.
These bills failed last year in CT but are scheduled to come up in 2009. Those bills and the support they got from the states legislators were the
straw that broke my back and sent me to New Hampshire.
[edit on 25-11-2008 by thisguyrighthere]