posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:18 AM
A combination of greed on the part of our Government and select corporations got us in this pickle and they want us to foot the bill. I have a much
better idea, and with some good ATS contributions to this thought process I imagine we could come up with an excellent list of ways to put these
liabilities back into the hands of those responsible.
So I'll start us off:
1.) There are 435 Members of Congress and 100 Sentators each recieve an annual salary of $169,300 and have voted themselves a "cost of living"
increase of 2.8% beginning January 2009
Take away their raise and we now have $2,536,114 towards the bailout.'*2%404P%5C%5B%3A%22%40%20%20%0A
During the Great Depression Congressmen actually took a paycut - I think this is another great idea so I will submit that as #2
2) If we reduced the salaries by a mere 5% $4.528,775 towards the bailout.
I think that this is actually generous when you consider how many days they actually work. In 2006 it was 103 days - Thats an average of 2 days per
week. I could go for a job like that.
3) Airfare I can't give exact figures for this one but accountability here is a must and I can guarantee with accountability will come responsibilty
(Pass a law that any trips paid for with Government or Campaign funds need to be posted onto 1 database on the internet open to the public) -
I'm going to put out This will add $5,000,000 to the bailout although I have the feeling its much, much more