posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 07:30 AM
Well that was interesting. A tough read though, seemed radom in places. Also noticed that it highlighted two big events in the teaser but never
mentioned them in the interview.
"*North Dakota Air Guard shot down Flight 93
*Missile and/or Global Hawk hit the Pentagon "
Not sure why they want to highlight the two biggest items yet never touch them.
Also I am not sure the nuking of baghdad is really explained well. Also the talk of an impending coup seems unfeasible. If they have so much of the
military ready to take over why are they so loyally following orders today.
Also at one point he seems to highlight the good of Wolfowitz then it changes and he is a bad guy. Also it hints that the planes on 9/11 were not
hijacked but never gives any details on what really happened.
Seriously reads like a consiracy theory more than any facts...
Still if any of it is true I wonder if we will ever know.