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An intimate look at one 9/11 hijacker.

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posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by youg_george


Use your logic here: what seems loke likely?

"loke" likely? What in blue blazes is that? More evidence that the Troofers can't even construct a sentence, much less exhibit critical thinking skills.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
More huge images posted in the OP

Once again, Preston resorts to the "I don't have anything of note or sense to say so I'll post BIG Pictures again!"

Seriously. Do you have *anything* of consequence to contribute to the conversation? In a digitally articulated manner? Other than more BIG Pictures?

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by trebor451
"loke" likely? What in blue blazes is that? More evidence that the Troofers can't even construct a sentence, much less exhibit critical thinking skills.

Says the person who spelled "truthers" wrong. Might want to practice before you preach.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by trebor451

My oh my. Poor trebor is really upset that there were three Ziad Jarrahs on 9-11 and at least one of them was a Zionist MOSSAD agent. Going to have another hissy fit next?

This is jthomas's hero. jthomas outed the MOSSAD agent. Maybe you duhbunkers need to get your act together. We all know that Flight 93 did not bury itself in that tiny hole. What a crock you people believe in.


posted by jthomas
An intimate look at one 9/11 hijacker.

Nov. 22, 2008: A videotape obtained by NBC News shows one of the hijackers, Ziad Jarrah, being carefully coached by his al-Qaida handlers, more than a year before the deadly attacks. NBC’s Jim Popkin reports.

Oh my. Looks like the Israeli MOSSAD has turned Ziad Jarrah loose on somebody again. But wasn't Ziad Jarrah killed when Flight 93 buried into the ground like Wile E Coyote?

trebor my boy; you have your work cut out for you.

Maybe you should ask for a new mission.

Today's video is notable chiefly because it was not only issued in the name of the BAA, but also in the name of a seemingly new branch of it in Lebanon, the Detachments of Ziyad Jarrah. Due to the flexible transliteration of Arabic into English and depending on how one translates the Arabic word "سرايا ," it could also be rendered: Brigades of Ziad Jarrah;

A New MOSSAD Mission For Ziad Jarrah

[edit on 7/26/09 by SPreston]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by SPreston

And this is coming from somebody who believes in the flyover theory even though countless witnesses saw the plane crash into the Pentagon and not one I repeat not one witnessed the flyover.. Face it, you are not going to get your 15 minutes of fame no matter how hard you try. Sorry, but only a few will gain fame and fortune by misrepresenting the facts that cost the lives of thousands of innocent people.

What is wrong with you?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Are you a Jew hater or just really into Clancy novels? You see, these guys were in Flrida for a short time and this is a good link that shows all of the hijackers.


Ziad Samir Jarrah was his name. He was from Lebanon. He went to a Catholic school and married into a good family.A good student. He was a good sleeper agent. Along with Atta he was also part of the original Hamburg cell that planed these attacks. Please tell me how he is a Zion agent or somehow involved with Mossad and where you get your information?

Did you know he fought in Chechnya? HOw about a picture of his passport?

He was real and helped kill 3000 people. Lets try not to give him to much airtime.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:48 AM
"Sorry, but only a few will gain fame and fortune by misrepresenting the facts that cost the lives of thousands of innocent people."

You can say that again - and make sure you accentuate the words "few" and "fortune".

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by SPreston


Ziad Samir Jarrah was his name. He was from Lebanon. He went to a Catholic school and married into a good family.A good student. He was a good sleeper agent. Along with Atta he was also part of the original Hamburg cell that planed these attacks. Please tell me how he is a Zion agent or somehow involved with Mossad and where you get your information?

Did you know he fought in Chechnya? HOw about a picture of his passport?

He was real and helped kill 3000 people. Lets try not to give him to much airtime.

Did you know both of his uncles are admitted MOSSAD agents? Did you know the official FBI photos of Ziad Jarrah do not match the photos of this MOSSAD agent in the OP?

An intimate look at one 9/11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah

Did you know your silly passport photo does not look a bit like this MOSSAD agent OR the official FBI photos of Ziad Jarrah? This nonsense of yours is getting sillier and sillier. No wonder you sheeple are all asleep and so easily led around by the nose.


Too much airtime? Apparently Ziad Jarrah is alive and well, and off on another Israeli MOSSAD terrorist mission against more innocent women and children.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

Oh my. Looks like the Israeli MOSSAD has turned Ziad Jarrah loose on somebody again. But wasn't Ziad Jarrah killed when Flight 93 buried into the ground


Brigades of Ziad Jarrah;

A New MOSSAD Mission For Ziad Jarrah

Actually the Brigades of Ziad Jarrah is a group named after their hero, their Martyr. It is typical and common for them to name their groups after a fallen hero who died while performing Jihad.

For example, you can clearly see from my links and yours that the Brigades of Ziad Jarrah is a sub group of the Abdullah Azzam terror group. Azzam was Bin Laden's mentor, predecessor, and martyr for "the cause".

It does not in any way indicate that Ziad is still alive and operating a group. Rather in shows clearly that they consider him dead, and a martyr.

You can see from the below image that they consider him a martyr, along with the others in the image below that comes from the same source that I linked in my original post here. The same link that you re-linked under a non-existing title, (bad form indeed).



[edit on 7/26/09 by makeitso]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Nonchalant
Typical mainstream media tripe. I cant help but notice the sponsored ad that runs before the video itself is for BP. How appropriate an oil company should be paying for the hosting of a video thats intent is to brainwash the masses to justify the US grab at Middle East oil.

Just a quick factoid. The "pre-roll" ads that precede web content are generally rotated frequently and randomly as a function of the site's media server.

(I do video and web content for a living.)

When I viewed the story it was "leadered" with an 'Oil of Olay' spot. (Poor targeting as I am male.)

Generally you can hit F5 on a PC to refresh web page and often rotate the spots. Or they are rippled per views or time variables.

Not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. Just sayin'.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Sheeple...that is such a funny word. I am not following anyone, I am thinking for myself and if you read the story of this man and do not go to anti OS web sites, you will find the same information. Your posts read like a David Icke copy and paste clone sometimes.

Holy Cow folks...he is still alive...the picture looks like he has aged 8 years..
terror profile

As far as the connection with his uncle who is being accused as a spy for Israel, this could very well be true. I mean, they are a well off family in Lebanon, his brother was a banker(laundering anyone), and who knows if they were working both sides. Also, remember that this is Hezbollah that has taken him, not a recognized government. I have read multiple accounts they beat and tortured him. I mean, if you can't believe our own government I hope you are now not supporting the claims of Known terrorists to fit your delusion of a 9/11 conspiracy?


Let's take a look at a few others if you like...

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by QweeQwa

And this is coming from somebody who believes in the flyover theory even though countless witnesses saw the plane crash into the Pentagon and not one I repeat not one witnessed the flyover..

Funny how Sarge nor anybody else at CIT will even attempt to refute my above statement!

Please CIT, attempt to refute it.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:22 AM
OK, first a big thanks to jthomas for the OP.

And a much bigger thank you to everyone else who tore it apart. I hadn't realised that 93 had basically no hijackers aboard. Cool.

And in a consistently amusing thread, my award for funniest post so far goes to...

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by SPreston

Are you a Jew hater or just really into Clancy novels?

Brilliant! Don't deal with the information presented, go straight for the "Jew hater" ad hominem. That gets you no respect from people who like to look at the facts.

And I've never read any Clancy but I suspect that his novels are more fit for the OCT fans.

You see, these guys were in Flrida for a short time and this is a good link that shows all of the hijackers.


Now that link is something really special. It contains gems like this:

Ahmed Alnami
Age: 23.
Nationality: Saudi.
At 5-feet-9 inches tall, he was among the taller hijackers.

Wow. That sentence just reeks of desperation, doesn't it? "OMG there's just nothing to say about this guy. What can I put? Oh, OK, he was tall. That'll have to do. He's the last one, anyway..."

Hopefully no-one will look at that and go, "the hijackers must have all been little guys, huh? How did they get away with it with just box-cutters?

And then we look at the source, the St. Petersburg Times. Now one of my favourite sources about the "hijackers" is Daniel Hopsicker's Mad Cow Morning News. He's a journalist who actually gets out there and interviews people and has single-handedly exposed the official story of the Venice flight school students as an utter, stinking crock.

On this page Hopsicker fillets an attempt at deflection by a St. Petersburg Times. journalist who attempts to debunk the idea that there were threats on Bush's life as he was staying in Florida on the night of September 10th.

So I think we can say that the Times is a compromised source.

Please tell me how he [Jarrad] is a Zion agent or somehow involved with Mossad and where you get your information?

Please tell me how you managed to get this far in the thread without having read the answers to those questions.

He was real and helped kill 3000 people. Lets try not to give him to much airtime.

Yup. Move on people, nothing to see here.

But you should know it doesn't work like that, esdad.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by rich23]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by SlightlyAbovePar

Made an ass of yourself, because 27000 points arent hard to get when you make decent posts.

Apparently getting "points" is your motivation for being here.

Apparently having someone get more stars than you in your own thread hurts.

I personally wouldnt know.

back on topic now...

Without any evidence after seven years of the 9/11 Truth Movement regurgitating the same old assertions, do you actually think anyone is paying attention to them?

I hate to break it to you sweetie, but I dont ask silly questions and make baseless assertations. I ask hard questions that no one seems to have a good answer to. I dont give 2 ***** if I'm the only one on the planet, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck you better come at me with some science to explain why its not a duck. If you can't you should try to sell something else.

Ive already proven many times over that millions of people are paying attention, I don't care if you are or aren't.

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