posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Have we been pre occupied with the NWO conspiracy when all along it has been the communist take over?
Just think about it, how the language and the fear word has changed from communist to terrorist, homeland rulers, leaders and decision makers. I am a
1960 model and this is what I believe.
I believe most of this NWO has been a diversion to the communist take over of America and anyone who cannot see it now has to be either with the
communist or in denial.
Here are the Amendments to the Constitution the way they should read in to days reality and it is pretty scary to say the least.
The Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America
Amendments to the Constitution
Don't be fooled Communism has been implemented and accepted here in the U.S.A.
“Communism is not [and never was] a creation of the masses to overthrow the Banking establishment, but rather a creation of the Banking
establishment to overthrow and enslave the people.”-Anthony J. Hilder
Actually, I destroyed Joe McCarthy because I introduced him to the real origins of Communism, which was the international bankers. He knew nothing
about that. He thought Communists were little Jewish tailors on the Lower East Side of New York. I showed him the connections between international
bankers like the Rothschilds and Communism. You can't have a worldwide movement without a lot of money behind it. It's like when the circus comes to
town. You have to pay someone to hang the posters. [Interview 2003] by Tom Valentine
"Today the primary threat to the liberties of the American people comes not from Communism, foreign tyrants or dictators. It comes from the tendency
on our own shores to centralize power, to trust bureaucracies rather than people." - George H. Allen