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What does the NWO ultimately have to gain?

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posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:02 AM
If this has been asked before I apologize.

But ultimately what would they have to gain?

After all the people are locked up in camps, the Aliens have run amok, All the world's "money" is in their hands, then what?

Money is useless if there is no place to spend it. And with all the population in slavery, or dead, nobody to buy from.

So, maybe it's about the slaves. Slaves to do what? Make them money? Just to be in power of them?

I don't get it, what would be the purpose of all this?

It would seem to me that they would have MUCH more power and influence in keeping things just like they are now!
After all, aren't we subjects already?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:29 AM
the purpose for this is god has a plan for the world and the nwo is just a part of it... when everyone is dead that makes it easier for the antichrist to control his victims. And people pick satan by wearing the mark of the beast 666 will be sentenced to life in hell.... but who opposes him and is on gods side will be granted paradise... its all part of judgement day the fight between god vs satan and God is automatically goign to win because he created everything and everyone... so once this happens there will be 1000 years of peace on the earth... SOURCE: BIBLE JOHN

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:30 AM
because as much power that they have...6 billion citizens of this planet revolting against them would be pretty difficult to control.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:40 AM
Plus they probably love nature. They don't want man to have his unabashed multiplying endanger the environment.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by caterpillage

These are damn good questions. I mean at what point do you say "OK I already rule the world... I'm done?"

Granted it may be impossible to understand the psychology of such demented people so their motivations may simply be beyond normal psychological understanding, but I believe there may be a even more hidden puppeteer(s) pulling the strings on the bankers at the top normally assumed to be the puppet masters.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by Anonymous Avatar]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:17 AM
For possible answers look up Alex Collier.

two lines.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:21 AM
The purpose of all this control is energy.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:28 AM
If you ever meet an elite of society they already think they are a different breed than us. They think they are special and we are not. For the most part they do seem to be right though about mankind, as most of us, are just useless eaters.

What they have to gain, is total control,a nd knowing they are better than us. Thats a big thing, as you see anyone here in todays world, just look at there ego.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:32 AM
The NWO has everything in the world to gain. Get it? One World Government means we all pay taxes to one group of people, there is one rule of law, and any militant group whom disagrees and steps out of line will be stamped out.

You simply cannot resist when fighting the entire world. They know this, and have everything in the world to gain by accomplishing it.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
as most of us, are just useless eaters.

That's a good one! And disturbingly true.

Thanks for the posts! allot of good points.

I agree the population would certainly be easier to control if it was much smaller, but the process needed to do that would create extreme unrest in the remaining population, rioting, revolts. Etc.

I would even hope that segments of the military itself would see whats going on at that point and resist.

It just strikes me as a bit extreme to go that far. causing more problems than it would be worth.

I don't disagree at all that there are those out there that would love to have all this happen. I just hope there aren't enough to do it.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:12 AM
ask yourself why Darth Vader would want to rule the galaxy and you have your answer.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by caterpillage

we already have two examples of '... What do they have to gain',

the elites want to become gods
the next level down of these illuminati will be satisified as demi-gods

the two models, examples of total & complete authority are
the Roman and Greek Pantheons, of gods....

the mythologies of both the Roman & Greek gods are known to most Westernized global citizens,
i cannot name or cite a few of the global elites, as that would jeopardize me...
but these elites are understood to have monopolies in industry and politics, etc
they also desire to become as gods, where the laws & rules of men do not apply to them, and to have the mastery to select and obtain donor organs for their continued life extension needs.

What more could they (NWO leaders) have to gain... you ask

perhaps blood-sport & executions & genocides of unpopular groups of people, as entertainment,
instead of these acts being conducted in the present 'War' cover story

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by St Udio

They have no possible means of doing any type of permanent control of the populace. Every god falls eventually...

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by caterpillage

There are many many Truthers who don't know the reality what is behind NWO. What the Hell they want to Achieve...

1st of All I would Like to Tell you The New World Order (NWO) creation of Illuminati was Planned Strat IN THE RULING OF KING NAMROD in Babel (Babylon or Iraq).

It is not a Political Conspiracy. Its is totally A Religoius Conspiracy Which was Achieved By Political & Ecomonical Means. But In fact There is an ultimate hand of Religion.

Going through History, it Says Narood was a Jew. It also says that before & after the era of Namrood Jews change the Gods many times. leaving all because its a very very deep thing coming towards you basic question,

The New World Order, is a Religious Order of illuminati. The thing Behind to Rule this world by Global Enslavement is not a Political thing but A Religious multi Political Order. It means they are using Politcal terms and shades to Rule there Religion By One Order.

They want to Rule this World by So-Called Masiha which is going to save them from all the Goyms (Rest of the World- A term used in Protocoles of Elder Learners of Zions by Jews). They are just preparing this World that Massiha Which is Termed in Christanity As Anti-Christ & In Islam too.

there are many question which reveal the Secrets of Israel.

Why Do they Choose only Palistine to Make Israel?

For What they are going to Demoslish Mosque Aqsa?

For Whom they are going to Built Throne in Place of Mosque Aqsa?

Why they Only Selected Israel For that Throne?

Get the Answers of it you'll get all.

[email protected]

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