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Controlled Demolition for what reason??

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posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
A building that height windows tend not to open

They would be busted open way before steel columns would be thrown hundreds of feet. The differences between the amount of compression needed to bust out a window compared to the air compression required to launch multi-ton steel sections like that are likely different orders of magnitude entirely, and there is no question which would happen first. And as soon as the windows bust, you are only losing pressure.

although its not airtight try getting 400,000+ cubic feet of air/floor out in a fraction of a second!

When the holes and huge gaps through which the air is escaping permeate these entire floors, this really is not a problem. The floors are being busted out on all 4 sides, their ceilings above, and their floors below, and there is no container within those buildings anywhere that is going to trap the air in those circumstances and allow it to sufficiently compress.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

Furthermore, there is no one in here supporting your delusional conspiracy you are all by your self on this one. You need to listen to what other people are telling you and stop playing gate keeping for the Government. Those that play gate keeping are betraying the American people and their Country.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Well if thats the FEAR YOU GUYS live under in the states why do you stay
I dont live there but if i thought that half the bs claimed on the internet was true
i wouldn't stay there, far more of the world outside the US than in it!

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
Well if thats the FEAR YOU GUYS live under in the states why do you stay

If it were fear, I probably would be more inclined to try to leave the country. But I'm not afraid of anything, except maybe torture. Being tortured would be not so pleasant, I would rather just die. But I've already been through enough in my personal life that not much else frightens me.

I dont live there but if i thought that half the bs claimed on the internet was true
i wouldn't stay there

That's actually probably the best reason for you not to believe these things, then. If you can't accept them, of course you will find ways to convince yourself they are crazy. It's delusional (and in this case a mass delusion not unlike Nazi Germany) but it's also actually extremely common and people do it on a daily basis without even realizing it. Racists are a good example. Racists have such a fear of something different or new that they will believe completely irrational and inhumane things very easily, and not see a problem with it at all. Racism is something else that is still a big problem in some parts of this country. But me, not being afraid of change or really giving a damn about much of anything, have no problem accepting other people for who and what they are. The same with 9/11, and I think it's ridiculous how illogical people will be simply from being under the impression that there is some sort of credibility or authority behind the "official story." Anyone that doesn't approach the situation already with a chip on their shoulder, that can look at these things in a very open and frank way, will find worse than incompetence. But it is potentially a very unnerving thing to see. It will be even more unnerving once it gets to the point where it is undeniable. Give it only a few years. History repeats itself.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by dariousg

Upon further reflection you are correct...I went off way to hard on the guy; I should have done one of two things - remind him to use the search button in a more friendly way or ignore the thread all together...

Beer, GG and ATS can be an explosive mix at times... bad man - I apologize for the comments and good luck with the paper...

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

Well if thats the FEAR YOU GUYS live under in the states why do you stay
I dont live there but if i thought that half the bs claimed on the internet was true
i wouldn't stay there, far more of the world outside the US than in it!

Because we “love” our Country and I for one am not going to just sit and do nothing!
Besides there is nowhere to go that is safe. You are right there is a grown fear that our Government is trying to destroy our own Country. If we just sit back and do nothing then evil will prevail, and then we the American people deserve what we get for doing nothing. You do nothing, you get nothing,

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Well "svtman", you´ve read some very interesting viewpoints and theories both "for" and "against" 9/11 being an inside job.
I wrote an essay some time ago trying to look at 9/11 from the "perps" viewpoint. Trying to put some common sense into it, to show how "preposterous" it is, to believe in those theories. Of course this is only a personal opinion, nothing more.

Let´s say you are with the group of perps. You have come up with the idea of a Black Flag operation. Create a terrorist attack on the U.S. To give you an excuse to wage war on a middle east Country.
First, you have come up with the airliner hijackings idea. Second, that the airplanes will be used to crash against the WTC towers.
This should be more that enough to give your Gov. the excuse to wage war on anybody, but somehow, someone comes up with the idea that the towers should also collapse after some hours of burning uncontrollably. Why? Who knows? But it is decided that they will be made to collapse.
Now you need a way to make them collapse that should be explained as a result of the plane hits, because somehow, somebody tells you that the plane crashes and fire will not do the job, how they know this? no idea. But they know.
So it is decided, a demolition process is needed, and it is figured out that 1 to 2 hours after the collision is a good time to activate the demolition.
For months before 9/11, dozens if not hundreds of secret agents disguised as maintenance workers, construction and whatever necessary, go through the process of installing the required explosives and cutting charges in the core structure of the towers, and of course, the homming beacons that will guide the planes. How this was done without anybody suspecting anything is a real wonder?
Tons of explosives are installed and ready for weeks, just waiting for the signal. (Tons of it.)
You could have had just a few cars with explosives parked at strategic points in the parking basements brought there by recruited terrorists, but instead you decide for the tons of explosives painstakingly and very dangerously installed throughout the whole building in weeks of hard cover up work.
Then or from the very start of things, it is decided that WTC 7 must also be destroyed, and instead of having another plane hit it, somehow it is figured out that number 7 collapse will be easily related to the collapse of one or the two other towers. How this is known?, of course no idea.
It would be much easier and better to do it with a third plane, but somehow, this is rejected.
And of course, another bunch of technicians go to work to prepare building 7 for it´s collapse.
This would have to be dozens if not hundreds of “agents” that would have had to work on all this. Sworn to secrecy of course. And probably being forced to cooperate through kidnappings and threats to their loved ones.
But someone somehow comes up with the amazing discovery that this will not cut it. It´s not enough.
So another hijacking is decided, not to hit WTC7, but to hit the Pentagon. Why? There appears to be a certain problem with some money that´s not accounted for, and the easiest way to go about this is to crash the supposed airliner into the wing of the building that houses the accounting offices. It´s so OBVIOUS isn´t it?
Somebody comes up with the idea of a small Cessna or similar plane to do the job loaded with C4 or a bazooka fired from the street by a terrorists, but this idea is dismissed and instead, an American Airlines B757 (or something to be made to look like it) is chosen to carry out this mission. Why? Who knows. They want it to be very SPECTACULAR, because somehow the attack on the WTC towers is considered not to be BIG enough.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:06 PM

And then also ANOTHER airliner must be hijacked, but this time they come up with the great idea of having it crash in the country on some scarcely populated area, as a result of a rebellion of the passengers against the terrorists. Of course everyone must be killed, to warrant that no “wistleblower” could spill the beans. You could have your own agents stage the hijacking, the takeover, and land the airliner somewhere, where you could have SPECTACULAR media coverage of the whole HEROIC FEAT, and even be there with live T.V. And all the stuff, but you come up with the decision that NO, everybody must die. You must make the people feel crushed with the bitter taste of total defeat.

So, for months, you get your crews of secret agents disguised as different type of workers that manage to go undetected into the buildings with explosives in back packs or tool boxes or something like that, and have them installed in the strategic places that highly skilled engineers and demolition experts have figured out, so that at the proper moment, a synchronized (to the fraction of a sec.) series of explosions will be set off in a manner that will show the building falling on itself.
You are told by the demolition experts that a demolition like this has never been attempted, that demolitions are carried out taking the lower structure off first, and then letting gravity do the rest. But you don´t want this to be the case. Who knows why? They tell you it can be explained easily by saying there were a few car bombs in specific locations in parking basements, and it would require much less work and material, specially explosives. But you decide, no, it has to be from the top down.
So 9/11 comes, the planes are guided to the buildings by the homming beacons, they hit exactly on the spot that had been designated, avoiding only by a few feet, the explosives placed conveniently below. (Precision, not luck.)
Why it was decided one of the towers was to be hit much lower than the other? Don´t know? But what an exact operation!!
So as a result, of course, it is decided that the tower hit lowest should collapse first. And after the required time, the demolition is activated, causing debris of the outer walls of the towers to go outward as the collapse progresses. You were warned about this possibility by the demolition expert, but who cares? The result is SPECTACULAR, which is part of what you were looking for.
After this comes the Pentagon. In this case, the site is accessible right away to a lot of people, specially in the military, so you send your secret agents with the prearranged airplane parts, to plant them in the strategic locations that were previously designated. And of course seal off the area to work freely on keeping control of things. No problem with witnesses reports cause in this case as in any big tragic event they will be contradictory and conspiracy theorists will be there to help make this more confusing anyway.
Now you decide to go about fabricating the evidence that will be made public. Obviously the easiest way to go about the airliners is to say that the black boxes weren´t recovered or were too badly damaged to make any reading possible.
But no, you decide, there will be black boxes that you will manufacture with your team of loyal or blackmailed aviation accident investigators.
And of course somebody comes up with the brilliant idea that the black boxes information will not match with the official account of events, so that conspiracy theorists will have lots and lots of work for many years to come, trying to unmask your operation.
But you enjoy this challenge, it makes you happy to see those people suffering to uncover that which you will always have a way of hiding from them.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by rush969

nice to see someone else with common sense..
this is the focal point that is lost on most "truthers"
why make the story so complex when it wasn't necessary.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:29 PM

posted by rush969
Well "svtman", you´ve read some very interesting viewpoints and theories both "for" and "against" 9/11 being an inside job.
I wrote an essay some time ago trying to look at 9/11 from the "perps" viewpoint. Trying to put some common sense into it, to show how "preposterous" it is, to believe in those theories. Of course this is only a personal opinion, nothing more.

Arguing from personal incredulity is not a very presentable debate form. It is a logical fallacy to the degree that the personal incredulity is offered as further evidence of your own belief structure. A logical fallacy is a mistake in reasoning. While developing the argument from personal incredulity, you have inserted your own personal bias in an attempt to strengthen your own incredulous argument for acceptance of your own preferred conclusions. That is not an honest debate form.

You do not know the mindset of the 9-11 planners nor of the 9-11 perpetrators. You do not know their definite intentions nor preferred objectives nor if their objectives were successfully concluded or not. They may have utterly failed to complete their objectives as planned as far as you know. You do not know when or how the explosives were planted in the WTC Towers, nor the type of explosives used nor the amount used. You do not need to know how or when the explosives were planted nor even what type of explosives nor the amount used to form a conclusion of top-down demolition.

You do not have a transcript of the plans nor stated objectives, nor the resulting mission completion of the 9-11 perpetrators. All you have are videotaped and photographic evidence of the viewable results during the destruction of the WTC Towers. You do not have evidence of a gravity collapse; but evidence of a top-down explosive demolition of both towers. The tower concrete floors, ceilings, dry walls, windows, office furniture, and victim bodies were all pulverized in mid-air by a powerful destructive explosive force. Huge sections of the exterior wall structure were blown 600 feet up and out from the towers. The massive core structures were blown prior to and during the top-down explosive demolition. The evidence speaks for itself. Personal incredulity has no place in the debate.

You also have the evidence of planted shills on the morning of 9-11, prepared with scripts to present the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY to the gullible American sheeple live on the boob tube. You have evidence of the government leadership desperately attempting to prevent any and all investigations into 9-11. You have evidence of a calculated failure to punish any senior person for failure to do their official duties during 9-11. Not one NORAD incompetent (traitor), not one single Administration incompetent (traitor), and not one single Congressional incompetent (traitor) was punished for their roles in 9-11; either prior, during, or after.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
The 9/11 buildings were brought down at the hands of U.S. Government in order to initiate a war with Afghanistan and more importantly Iraq.

We must seize these countries to continue the mission of global dominance of the New World Order.

In other words, they have a plan in motion to have a one world government. The reason? They get all of the tax revenue of the world, and all the control in the world. Nobody can possibly resist a world government. It means total control, and they will eventually get it because nobody can stop it.

I'd buy your rationale if you applied it to the current "financial crisis" and all the bail outs, but not to the 9/11 attacks.

The 9/11 attacks and the war in Afghanistan are clearly the result of the the work of the Islamofascists. The U.S. Government doesn't have the ability to do anything sinister without proof leaking out. We couldn't even secretly waterboard Khalid Sheik Mohamed without word leaking out, and that was not worse than the sinus irrigation that my Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor had me do to myself.

Do you believe the US government or the Indian government staged the attacks in Mumbai, India today? Why not?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by SPreston

"Not one NORAD incompetent (traitor), not one single Administration incompetent (traitor), and not one single Congressional incompetent (traitor) was punished for their roles in 9-11; either prior, during, or after."

We didn't have the capability for NORAD to stop the 9/11 attacks even before the "Peace Dividend." Calling people traitors for not doing what they could not do is a real cheap shot.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:20 PM
" the gullible American sheeple live on the boob tube..."

and yet the above itself is not fallacious? Forum arguments are saturated in begging the question, affirming the consequent, hasty generalization, ad hominem tu quoque, straw men, argument ad populum, etc. If one believes that all fallacious arguements are to be ignored, then basically no one can post. Here, we deny ignorance and I think it is up to us to weed out what is fallacious and what is not. Ignore what is fallacious and comment on what is valid. I would not comment on what is fallacious because I would have to waste so much time on it.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by CharlesMartel

Oh really! Think again.

The U.S. Government doesn't have the ability to do anything sinister without proof leaking out.

Operation Northwoods
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a false flag conspiracy plan, proposed within the United States government in 1962. The plan called for CIA or other operatives to commit apparent acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Castro-led Cuba. One plan was to "develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington".
This operation is especially notable in that it included plans for hijackings and bombings followed by the use of phony evidence that would blame the terrorist acts on a foreign government, namely Cuba.
The plan states,
"The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere."
Operation Northwoods was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by then-Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, and sent to the Secretary of Defense.
Several other proposals were listed, including the real or simulated actions against various U.S military and civilian targets. Operation Northwoods was part of the U.S. government's Cuban Project (Operation Mongoose) anti-Castro initiative. It was never officially accepted or executed.

Operation Northwoods
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.
Operation Northwoods called for a war in which many patriotic Americans and innocent Cubans would die senseless deaths, all to satisfy the egos of twisted generals back in Washington, safe in their taxpayer financed homes and limousines.
Lemnitzer was a dangerous-perhaps even unbalanced-right-wing extremist in an extraordinarily sensitive position during a critical period. But Operation Northwoods also had the support of every single member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and even senior Pentagon official Paul Nitze argued in favor of provoking a phony war with Cuba. The fact that the most senior members of all the services and the Pentagon could be so out of touch with reality and the meaning of democracy would be hidden for four decades.
In retrospect, the documents offer new insight into the thinking of the military's star-studded leadership. Although they never succeeded in launching America into a phony war with Cuba, they may have done so with Vietnam. More than 50,000 Americans and more than 2 million Vietnamese were eventually killed in that war.
It has long been suspected that the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident-the spark that led to America's long war in Vietnam-was largely staged or provoked by U.S. officials in order to build up congressional and public support for American involvement. Over the years, serious questions have been raised about the alleged attack by North Vietnamese patrol boats on two American destroyers in the Gulf But defenders of the Pentagon have always denied such charges, arguing that senior officials would never engage in such deceit.
Now, however, in light of the Operation Northwoods documents, it at deceiving the public and trumping up wars for Americans to fight and die in was standard, approved policy at the highest levels of the Pentagon. In fact, the Gulf of Tonkin seems right out of the Operation Northwoods playbook: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba . . . casualty lists in U.S. newspapers cause a helpful wave of indignation." One need only replace "Guantanamo Bay" with "Tonkin Gulf," and "Cuba" with "North Vietnam" and the Gulf of Tonkin incident may or may not have been stage-managed, but the senior Pentagon leadership at the time was clearly capable of such deceit.
Book epigram:
"The public has a duty to watch its Government closely and keep it on the right track." --Lieutenant Gen. Kenneth A. Minihan, USAF, Director, NSA, _NSA Newsletter_, June 1997
Never underestimate our Government and in my opinion they pull off 911.
There never has been an investigation in to 911 never.
What terrorists? The Government has already admitted that their identities were stolen furthermore, that also proves the Government “LIED” about the highjackers DNA! At the crash sites.
No one knows who these people are, seven of the nineteen highjackers are still alive, and some of them have filed lawsuits against our Government to clear their names. In addition, Bin Laden has not been charge for 911 according to the FBI. Infact they have made it “very” clear they have no proof he had anything to do with 911. Now with that been said why did we attack Afghanistan? Where are those WMD? Nothing but lies! You want to take the word of our Government what for? They are a bunch of *liers* and that is a fact!
911 was an INSIDE JOB!

[edit on 11/27/2008 by cashlink]

[edit on 11/27/2008 by cashlink]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by CharlesMartel

We didn't have the capability for NORAD to stop the 9/11 attacks even before the "Peace Dividend." Calling people traitors for not doing what they could not do is a real cheap shot.

Cheap shot! He is telling you the “truth” and yes they are traitors, they sold out for promotions, and pay raises, to keep quiet. They are not Americans they are traitors sellouts, they should been in jail. Please! Were is your logic in all this, asking question is been patriot the problem is the Government is not answering any of our question concerning 911 why, because they are guilty! Those that shill our Government from wrongdoing are call shills, or gatekeepers and they are traitors to.

We didn't have the capability for NORAD to stop the 9/11 attacks

Please! We have been doing the very same exercises of airplanes attacking the WTC and the Pentagon for years including on that very day on 911. NORAD was very well equipped to stop those planes from hitting their targets.

These airplanes flew over restricted air space for an hour! In addition, they flew right over our nuclear power plants, this is very restricted air space. This is why I just do not buy in to the Government lies. If real terrorist wanted to do some real damage, they would have flown those airplanes in our “nuclear” power plants and kill hundreds of thousands of people, maybe a few million, however they would not waste their time crashing into some buildings. Hitting our nuclear power plants would have made a bigger statement.

[edit on 11/27/2008 by cashlink]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 01:00 AM
To SPreston:
Hi, I wasn´t trying to provide "evidence" of anything.
That is what YOU HAD OFFERED to do.
And may I say, you have not provided evidence of anything.
We all know what you believe, however, you have decieved all of us by offering something that cannot be seen or prooven.
We just have to take your word for it right?
What I´m trying to show is how complicated this can get, and I´m only scratching the surface here, and it allready get´s TOO COMPLICATED to be possible, to be logical.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:09 AM

posted by SPreston
You have evidence of a calculated failure to punish any senior person for failure to do their official duties during 9-11.
"Not one NORAD incompetent (traitor), not one single Administration incompetent (traitor), and not one single Congressional incompetent (traitor) was punished for their roles in 9-11; either prior, during, or after."

posted by CharlesMartel
We didn't have the capability for NORAD to stop the 9/11 attacks even before the "Peace Dividend." Calling people traitors for not doing what they could not do is a real cheap shot.

You really took me out of context there didn't you? Senior persons who made sure they were away from their duties on 9-11. Do you always pull these little dishonest tricks out of your sleeve like that?

Is it a selective memory you exercise or did you really not know that Meyers and many others were deliberately 'absent' during 9-11? Another example is pResident Dubya the dry drunk drug addict, deliberately hiding behind small schoolchildren and doing NOTHING during 9-11. I know. You are one of those sob sisters who believes a President is more suited to babysitting children that doing his duties as CIC of US Military defensive forces. Go figure.

NORAD did not have the capability? Did they have the capability to try? Or did patriotism disappear with your peace dividend also? Did the ability to fly fighter jets at supersonic speeds also disappear with your peace dividend?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:26 AM

posted by rush969
To SPreston:
Hi, I wasn´t trying to provide "evidence" of anything.
That is what YOU HAD OFFERED to do.
And may I say, you have not provided evidence of anything.
We all know what you believe, however, you have decieved all of us by offering something that cannot be seen or prooven.
We just have to take your word for it right?
What I´m trying to show is how complicated this can get, and I´m only scratching the surface here, and it allready get´s TOO COMPLICATED to be possible, to be logical.

I would never waste my time trying to convince people like you. My posts and evidence are directed towards people with open minds and interest in justice. I provided the video which shows the heavy steel sections arcing up against gravity and outwards and down onto neighboring buildings 600 feet away. Gravity pulls down; it does not push objects away from the earth. Therefore another force hurled those multi-tonned objects away from the towers.

Don't waste your arguments from incredulity on me. They are useless and meaningless. Obviously you never bothered to view the video.

I also provided videos proving 70 mph ejections from the towers an a separate thread. People with open minds can arrive at their own conclusions without your help.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Hi all, I found this thread at the behest od SPreston who advised me that the tiddly winks (a popsickle stick) motion was being offered to explain the panels trajectory.

I am also aware that there is no need to describe the type and placement of demolition charges that explains the parabolic path of highest resistance...but I like the idea of 4th generation thermonuclear hydrogen devices in the basement with the force, via shaped charge technology, focused upwards.

Having said that the videos all show parabolic trajectories of multi ton panels. From all four sides. Simultaneously. A parabolic path is akin to throwing a baseball up into the air away from the center of the earth (gravity) at an approximate 45 degree angel. (As seen on videos). The energy imparted to the ball allows it to travel against the gravitational force of -32 feet per second per second.

So its path while initially upwards soon changes over time and distance to describe a parabola. However time and distance soon allow gravity to overcome the initial energy given the ball and it begin accellerating towards the center of the earth.

I have a dial up conneection but I have seen both on 9/11 and afterwards, this parabolic fountain like travel of some seriously heavy pieces of steel.

I have also looked at nuclear devices, current generation, and observe striking similiarities between these and the signaature of WTC1-2.

I have good grades in math, ballistics, and calculus and trig, geometry, differential equations. The telltale signature here is the parabolic path of massive steel. Plus the pulverization of concrete in midair. Disintegration of all matter and superheated pockets of molten steel for three months post 9/11.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:47 AM

Lesson 2: Projectile Motion
Characteristics of a Projectile's Trajectory
As discussed earlier in this lesson, a projectile is an object upon which the only force acting is gravity. Many projectiles not only undergo a vertical motion, but also undergo a horizontal motion. That is, as they move upward or downward they are also moving horizontally. There are the two components of the projectile's motion - horizontal and vertical motion. And since perpendicular components of motion are independent of each other, these two components of motion can (and must) be discussed separately. The goal of this part of the lesson is to discuss the horizontal and vertical components of a projectile's motion; specific attention will be given to the presence/absence of forces, accelerations, and velocity.

Horizontally Launched Projectiles
Let's return to our thought experiment from earlier in this lesson. Consider a cannonball projected horizontally by a cannon from the top of a very high cliff. In the absence of gravity, the cannonball would continue its horizontal motion at a constant velocity. This is consistent with the law of inertia. And furthermore, if merely dropped from rest in the presence of gravity, the cannonball would accelerate downward, gaining speed at a rate of 9.8 m/s every second. This is consistent with our conception of free-falling objects accelerating at a rate known as the acceleration of gravity.

If our thought experiment continues and we project the cannonball horizontally in the presence of gravity, then the cannonball would maintain the same horizontal motion as before - a constant horizontal velocity. Furthermore, the force of gravity will act upon the cannonball to cause the same vertical motion as before - a downward acceleration. The cannonball falls the same amount of distance as it did when it was merely dropped from rest (refer to diagram below). However, the presence of gravity does not affect the horizontal motion of the projectile. The force of gravity acts downward and is unable to alter the horizontal motion. There must be a horizontal force to cause a horizontal acceleration. (And we know that there is only a vertical force acting upon projectiles.) The vertical force acts perpendicular to the horizontal motion and will not affect it since perpendicular components of motion are independent of each other. Thus, the projectile travels with a constant horizontal velocity and a downward vertical acceleration.
The above information can be summarized by the following table.

The force of gravity acts downward


"g" is downward at 9.8 m/s/s

(Constant or Changing?) Constant Changing
(by 9.8 m/s each second)

Non-Horizontally Launched Projectiles
Now suppose that our cannon is aimed upward and shot at an angle to the horizontal from the same cliff. In the absence of gravity (i.e., supposing that the gravity switch could be turned off) the projectile would again travel along a straight-line, inertial path. An object in motion would continue in motion at a constant speed in the same direction if there is no unbalanced force. This is the case for an object moving through space in the absence of gravity. However, if the gravity switch could be turned on such that the cannonball is truly a projectile, then the object would once more free-fall below this straight-line, inertial path. In fact, the projectile would travel with a parabolic trajectory. The downward force of gravity would act upon the cannonball to cause the same vertical motion as before - a downward acceleration. The cannonball falls the same amount of distance in every second as it did when it was merely dropped from rest (refer to diagram below). Once more, the presence of gravity does not affect the horizontal motion of the projectile. The projectile still moves the same horizontal distance in each second of travel as it did when the gravity switch was turned off. The force of gravity is a vertical force and does not affect horizontal motion; perpendicular components of motion are independent of each other.

In conclusion, projectiles travel with a parabolic trajectory due to the fact that the downward force of gravity accelerates them downward from their otherwise straight-line, gravity-free trajectory. This downward force and acceleration results in a downward displacement from the position that the object would be if there were no gravity. The force of gravity does not affect the horizontal component of motion; a projectile maintains a constant horizontal velocity since there are no horizontal forces acting upon it.

So the only real question is how much energy is required to move a four ton object 600 feet?

Mass times distance equals force.
8000 X 600 = 4,800,000 foot pounds of energy per 4 ton panel.
How many panels traveled 600 feet?
God knows, but lets say one thousand of them.

4,800,000 X 1000 = 4,800,000,000 foot pounds of energy.
That is four billion eight hundred thousands foot pounds of energy.
In the initial second of collapse the kinetic energy required to propel just one 4 ton panel (4,800,000) foot pounds of energy was non existant.

wnd_2008 please put this in your pipe and smoke it.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by fmcanarney]

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