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why did people vote for obama

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
reply to post by Swatman

Yeah it's no secret either I get offers everyday in the mail for $4,000 loans and I don't even have a job.

this is true, but you cannot blame bush for something that was started in 1972 and was kept under wraps by bernanke and paulson and the rest of the corrupt FED

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Swatman

I don't blame Bush for de-regulation. I blame Bush for the war in Iraq and 9/11. I blame Bush for doing nothing, that's right nothing. He is one of the most ill-informed presidents even after 8 years, and cannot name leaders of world powers.

This country has gone to hell in a handbag for many during the Bush administration. I have disagreed mainly on the war in Iraq which is costing us around 70 million a month currently, and stuff like the Patriot Act which strips us of constitutional rights and the need for a warrant.

I might add that his war in Iraq is funded by Chinese loans (500Billion worth).

[edit on 24/11/2008 by blowfishdl]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
reply to post by Swatman

I don't blame Bush for de-regulation. I blame Bush for the war in Iraq and 9/11. I blame Bush for doing nothing, that's right nothing. He is one of the most ill-informed presidents even after 8 years, and cannot name leaders of world powers.

This country has gone to hell in a handbag for many during the Bush administration. I have disagreed mainly on the war in Iraq which is costing us around 70 million a month currently, and stuff like the Patriot Act which strips us of constitutional rights and the need for a warrant.

I might add that his war in Iraq is funded by Chinese loans (500Billion worth).

[edit on 24/11/2008 by blowfishdl]

well the 9/11 debate is another issue on itself considering i do not believe it was an inside job.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Swatman

I understand. It's very hard to believe. I myself had a hard time believing it and it's still blurry even for the most hard-pressed activists.

It is to my personal belief that they didn't enact 9/11 but instead allowed it to happen so that they could put forth the NWO plot (one world government).

All whom were wealthy and affected were paid off including the man who owned the WTC Towers. One month prior to the 9/11 attacks the man who owned these buildings took out a 99 year lease and multi-million dollar insurance policy which included terrorist attacks such as plane bombs.

I surely will let you do your own research on this topic. One last point I would like to make regarding it is a video I saw today dated 9-11-1991. George Bush Senior gave a speech regarding the New World Order.

If I was less lazy I would find it but you could probably Google "George Bush NWO" and find it.

Ironic stuff none-the-less. Only the true officials high above the President know the truth.

Edit: It is also hard to believe that a plane took down those buildings straight down to the ground. This is the equivalent of standing on a coke can and how it holds your weight due to symmetry. The buildings were engineered to hold the weight of a 747, one step below the 757.

[edit on 24/11/2008 by blowfishdl]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by Swatman

You don't think 911 was an inside job?... Not that it suprises me from your comments , I t would be hard for me to fathom that the country that I love , the same country that I served 4 years in the Marine Corps for would ever do anything that wasn't in my best interest... And then I woke up. I'm not pushing the agenda or trying to derail your forum... Just do yourself a favor and look at all of the evidence presented on boths sides , make your case by facts not emotions & imagine if this took place in say... China. Would the fact that you KNOW the government is corrupt there sway your thinking that it might be possible that 911 wasn't all it seemed to be?... Oh and since I've yet to answer your questions.... People Voted for Obama because he is who the mainstream media pushed and he's the candidate that the PTB wanted in office... It didn't hurt that he ran against a corpse either.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:55 AM
1. Because I couldn't vote for Hillary.
2. Because I had no confidence in Ron Paul's economic theories.
3. Because of Palin's "Drill, Baby Drill" (that pushed me over the edge.)
4. Because I'm against the war.
5. Because of McCain's cluelessness about the economy.
6. Because I liked the fact that he and Biden shopped at modest places and Biden rode the train to and from the Senate when he could have had a plane or a car.
7. Because guns were never an issue to me (I am not fond of them and there's a lot of people who don't need to be owning one.)
8. Because Palin and McCain spent the bulk of their time talking trash against Obama and not discussing issues.
9. Because Palin and McCain got really nasty... Obama didn't (not talking about people associated with them, but about the candidates themselves and what they were saying.
10. Because McCain's ready to bomb everyone into submission.
11. Because Ron Paul had put out some racist material (and here in Texas we knew it) and I am against it (even though I'm White.)
12. Because Ron Paul let his fans do all the campaiging for him and sat on the several million dollars he collected.


posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:00 AM
It looks like Clinton is back in the white house. The biggest problem I see is the Dem's think that the more money you throw at a problem it will fix the problem or they will make a new goverment office with hundreds of new employees to sit on their hands and try and fix the problem. All you get is the bigger goverment and nobody knows what their supposed to do but spend money. Obama almost spent a half a billion dollars to get elected. How is he going to pay back all his donaters?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:12 PM
The thing that really got me about Obama is that my friends and I all saw that no matter who you vote for,your still voting a puppet so why even bother.Sorry to tell you all but hes one of them.
You don't beat a politician without being one. (I am from Canada)
People like us don't get to be in the club.We are the sheep.

I'll give him his rope tho and not judge til he starts his lies...ok nvm let me just call him scum now bcuz he has already lied!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
I voted for Obama because he's a minority representing minorities.

You and every other person who voted for him... Nevermind what the man actually stands for, what his views and beliefs are, etc... I doubt most of his supporters could even tell you.

The outcome of the 2008 election is quite frankly, the clearest evidence that racism is alive and well in America, that I've yet to witness in my lifetime. It's a little disturbing that in the midst of all our country is facing today, a man can be elected President based on something as trivial as the color of his skin... and make no mistake about it, that is exactly why Obama was elected.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by unworldly

Originally posted by blowfishdl
I voted for Obama because he's a minority representing minorities.

You and every other person who voted for him... Nevermind what the man actually stands for, what his views and beliefs are, etc... I doubt most of his supporters could even tell you.

The outcome of the 2008 election is quite frankly, the clearest evidence that racism is alive and well in America, that I've yet to witness in my lifetime. It's a little disturbing that in the midst of all our country is facing today, a man can be elected President based on something as trivial as the color of his skin... and make no mistake about it, that is exactly why Obama was elected.

Are you proposing reverse-racism elected Obama to the white house?!?!

Why didn't he get elected in 2004 then?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:58 PM
I didn't vote for Obama because he is black...

I didn't vote for Obama because it was cool...

I didn't vote for Obama because he is a Democrat...

I voted for Obama because the alternatives for me would have either been to vote for John McCain or not to vote at all and neither were acceptable especially after the past 8 years of moronic incompetence.

I had the chance to vote for someone who was obviously intelligent and seems to actually care so I voted for him...

... though I wish we had other viable options.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by grover]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Swatman

how exactly was what i said racist??/ it is the 100% truth. Why do you think obama won states such as north carolina and virginia? because of the influx of african americans to those two states in the past 8 years.

Wrong. Both states have always had large African American populations, but no great migration in the past 8 years. The difference was the number of white, college-educated people moving into these states. The Washington D.C. surburbs of Virginia and the Research Triangle area of N.C. gained the most. Obama won a majority of these voters. Take it from a North Carolinian.

I agree that there's no big difference between Hillary Clinton and Obama as far as policies are concerned, which is why she will make such a good Secretary of State. As far as Obama appointing some people from the Clinton administration, of course he would. That was a very successful administration. McCain would have appointed successful Republicans if he had won.

Of course being a Democrat helped Obama win. He picked the right platform to run on. It was his place and time.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:30 PM
they new that people wanted a change and new that if they put a black man in office it would give the american people a false sense of security wether u realize it or not the people dont control this country and the one who wins the election is just a small part of the domino effect they put whoever they want in office they wanted u to vote for him

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Byrd

A Texan who does not like guns

I don't know why I'm posting because I did not vote for Obama. I voted Libertarian in protest. Both Candidates left me wanting.

At first Obama was appealing then I took a closer look.

I had been to Reverend Wrights church website before Obama even started running. It originally had a very racist message on its homepage and that affected my feelings somewhat. Twenty years and he did not know even though it was on their homepage and tapes for sale in the foyer? I don't know? I'll give him a pass on that out of fairness but I don't think he was honest about it.

His lie when he pledged to use public funding probably had the greatest impact on me. It says to me that he is willing to lie to get what he wants, even about major issues. I feel very strongly that all Candidates should have equal resources. An extreme financial advantage is on the cusp of buying an election and I still get chills remembering when Carter bought an election.

His plan to raise capital gains taxes during this economic downturn seems like an extremely bad move to me. Why do something that will cause more unemployment at this time? Made no sense to me.

His speech about his plans to create a Civilian Defense Force with mandatory participation (a Draft by any name is still a Draft) equal to the Military scares me. I guess because of the history of some of the worlds most evil leaders doing the same thing.

The fact he was supported by the Kos crowd had some influence. The link to Soros also was a negative for me. Those people don't want freedom, they want to dictate that everyone do everything their way and their way only.

Now that he is the President Elect, I'll support him until he gives me reason not too. I worry though about things like the news-ticker I saw this morning that said he is going to stop drilling in some areas.

There is almost no drilling now and no way can he replace oil immediately with other sources, so that means more dependence on foreign sources, not less. I wonder if he is really aware of how long it takes to develop new industry and technology?

I'm actually for a form of medical care for those who can't afford insurance. I've seen the flood of Canadians into the US to get elective care and surgeries, so I'm hoping he does not make the mistake of following the Canadian model. They would not be filling waiting rooms in the US and paying for something they get at home if their program were any good. Waiting years for elective surgery even though means they can not work is not an acceptable solution.

$75 an hour in wages and benefits for UAW assembly line workers also worries me greatly. I hope Obama is not in the Unions hip pocket as past Dem's have been.

I may be to the right on fiscal and economic issues but I am, like many Americans, a bit to the left on social issues. Not to the point of mandatory service in a civilian defense force though. I just can't get past that. I've viewed a tape of that speech many times and he meant it. He said clearly that it would be as well trained, equipped and funded as the military. Where in the hell is that money going to come from and is a Federal Civilian Defense Force anything but a nightmare waiting to happen? If he starts disarming civilians, we all need to worry. Lets hope not.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by grover

You had other options. Until people start voting third Party in large numbers we are stuck with the two evils. A vote for a Third Party is not wasted. It sends a message you are not satisfied with the status quo. Imagine if a few million voters went Third Party on a national election?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 05:02 PM
Obama got elected because of his appeal and charisma to the people. I'll be honest and tell you that I think he's a good speaker, telling people what they want to hear and having people eat out of his hands. No, I didn't vote for him because he lacks morals (bigtime).
He is a charismatic person and the last charimatic person to surface from nowhere (out of the sea of people) onto the world scene invaded Poland on September 01, 1939 and this guy (the guy that invaded Poland) was against the right to bear arms also, just like the so-called president elect.
On election night, the entire world celebrated at Obamas' victory. Never has this been done before. All the world will wonder after the beast and the beast can't produce an authentic birth certificate because the beast is born of a jackal.

[edit on 24/11/08 by Intelearthling]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 07:28 PM
I think far too many people voted for Obama because of his race and/or promises and not for his Clinton-like policies. The near-worship of him won't last for long when people see the truth though.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by jd140
Well, no doubt that many of those who voted for McCain were raceist, but a lot were the bunch that thought Gee Dub ya was a good president

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:36 PM
Black people voted for Obama because he is black. White peple voted for Obama becaus he is black, and they could show they were not racist. Young people, white or black, voted for Obama because he is black and they could tweak their elder's noses. The fact that Obama listened to a racist preacher for twenty years, associated with a terrorist who wished he had planted more bombs, had as a father figure mentor, a known communist, is himself a follower of a radical leftist, and may not have even been born in the United States, but in Kenya - does not bother them in the least. It seems that Obama followers are hypnotized by the glitz, music and Hitler type rallies.

The people will follow their Pied Piper into a dictatorship of the elite over the dummies who believed him.

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