So i decided to get an xbox 360 live the other day and got a few games, got gears of war 2 so i could play it with multiplayer on live.
But I keep getting an issue that says my NAT is "moderate" and it could prevent me from playing games on live.
I checked on the net and found a few options that might work, like opening new ports and setting it to push through to your xbox with a static IP etc
on your router etc.
Still at work now so no chance to try it yet, was just wondering if there are any other ppl on here who had the same issue and found a way to fix it ?
It says it's moderate yeah, but it doesn't allow me to play gears of war 2, can't find anyone in the lobby, so when i do a network connection test
everything passed except the NAT, and from what i have read your NAT is supposed to say open, not moderate or strict...
apparently your supposed to change some settings in your router, like opening port UDP 88 and UDP 3074 but it's not guarunteed that that'd even
Changed my router settings, tweaked em abit and opened up ports 88 and 3074, it FINALLY worked after doing that!!
Played GOW2 and it rocks, but now my god damned headphones i got with the xbox won't work...i can hear someone talking every once in a while and then
it drops out for a long time...ffs
good man....try checking your setiings for headphones, click on your gamer pic/profile......or is it in the dashboard? of the 2. the headset
is probably just a setting.