As for Angels, what makes you think this wasn't the case also? No physical being, can be in the KOD. Even John, had to be in a spiritual condition
when brought to KOD for Revelations.
Because there is a whole hatcery /class of angels in flesh described in the bible.
for example:
Then one of the cherubim reached out his hand to the fire that was among them. He took up some of it and put it into the hands of the man in linen,
who took it and went out. 8 (Under the wings of the cherubim could be seen what looked like the hands of a man.)
It becomes more clear in this pasage
Revelation 4:6–9
Also before the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and
they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox.
As you can see it describes "living creatures"
As you notice it states "living creatures"in heaven, so it would not make sence.
Because this thread is not about a religion class I wanted to make a point on something else.What if we see things from another dimension as a spirit
world but if we could get there we would notice it's not a spirit world.
Say for example the other dimension will see our dimension the same and same go's for us.If you see a creature from another dimension, maybe you see
it like that because it's still in that dimension but if it could cross over you would see it materialise in front of your eyes.
There are several thing that could hapen when we die.
A) Nothing hapens, it corossed my mind, I don't want that to be the true answer as nothing would make sence in a universe full of universal laws and
rules.We as creatures live a very short time, not enough time to see anything as it really is.If this is the true answer then life it's self is
pointles.It go's like it never was and it's very scary.For example buterflys live for one day.What happens to buterflys?Is there a heaven for
It seems that one day for them would not be fair at all and it would be pointless.There is a posibility that there is nothing and this is all, right
now till you die and then comes nothing.
B) When we die our energy is shifted in to another dimension on a higher plains becoming somthing else that is needed there, maybe another
creature.Energy can form matter, the atomic bomb is a perfect example.
This would also explain what happens if we take the bible in to account.
Jugement day, when energy turns in to matter.I think each energy signature has a distinctive patern to infinitem everything in this universe is
unique.I also think we need a body, in order for energy to gain knolege it needs a recipient, remember that people with out memory are vegetables.
The brain keeps the information and not the energy.Information is stored in the brain cells but energy delivers it.
This brings me to another point.This is so easy, no one has studied this factor, maybe I should post this somewhere else.But what is a soul? Maybe
it's the electrical curent runing in our brains, brain cells store information but do not act as a transmiter when energy(electrical curent)
travels to the brain parts where it is needed.Neurons will store information, but the information gets there by independent movment of energy.Since
electricity is the closest to pure energy this might explain some things.That electrical curents running within our head do travel independent and
are not guided by anything.This energy is responsible for delivering information in to the neurons.As there is no other factor to guide this energy
this is I supose ground zero where everything starts to make the body function.
So far I have not seen and documentary or any specification on this.
What happens to the electical energy in our brains once we die? Since energy can not die off then I supose it go's somewhere else.
[edit on 27-11-2008 by pepsi78]