posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 03:24 PM
The Black Helicopters that had everyone wondering in the 1990's were this one -
Click this link for picture.
I lived at that time in Idaho in an area where they denied they existed even though thousands had seen them. Nothing ever came of it and they tried to
make those who saw them sound like nuts.
While at a rest stop between Idaho Falls and Pocatello called "Hells Half Acre" I had five of them fly over my head so low I could see every detail
and they flew directly to the local Militia Leaders property a couple of miles away. They would harass him, but he was a well thought of peaceful guy
so they eventually let him be.
These five were the ones of fame. They were not dark green. They were a flat charcoal gray, so dark they appeared black and they had zero markings
anywhere on them. They were never admitted too.
People thought they were ominous because of complete lack of markings, but I never heard of anything bad with them other than they thought it was
funny to buzz the local Militia members farms and ranches.
The ones I saw had the weaponry replaced with all kinds of what appeared to be surveillance equipment on their bellies. They were at about 50 feet
when they flew over. There must have been 30 people in the rest stop looking up at them so they were not really hiding.