For most people, the lesser Sunda islands in eastern Indonesia is probably better known for its two tourist magnets - Bali and Lombok. Few if any
might know about the
Alor archipelago, which is comprised of Alor and Pantar islands, at the easternmost end of the lesser Sunda cluster. Fewer
still would probably know about the strange
close encounter phenomenon that occurred in those islands, way back in 1959.
Location of Alor Island, Indonesia
It took about 17 long years before the story itself was retold by the then retired Alor islands regional police chief – Alwi Alnadad, to
Indonesia’s pioneering ufologist – R.J. Salatun. It has since then been documented in Salatun’s seminal book
'UFO,Salah Satu Masalah Dunia
Masa Kini' from which most of the following information is based upon.
Strangers In Blue
Somewhere in early July 1959, residents of Alor and Pantar islands begun their shocking discovery of a group of strange looking visitors on the
islands. They were reportedly humanoid-looking beings, with an average height of 1,80 meters, who had reddish skin hue and silvery-white wavy hair.
The visitors were also reported to be wearing a ‘peculiar’ attire that consisted of dark blue uniforms, with long sleeves and high collars, and
black boots. They were also seen carrying grey metallic cylinders which were tugged in on their belts.
Artist's rendition of the beings
With such uncanny appearance, it was obvious that the strangers would attract attention and curiosity from the simple islanders. Unfortunately, the
interaction that henceforth ensued between them were quite fearful (if not even violent) rather than just strange or bewildering…
In one event, one of the strange visitor was seen investigating something which prompted suspicious islanders to surround and attacked the entity
with arrows. It turned out that the arrows couldn’t injure the visitor at all, who then escaped without a trace simply by jumping high over the
heads of the surrounding islanders.
The strange visitors were also seen in the neighboring island of Pantar, west of Alor. Here, a whole village was practically terrorized by a small
group of the blue uniformed strangers. It all begun when six of the strangers came prowling around into the village after sunset, seemingly in search
of something. One of them, a bearded figure, went so far as to open one of the villagers’ house window, just to observe the situation inside. Their
presence caused so much fear among the villagers that none dared leave their houses all through the night.
[edit on 23-11-2008 by KembaraLangit]
Edits for links...
[edit on 23-11-2008 by KembaraLangit]