posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:11 PM
National UFO Reporting Center Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/28/2008 19:45 (Entered as : 10/28/08 19:45)
Reported: 10/28/2008 6:27:52 PM 18:27
Posted: 10/31/2008
Location: Waco, TX
Shape: Rectangle
Duration:1 minute
Possible planes on fire
October 28, 2008 8:15pm
Waco, Texas 76712
Skies Clear
Temperature 55 F
Winds: 0 mph
Humidity: 36%
On Oct. 28, 2008 at around 7:45pm, I Was sitting on front porch drinking coffee with room mate and happen to glance over towards west and directly
under what I believe to be Mars was a rectangular object that appeared to be on fire.
It burned for a second and flashed out and re appeared to the right (in my measurements of the space between an inch if you held a ruler to the night
sky) of it and burned for another second. While that object "burned" the first object reappeared to the left of the 2nd object and then the 2nd
object flashed out, followed by the 1st object and then the 2nd object reappeared and flashed out and then nothing. My room mate saw the last flash,
because he couldn’t see what I was looking at, until he stood up. Because this all happen right above the horizon of tree tops.
My first impression was a plane was on fire and then when the 2nd object appeared and looked to be on fire. My impression was a dogfight of some
sorts. I am not sure what it was. It was interesting to say the least. I cannot tell if it was over Waco or not, It may have been passed Waco. I
cannot say how far away it was, but all I can say is it was as big if not bigger than an American Eagle jet.