posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by die_another_day
I have just two things to say for people who voted for obama one is that if you look it up he couldn't get any security clearence because of his
affliations, second you can be smart or gifted and still make stupid decisions, look at germany electing Hitler, or france and napoleon, we are at a
turning piont here, and sometimes people don't see exactly what they should because of the smoke and mirrors of the media. How can any say what
could've been or should've been if 90% of media is liberal, but even that is not true, go back in your history books and see when the rebulican
party was created and why, look at history it will show the path we are going down now. soon goverment will control all taking money from people
giving it to other people until u only have the very rich, and the very poor. If u don't see what I mean look at historic Russia and the new Russia
and see what they have done since turning away from soliclist ideas. China is even turning into more of a capatilistic country, so is our government
doing right for the people, hidding things in bills, and not the media not reporting everything about the bills that are trying to past. I say these
are times we should all have great conserns for this country is not the country that are founding fathers would like, but most don't know the
constituiton wording or what it says. I say for every person writing on this blog be aware of what you think and reliaze the media is liberal, but
then again what is liberal now, Democratic liberal is not liberlism, its changed to almost socialism, which if I remember right it was the 1940 or
1950's that a lot of liberals where being invetsigated for being communsit, so whats the difference between the two nothing. I know people will say
bad things too me about my blog but I believe that the media of today compared to media of any era before has moved more left and unfortnately that
means that no republican will ever get a fair deal in. By the way Iran and Syeria,when we pull out of Iraq if we have no base there or troops station
there Iran and Syeria will invade and and Iraq will be no more, our oil will double in price or they could cut us out completely. The boaders of
Pakistan are anther issue if history reminds me when Pakistan became a country it created a pack with tribes that we are now asking pakistan to bomb
(under Obama), those treats said that Pakistan wouldn't interfere with the tribes buisness, or something to that effect. Now what ramifications could
that have will Pakistan is already becoming unstable if they should fall completely the Taliban could move in and take the country and aquire Pakistan
nuclear arrsonal. Sorta like almost happen in the U.S.S.R. when it collapsed. Which means more trouble for us and the rest of the world. So there you
have my opions a little history lesson look it up and see maybe this will open some eyes and maybe not. A little information about me Im a former USMC
that has seen combat and read a lot of history, and one more thing just think about this if it wasn't for France we might still be under Britians
rule and remember why e fought for freedom, and the cost of freedom.