posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:12 PM
they might not give you a full credit but they will probably offer you a credit on the account. if the first one is $25, fight it. tell them that
the customer should be coddled and treated like a child when it comes to options and plans and everything should be spelled out for them so that they
are always happy with the service being offered. when they agree with you, tell them that they did not do this. tell them that you think it was
intentionally done to ensure that you ran up big bills.
never lose your temper but always sound confident and firm. try to always show some level of respect for the person on the other end of the call. if
you lose your temper and spew some foul language or say something over the line, apologize to the person, tell them you know this isn't their fault,
that they didn't pull the scam on you but you are frustrated etc. I've found that this allows you some leeway in venting, it shows them how pissed
off you are and, yet, it manages to show that you are not a complete (insert adjective of choice).