posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:13 PM
They shall come to us with arms wide open. It will be on both parties interest to comply. They do not want your body, they do not want your soul.
However what they do want, will shock you. You will never even know they took it. You will be back to where you once began and never remember it
happened. You won't miss what they take, it is not concrete to the human eye. However, after many are stolen - we are to be greatly concerned as to
the power in which this will harness.
"The power of a million black holes will be focused on the greater wealth provided by the planet Earth. The humans tried to stop it by knowledge but
the greater civilization wiped them off of the planet. Records have been made and retrieved by modern day, however the dates are incorrect. The day of
the Gray will be upon you when the Ox gains control of the planet. You will become a slave among slaves, with no soul left to fight it. Your body will
contribute to the genetic engineering of our superior race. You are mine."
- Reptilian King? Telepathically transmitted to an auditorium of humans recently abducted including my good friend who will not be named.
This excerpt was compiled while sitting down with a recently abducted friend of mine. We managed over 20 pages of his memory and unfortunately
afterwords his mother has submitted him to a mental hospital until further notice.