posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 12:57 PM
Just another label kids give themselves to feel legitimate.
Why cant people just 'be'?
Giving oneself a label only encourages phony-ness as one is compelled to live the image, it becomes an act, just another masquerade.
Young people like to emulate their musical gods and to fit into a stereotypical image, like it gives a sense of belonging amongst like minded
Just be yourself, you dont need the act.
Young people are also prone to fantasy thinking in their own world of ignorance, well, as you grow up that is beaten out of you. Like a stallion you
become broken, then you look back and wish you were that miserable teenager again who had no real responsibilities.
I have writers block now, I have no idea what I am talking about, I feel so sad about that, I want to (select one)
-cut myself,
-take depressingly serious pics of myself and post them on the net,
-become bulimic,
-drink lots of milk and express my lactose intolerance,
-scare babies,
-eat suicidal hot wings till my nose runs, then keep eating them,
-try heroin,
-complain about something,
-not bathe,
-post this post of exceptional low quality.