posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 11:44 PM
First of all I want to start off by saying, I love this place, and I love all of you who comment in the gray area, and especially in this thread.
I have felt, and known, and accepted what the original poster said for a long time now.
I do not want to toot my own horn, or sound conceded at all, but I am an extremely intelligent being, and you all are too. I agree 100% with what the
original poster said, and I would like to add a few things, on top of what was said, to sort of complete the story per se.
We are all searching for the same thing. In the great cycle of time, we are in our pubescent, awkward teen phase... but our voice is lowering, our
balls are dropping and our brains are maturing. We have known for ages we only use a small portion of our brains, and that brain matter is a use it
or lose it situation. And we also know through evolution, unneccesary parts of the whole get discarded. So why would this extra brain mass stick
with homo sapiens for so long?
WE ARE NOT ALL SEARCHING FOR LOVE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Love itself, is still a lower vibration, love is still an emotion.
So what are we trying to obtain, what are we racing for in this great human race...
With the invention of the internet, and other technologies, our quest for knowledge has been hastened. We are now entering the age of
enlightenment... we are leaving behind the 'human scuffle' as I like to call this age were in now, and really starting the human race. So far,
there has not been any upward march of man, but it is about to happen.
There are few types of organisms across the universe. Survivalists, ones that do what it takes to survive, and they are so consumed by that they have
no time, effort, or mind to do anything else (neanderthals). Brutes, the next level, ones who discover their power, discover their worth, and use it
to survive at the cost of others (humans), and finally knowledge seekers... the ones who are truly enlightened. They understand the concepts of
survival, they have learned from the history, and mistakes of the brutes, and most of all their worlds are based on logic, concepts and ideas for
those are what truly make up the richness of the life force.
If you want to look into this matter further, research the different 'types' of beings (type 0, type 1, type 2, type 3) and you will see we are
crossing the threshold from type 0- type 1. This is the biggest jump, most races disintegrate themselves at this step. Those who survive, move on to
type 1. This is what many people attribute the mass amount of UFO sightings to. The extraterrestrials are watching us, to see our fates, to see
which direction we will take at this fork in the road.
Now look at your life in this very instance. Are you faced with a rough decision, a fork in the road, where you must choose enlightenment and peace,
or torment and solitude? I'm sure a very good portion of you are, I know I am. And hopefully by reading these posts you may be guided in the right
direction. if anyone wants to chat, or PM me I will continue to help as much as I possibly can... as you are human, I am human, and we are conscious.