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Most Will Graduate from Life Soon.

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posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by dalan.

I also fell the same way, I know im on this world for a reason exectly what for i really dont know. But im searching for answers, i really want to wake up form this nightmare world called earth lol. Im sick of this place and im only 21..

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 12:31 PM
This thread is such a calm relief from battling the chem-trail/NWO deniers elsewhere.

I would like to bring up a couple of 3rd dimensional points anyway.

If a shift of consciousness is being thwarted by TPTB it may well involve our ingestion of chemicals like fluoride,barium,aluminum,mercury and any number of man made poisons that exist for that purpose(ie. holding us back) alone.

A recent thread revealed that smoking tobacco may have a neutralizing effect on fluoride. Could that be the real reason behind the almost universal smoking bans?

Is our pineal gland the power source THEY want to subdue?

Now here's the big question.

Do dark forces need our consciousness to remain at this level of vibration in order for their own kind to prevail? Is fear food?

[edit on 28-11-2008 by marsha law]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by marsha law

I believe the only purpose of constancy, and therefore fear of change, is to maintain constancy. But I can say this as an absolute truth from my perspective: There is nothing to stop what is coming. Change is the only true constant. If some attempt to stand in the way, then it is only in spite of themselves. In this belief I work every day to find the strength to make every day worth living. And that in spite of them too.

As to whether fear is food, yes in a sense. But in the same way, so is love.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

I would like to clarify my earlier comment in light of what you have offered.

If constancy or the status quo has its own agenda to prevail then perhaps there are chemical considerations that will enhance our chances to break free of this dimension's clutches.

Resisting fear is the first step only. We must guard our essential equipment from what appears to be a chemical sabotage.

Is it spiritual war or is it effortless ascension?

I think it may be the former as the evidence is abundant.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by marsha law

I think it is both a struggle and yet effortless. How I mean this is the outcome is before us already. But that shouldn't imply that we don't need to make an effort to get there as wholly as possible. Rather I use it as the light in the darkness, to keep me sane when my best efforts seem thwarted.

To say it another way, we each should choose the path we see as appropriate, take the actions we see as necessary, and remain calm in the truth that in the end all will be righted.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by marsha law

Spiritual war:

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world; against spiritual wickedness in high places."
-Ephesians 6:12

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by othehitmans

That's funny, I am only 23...

This is not a one-liner.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Lately I will be sitting in my living room watching some terrible news on t.v and all of a sudden I get this thought " I want to go home." It is driving me nuts and its getting stronger every day.It seems I dont know my family and friends like I use to.Sure I still love them dearly but something is wrong and they are the same as I've known them all my life.People I've known and loved all my life seem so empty and strange all of a sudden.The world just seems off center or something.I hope we are about to change or we are given the choice to change.Whats bothering me the most is if given the chance to leave this place I would leave in a heart beat with no regrets even it means never seeing my love ones again. I want to go home

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Tricky63
Lately I will be sitting in my living room watching some terrible news on t.v and all of a sudden I get this thought " I want to go home." It is driving me nuts and its getting stronger every day.It seems I dont know my family and friends like I use to.Sure I still love them dearly but something is wrong and they are the same as I've known them all my life.People I've known and loved all my life seem so empty and strange all of a sudden.The world just seems off center or something.I hope we are about to change or we are given the choice to change.Whats bothering me the most is if given the chance to leave this place I would leave in a heart beat with no regrets even it means never seeing my love ones again. I want to go home

Follow that thought Tricky. Let the headlines remind you of it. The world is not home. As the desire increases, the way and means will come to your awareness and you will understand. As the choice becomes clear to you, you'll make it. And you'll be happy you did. The choice will be between what you are, and what you are not...between what is true, and what is false. It will not be a choice between good and evil. The world is what you are not. Home is what you are.


posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Tricky63

Lately I will be sitting in my living room watching some terrible news on t.v and all of a sudden I get this thought " I want to go home." It is driving me nuts and its getting stronger every day.It seems I dont know my family and friends like I use to.Sure I still love them dearly but something is wrong and they are the same as I've known them all my life.People I've known and loved all my life seem so empty and strange all of a sudden.The world just seems off center or something.I hope we are about to change or we are given the choice to change.Whats bothering me the most is if given the chance to leave this place I would leave in a heart beat with no regrets even it means never seeing my love ones again. I want to go home

I have recently begun to think to myself: I want off this planet! I want to be away from all this noise, waste, and technology. There is no place on this planet I want to be--well, I like Rome. But other than that...

I just am tired of people. I'm tired of gadgets. I'm tired of processed foods. I'm tired of noise. I want off this planet.

Only I don't want some space alien that looks like Legolas to show up and tell me how to vibrate myself off. If Captain Kirk showed up...yeh, okay. Captain Kirk was cool. A stargate to a planet without people on it where I could go with some friends and loved ones would be great.

Sorry...Guinness talking...

My point is, yes, I think about this often. I want a new planet to go to.

[edit on 28-11-2008 by Rintendo]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by othehitmans
reply to post by dalan.

I also fell the same way, I know im on this world for a reason exectly what for i really dont know. But im searching for answers, i really want to wake up form this nightmare world called earth lol. Im sick of this place and im only 21..

Here is the reason: To answer a question. The world answers the question...'what if everything was different'? You are everything. So, it's a question about "thy self". You are everything. So the world is everything different from who you are. The world is everything you are not. You are the truth. So there is no truth in the world. To "know thyself", go back the way you came. You came by faith, so go back home by faith. Do you know that you are everything? No? That's different. Believing you are not everything brings you to where you are now, different from everyone and everything. None of it is true...brought to your experience by faith in what is not true. So, how does it make you feel? It is for the feelings that you have come to satisfy your curiosity. To turn things around, have faith that you are everything, and feel the feelings you asked to feel. The world is a mask over what is One. There is only one "Son of God"...and you are that One. Look at the masks as one mask. The 'many' hide the truth of the One. The different hide the truth of the Equal. The weak hide the truth of the Strong. The confused hide the truth of the Light. The small hide the truth of the Magnitude. The limited hide the truth of the Unlimited. The heirarchy hides the truth of the Lord. The hate hides the truth of the Love. The world is a stage and the masks are merely pretenders. Believe not anything your eyes show you. It does not tell the truth about "thy self". Thank the players and the playwrites. Then leave the theater when your question is answered, and you've had enough.


posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by marsha law
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

Is it spiritual war or is it effortless ascension?
I think it may be the former as the evidence is abundant.

It's a choice between opposing desires within one mind. This creates a psychological conflict. The mind splits between what Is, and what is...Not! Within the One mind, a desire seems to make the world and revel in it. The world symbolizes a change of mind. Change is the domain of time. Meanwhile, what cannot change does not change, and remains the same. This is the eternal domain. The desire for the eternal domain is stronger than the desire for the temporal domain. So the days of the world are numbered, and the writing is on the wall, so-to-speak.

Both the eternal domain and the temporal domain are within Your mind. The true desire is for your Self. The false desire is for a self-concept. The world is one self concept fragmented into the appearance of many self-concepts. The self-concept expresses the attributes of Self as *self and not self*...*good and not good [evil]*...*one and not one [many]*...*real and unreal*. This expression dilutes the meaning of Self, rendering the expressions meaningless. When attributes of Self are combined with their opposites, the result is a mockery, that is, a joke. No one is really what they say they are. The good are not really all that good. The united are not really one. Nothing is as it appears. Hence, the term "illusion". Nothing about illusion is true.

The self-concept is essentially contra Self...anti Self...against Self. Self cannot be harmed, nor does the Truth defend itself. But the self-concepts do defend themselves, and can be harmed. They battle not to establish the Truth, but to establish themselves as true, instead of Truth. The Self is safe inside, while the self-concepts duke it out in the alley. This looks like "spiritual warfare". It's more like misdirection, which is a key aspect of "illusion". It is the manifestation of a conflict of mind about Self. It is not a true conflict. It is an expression. It eventually answers a question in terms of a negative answer. The feelings generated by the conflict are shall we say, negative. There is a curiousity about the feelings that are different from joy, peace, happiness, bliss, love. The conflict produces "the world". The world does not produce the conflict nor the feelings. The world justifies the feelings in an attempt to make them the Truth instead of the truth. So, for example, the world seems to prove that guilt is the Truth. But it is a false witness. Rather, the concept of guilt produces the world, that guilt may seem justified. But nothing is as it appears, and you can't believe what your eyes are telling you. None of the feelings the world seems to produce are true. None of the feelings that produce the world are true. Yet, there is a curiousity about them. What if they were true? Feel the feelings, and be glad they are not true. Satisfy your curiosity. Then let the desire for the world "die". With it dies the concept of personhood. And with the death of personhood is the awakening to Selfhood. To "know thy Self" accept thy Self as Is...without wishing Self to be different. Wishing is the way of the world. Acceptance is the way it ends.


[edit on 28-11-2008 by Christ!]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Christ!

Great stuff.

Are you saying, if I may jump in, that the same 'chaos against background order' that exists in nature also exists in the mind? And that the essential creative entity behind it all is "safe" inside?

What happens when you learn to love the creative process too much? Is that the hardest thing to let go of? Ideas about love? I'm still trying to teach myself to 'die gracefully', so maybe that's getting too far ahead in the game, really.

This thread is getting juicy

[edit on 28-11-2008 by Nox Vulpes]

[edit on 28-11-2008 by Nox Vulpes]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 10:04 PM



I like it here......

I like the food, I like the sex, I like the company.....

Why should I have to graduate when I'm having such a good time?

I know that happiness is just a choice and I've chosen to be happy. That is so COOL!

I have to deal with a lot of people every day and they love coming to see me, cause I love meeting them. It's really good to be alive.

Now I have to graduate and be the new kid in class?

Screw that.

I'm staying here until they kick me out.

You can't kick me out of Kindergarten.....You can't....It's just not right.....

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by Christ!

There was "guilt" before there was religion. The feelings of "guilt" are actually pre-programmed within the brain and its chemistry. You may have the feeling of guilt without society, without law, and without religion. It is that inner compass that tells you right from wrong.

A child will strike someone as is their whimsy to do. When they see your reaction they feel a sense of guilt. Guilt is not bad. Guilt motivates us to do good.

I would rather live in a society that acknowledges and embraces guilt than a society of moral relativism.

No offense.

When you say that "good people" are "not good" I think that is creating a label and then re-labeling it. Very few people would claim they are good. Even if they believed they were good society demands modesty. It is for that reason that "beautiful" women will pick themselves apart publicly. Society demands it.

I believe, as Julius Caesar said, that so believes a man in his heart so is the man. We create ourselves and that is a very powerful notion. I believe we have the power to choose love over hate, light over darkness, good over evil. However, in choosing we need to take care not to fall into the traps of vanity, of pride, of detached compassion over active compassion so that our words are just that...words without action. Valueless.

We are creatures of spirit, yes, but there was a reason we were given hands. We are mortal so that we might do. Perhaps we are paying penance for mistakes or wrong-thinking of another lifetime...I do not know and may only guess. However, in all of my wishing I was on another planet, this is the planet I am on. On this planet people suffer from not only lack of love, but lack of touch.

I wish all of you the best in your journey off this rock, but as someone who has witnessed suffering firsthand I know that our path to a better world, to a better "us" is through caring for those who can do nothing for us, who are of no use to us. We were put here to be tested, and very few of us are passing. If life were a grade I'd be a D minus.

I'm Peppermint Patty.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by mrwupy

Oh! That's right. I did forget about sex and food. A good old romp and then a warm chocolate chip cookie is truly sublime.

Thank you for reminding me.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Tricky63

I've been here as well. Feeling desperate, lonely and isolated. For myself it was the realizing that I am home here as much as my home is elsewhere.

I know it can be difficult to wrap ourselves around the idea of duality. How can one thing be as much this as that? But the truth of this is found in ourselves. We, as humans, are a duality, a contradiction. Flesh and Mind. Body and Soul. And so from our perspective, there is always duality. Just as beyond this there is unity, the singularity.

As mrwupy illustrated in a wonderfully light way above, joy is where we make it. As is love, hate, greed, fear, and the entire spectrum of human sensation.

Keep your head up and your eyes forward. You wouldn't be here if you weren't needed.

[edit on 29-11-2008 by TravelerintheDark]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:16 PM
Sorry the the delay in my reply but i just don't have the same amount of time to devote to this forum as i used to.

"As close as you can come is to pay attention to what is all around you at all times. Remember that being awake is being aware."

That's good advice because it's so easy to focus so much on your own mind and perspective that you miss what's going on around you, and that comment made me aware that ive been doing that a bit lately.

"also fell the same way, I know im on this world for a reason exectly what for i really dont know. But im searching for answers, i really want to wake up form this nightmare world called earth lol. Im sick of this place and im only 21"

i suggest you take a look at the law of one and try to track down a book called Handbook of the Navigator to better understand what you are and why you feel alien to this place.

marsha law
"Do dark forces need our consciousness to remain at this level of vibration in order for their own kind to prevail? Is fear food?"

it's not something i fully understand myself but from what i understand the physical illusion itself feeds on fear.

i think it's important that we never forget the one basic truth in all of this. that we are all one and that this has all already played out to a happy ending but it's just that from our perception we are going through it now. there are plenty of attempts to stop what happens but none of them can/will succeed so if nothing can really hurt you (you the spirit, the awareness. not the flesh) and nothing can stop your impending freedom what is there to fear? i lost my fear of death a long time ago and it is very liberating. highly recommended

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:32 PM
Why was I as an infant toddler sitting in my playpen frustratingly trying to entertain myself with Fisher Price toys unable to speak or communicate with the adults sitting near by, but was able to hold a complex dialogue with myself within my own mind regarding the unfairness of me having to suffer that indignity while they enjoyed television, refreshments and snacks?

Because I knew, because my mind was connected to my spirit even though neither had learned to master my tiny and still growing body to make it function on as elevated a level.

As we grow though, our bodies mature and begin to become capable, we are taught. What we are taught is not to connect to our own knowledge or inherent connection to it, but to accept the conditions of a shared perception and approach to a reality whose very agenda is to in fact disconnect you from that inherent knowledge. To fill your life and universe with so much ambient and competing and opposing, distracting noise you in fact never take time to or trust your inherent knowledge.

Perpetual contrived and conspired chaos aimed at achieving wealth and power through disenfranchisement is conditioned into us with varying degrees of success.

It’s that becoming tired and wanting peace that most often finally opens the door, the door to your inherent knowledge manifest along with you into this density and vibration and dimension. The moment that door opens all the answers flood to you, in the blink of an eye, you know the truth, you feel the truth, as you feel the universe and realize you are the universe and are one with it.

Then you remember why a London Punk band saved rock n’ roll as you hear the strains of the ultimate Clash begin to resonate below that one true chord “Should I stay or should I go now?”

I recommend checking with the chef on what is on the menu for dinner that night first!

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 11:44 PM
First of all I want to start off by saying, I love this place, and I love all of you who comment in the gray area, and especially in this thread.

I have felt, and known, and accepted what the original poster said for a long time now.

I do not want to toot my own horn, or sound conceded at all, but I am an extremely intelligent being, and you all are too. I agree 100% with what the original poster said, and I would like to add a few things, on top of what was said, to sort of complete the story per se.

We are all searching for the same thing. In the great cycle of time, we are in our pubescent, awkward teen phase... but our voice is lowering, our balls are dropping and our brains are maturing. We have known for ages we only use a small portion of our brains, and that brain matter is a use it or lose it situation. And we also know through evolution, unneccesary parts of the whole get discarded. So why would this extra brain mass stick with homo sapiens for so long?

WE ARE NOT ALL SEARCHING FOR LOVE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Love itself, is still a lower vibration, love is still an emotion.

So what are we trying to obtain, what are we racing for in this great human race...


With the invention of the internet, and other technologies, our quest for knowledge has been hastened. We are now entering the age of enlightenment... we are leaving behind the 'human scuffle' as I like to call this age were in now, and really starting the human race. So far, there has not been any upward march of man, but it is about to happen.

There are few types of organisms across the universe. Survivalists, ones that do what it takes to survive, and they are so consumed by that they have no time, effort, or mind to do anything else (neanderthals). Brutes, the next level, ones who discover their power, discover their worth, and use it to survive at the cost of others (humans), and finally knowledge seekers... the ones who are truly enlightened. They understand the concepts of survival, they have learned from the history, and mistakes of the brutes, and most of all their worlds are based on logic, concepts and ideas for those are what truly make up the richness of the life force.

If you want to look into this matter further, research the different 'types' of beings (type 0, type 1, type 2, type 3) and you will see we are crossing the threshold from type 0- type 1. This is the biggest jump, most races disintegrate themselves at this step. Those who survive, move on to type 1. This is what many people attribute the mass amount of UFO sightings to. The extraterrestrials are watching us, to see our fates, to see which direction we will take at this fork in the road.

Now look at your life in this very instance. Are you faced with a rough decision, a fork in the road, where you must choose enlightenment and peace, or torment and solitude? I'm sure a very good portion of you are, I know I am. And hopefully by reading these posts you may be guided in the right direction. if anyone wants to chat, or PM me I will continue to help as much as I possibly can... as you are human, I am human, and we are conscious.

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