posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:26 AM
I picked up a H&K USP Compact .40 S&W in "96", "LOVE" the gun, added night sights, its my everyday carry,, Ive wore out one guide rod, replaced it
with a titanium rode and one firing pin, Ive put around 80,000 rds through it.
But, parts are hard to come buy, and spendy, Ill be looking for a 1911 modle, just not sure what brand right now, SpringField Armory makes some great
models in the price range unless I get a used deal some where, missed a Kimber Combat for $800, I like the idea of a Body Armor Vest gun in a Sherpa
with a .45 in the sideleg.
Hate the idea of carrying more then three types of ammo when Im Locked Loaded
One thing I would like to remind people, it doesnt have to be a $6-7-8-900.00 dollar gun, Ive shot $150 compact .45 POS with the match of a spendy
gun, the diffrence was the comfort, shoot whats comfortable.
There are some guys holding weekend Pistol Classes where you keep the gun at the end of the class, good guns too, Glocks, XD's, you get a weekend of
some class room time and range time and a gun at the end of the class. Look quick though, some guiys are not doing this anymore cause there have been
a few cases where guys got the gun in hand, got on the range and put the gun in their mouth, leaving suicide notes in their cars, .
Let me know if your in the Ohio are, theres a good schoolin your area I can refer you to.