posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 03:14 PM
Concerning Christians...
I am a Christian and this is what I think...
God has already warned mankind that the antichrist/beast is coming. He will rule the entire world with absolute power. He will cause ALL PEOPLE, both
great and small, to receive a mark in their forehead or in their right hand/wrist.
This is going to happen, without a doubt. It is just a matter of time. I believe it will be within the next 40 years.
No one at this present time knows what the mark is going to be. But this mark will be required in order that people of the world will be ALLOWED to
buy and sell. Without the mark no one will be allowed to buy or sell.
I believe that before the beast requires this mark for buying and selling that many people will willingly receive the mark. There are already many
people wanting this "new technology".
This implant will be able to keep record of everything we buy and sell, and will be able to keep record of every illness a person has. The US military
has already been implanting these chips in special ops military personnel. The reason being, because "dog tags" would give the enemy information
only the US wants to obtain or retain for themselves. Without dog tags the enemy isn't able to get information from a US soldier. And, the military
implants are especially encoded so the enemy cannot read what is on them.
There is new research in development for a tattoo that can do the same thing as the RFID. This tattoo may be the next level.
As I said before, at this time no one knows what the mark of the beast is going to be.
I know without a doubt that I will NEVER receive ANYTHING in or on my body that is used for buying and selling, even if it is not at first forced or
required. Many other Christians are in agreement with that same belief as I am.
This has nothing to do with paranoia; it has to do with taking a warning seriously and not halfheartedly. ANYONE who takes the mark of the beast will
send themselves to the Lake of Fire to continually die forever. That is a serious warning!
So, my suggestion for you is to research all I have offered you and get ready for the time when the beast comes on the scene!