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Massive object crashes over Edmonton, Canada

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:48 PM
Hey. Just got home for work and not sure if anyone else might have brough this up, but I was thinking today, anyone know where about the Space Station was in relation to when this happened? Would they have seen this coming in? Just curious.

[edit on 21-11-2008 by Chance321]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock

Originally posted by borachon
Are we agreed this is a meteor yet? I think a few of you are giving the government's meteor tracking prowess a little too much credit....

Also, that's amazing footage, looks like something out of a movie

The video shows some definite light flashing in the sky. I have viewed a few meteor showers and never did the sky light up in such a fashion...

I don't think it was a meteor...

I think you should do a search on youtube. There are tons of videos showing events just like this one. Where it lights up the entire sky green. I think it depens on cloud cover and size of the object for that to happen like that.

BTW, all of you claiming a possible UFO where it seems that a piece comes off and seperates itself at the end ALSO need to either search for the videos on youtube or go out on a clear night and observe for yourself.
I haven't been as lucky as most of you with sightings like these but I have seen 3 in the past.
One of them though was a big one coming down. Not as big as the one on the video but close.
I was at a concert in southern Portugal on a clear summer night watching a outdoor concert in the middle of a soccer field. Right infront of my eyes above the stage you can see one coming down and breaking up into a half-dozen pieces near the ground. An awesome site indeed. But it seems some of you are taking this a little too serious. Hundreds of these penetrate our atmosphere daily, but are broken up on entry.
I'm sure they are being tracked but also ignored to to their size not being considered a threat.

I hope I didn't offend anyone, if so, it wasn't intended.

[edit on 11/21/2008 by Andre Neves]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by Chance321 ---An astronaut lost a tool bag Tuesday during a spacewalk outside the space station
Last Modified: 19 Nov 2008
By: Channel 4 News

A US astronaut is left red-faced after she drops her toolbox on a spacewalk - within hours it had floated more than two miles away.
Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper accidently let go of the bag while carrying out repair work outside the International Space Station yesterday.
Stefanyshyn-Piper was heard to say: "Oh, great. You see it?"

Crewmates monitoring the spacewalk from inside the station spied the bag drifting past the orbital outpost, which flies 212 miles above Earth. The bag contained two grease guns, scrapers and other equipment needed to begin fixing a 10-foot-wide rotary joint that positions the station's solar wing panels toward the sun for power. Stefanyshyn-Piper borrowed tools from her spacewalking partner Stephen Bowen to finish the repair work on the joint before heading back into the station's airlock, after a seven hour spacewalk.

By late yesterday, the bag was already more than two miles in front of the shuttle-station complex.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by ZoooMer

yes u r not the only one who seen it people say they seen it all across deerfoot trail all the way to high river and okatoks within half an hour 20 min time it was so big it lit the entire sky

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:39 AM
This is simply a meteor coming down. Why so much speculation? It is so obvious. This is no UFO... by definitoin it is, but not aliens! Give it up people.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Andre Neves
I think you should do a search on youtube. There are tons of videos showing events just like this one.

Or you could read the thread here as many examples have already been posted

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 01:08 AM
After Seeing this I knew forsure I would come on here and here somthing about it.. I saw this Driving Home from Work... Living in edmonton for a while and doing the same Drive evry night at the same time for quite some time now.. The thing Myself and my girlfriend found weird was that there was Several Helecopters in the sky going in the direction of this whatever it was. I dont know about you but I find that quite strange a little to strange.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Andre Neves
I think you should do a search on youtube. There are tons of videos showing events just like this one.

Or you could read the thread here as many examples have already been posted

34 page. Are you kidding me?

I read a page and a have and decided to post a response.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Thank you Zorgon, yes, not too many reading this this whole thread before posting to it.

Folks, please learn to read all the posts to a thread before posting, you will
save yourself from embarrassment. In case anyone cares!

There are a few of us that read EVERY single post...(hello mods..keep up the good work!).

This bolide has been seen by many here, and by my feeble count, has
spawned at least 6 new members. Welcome. And to the anonymous posters that claim that you will never post here again, WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU!

This bolide was witnessed by many folks, and having seen only 2 in my lifetime, (30 year member of the association of lunar and planetary observers) I am a bit envious.

Be glad at what you have witnessed, as you most likely will never see another in your lifetime!

Internos and C.H.U.D. (aka...Meteor Man) are really experts in this field!

There may be other professional astrophysicists at ATS but their spelling is far better than mine.


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 02:06 AM
The truth is often a lot more boring than we would like to believe. That's why we indulge ourselves with hopes that this could be a UFO.

None of us (I guess) have seen a meteor this detailed before (if you haven't seen the police dashboard video on Youtube I suggest you track it down) So I don't think any of us have the first hand experience to say how unusual the actual phenomenon of the flashing lights is in relation to meteors. Like was mentioned earlier, there is rarely an impact, these things explode above the ground.

The thing that gets my interest though, is with all the satellite, radar and seismic technology we have, not to mention people watching the stars, that they haven't found this thing yet. From what I've heard about supposed UFO cover ups, is that things like this are dealt with by the United States. That could explain the time lag happening right now in finding the area, if they are busy checking it out first.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by rickyrrr

Thought this might be of interest to you. The green meteorites are more frequent and much brighter every year.

In August this year , there was a meteorite shower. A few went over my house at about a 60 degree angle thought they would hit the golf course 2 blocks from me, they burned up though.

The meteorites were green , very bright green. There was 3 of them about 6 sec, apart. What makes this very interesting is that Sandia National Labs is almost next door, and is part of Kirtland AFB. which is about 1 mile from me. The golf course is across the street from the main runway at Kirtland AFB. and at the other end of the runway is Sandia National Labs. It's a long runway about 6-8 miles I think.

I never knew about the green meteorite phenomenon, until you mentioned it.

[edit on 22-11-2008 by SJE98]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 05:20 AM
This hasn't even made the news here in the UK.

I have searched BBC News and Sky News and there are no reports at all.

The only link that i managed to find was on the Daily Mail's website...and i doubt that will have made it to press...

Daily Mail Online

Strange. If it wasn't for ATS i would know about this happening...

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Nerevar

Don't feel too left out. I still haven't seen it on the news and I live in Seattle. Apparently not all that newsworthy. But DAMN that was a cool video (dashcam)! If I had seen that thing I would've thought WW3, or aliens...

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by rickyrrr
I noticed that a number of eyewitnesses indicate the fireball was greenish to greenish blue in color.

As those with some chemistry background would know, copper is a metal that burns greenish like that. Meteors are not made of copper.

I don't mean to derail the thread, but there is a long standing controversy among scientists as far as explaining why would green meteors exist... why have they only been reported since the mid 40's and why they are only reported clustered around certain areas near military bases, particularly around new mexico...

Green meteors are not a mystery. Most of the info above is bunk.

The green color in meteors is primarily due to Oxygen atoms in our atmosphere being excited and emitting light at the OI forbidden line:

The atomic oxygen OI 5577A emission (the "forbidden" line) appears primarily
in the wake of high-velocity meteors. The Leonids, at 71 km/s certainly
qualify as high velocity, and I'm not surprised to see the number reported
as green! Borovicka et al (1996) unexpectedly identified emission lines of
OIII at 5007A in spectra of two long-enduring Perseid trains.


The light generated by a meteor is not generated by burning. Meteors compress the air in front of them, creating what is known as the "bow shock". This is where most of the light is produced by air molecules becoming excited and glowing brightly. As I understand it, the glowing air or plasma produced by the bow shock, glows brightest just behind the meteoroid itself.

"Our images for the first time confirm that most meteor light comes from a bright plasma just behind the meteoroid," says Leonid MAC PI Dr. Peter Jenniskens of the SETI Institute at NASA Ames Research Center. This confirms conclusions made indirectly from spectroscopic studies in prior Leonid MAC missions. "The images now provide dimensions of the gas cloud behind the meteoroid", says Jenniskens, "and tell us how long organic molecules have to endure a hot plasma before cooling down". Just behind the gas cloud, a wake develops that is thought to be due to green forbidden line emission of OI at 557.2 nm.t


Green meteors have always been around, and are not confined to areas near military bases.

Here's one I photographed a few years back - no where near New Mexico or any bases:

I've seen green meteors in many places, and on many occasions (mostly during the Leonids and Perseids).

See the thread green shooting stars for more on the topic.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Zeptepi
reply to post by zorgon

Thank you Zorgon, yes, not too many reading this this whole thread before posting to it.

Folks, please learn to read all the posts to a thread before posting, you will
save yourself from embarrassment. In case anyone cares!

This bolide was witnessed by many folks, and having seen only 2 in my lifetime, (30 year member of the association of lunar and planetary observers) I am a bit envious.

Be glad at what you have witnessed, as you most likely will never see another in your lifetime!

Zeptepi, Wow!. I didn't realize this would be this rare of a sighting. I am now so glad I saw one down here in northern Calif.!

What I saw was like an airplane traveling across the sky in terms of a flight pattern. It did not get anywhere near the horizon. It was north of me, but way above the hills. It traveled from east to west… but now I understand from reading about meteorites, that they enter the atmosphere at around 400,000 feet high. It probably stayed up in the hundreds of thousands of feet high, from what I saw. My eye just didn’t know where it was at the time I was seeing it.
/Mendocino County, northern California

I also have to correct my sighting. Too easy to get days mixed up. I now find there was a fireball sighting in the Sacramento Valley the night of the 18th.. same late evening. Like I said, I hadn't looked at my watch nor did I write anything on my calender; and I would have forgotten it if I hadn't seen a video... but now I believe I saw the fireball seen from the Sacramento Valley. Sorry for any confusion I've caused.

[edit on 22-11-2008 by KathyT]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by warrenb

This happened in the exact same area on May 25th 2007

Meteorites hit near Redwater, May 25th 2007

now that is bloody weird

the odds of a meteorite falling in the same area twice within roughly 1.5 year span... non existant?

Quoting this to have it re-posted so that it doesnt get drowned out in all the noise.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by KathyT
So I got to see the “side view” of this event. I was not underneath it like everyone in Edmonton was. Everyone near Edmonton is now thinking it crashed somewhere. I don’t believe it crashed, from what I saw. For all of the people near Edmonton, it went over their heads and shot on past and over the horizon. To their eyes, it made it seem like it was ‘crashing’ down into the hills of the horizon. But it did not. It was traveling so fast, that it just makes it seem like it was going “down”. Slow down the video of the security camera, and you will see that it burnt out. It just went out, way out, over the horizon of Edmonton and was gone.

Hi again Kathy,

It's a little difficult to get your head around, but I'll try and explain:

The first thing to keep in mind is that we live on a curved surface, and because we are so used to living on this curved surface, we sometimes take for granted that it is curved. To get your head around this, you need to visualize us living on the curved surface of a sphere.

Now imagine a meteor as it approaches our atmosphere, and think of it from the point of view of a meteor. For the meteor, there is no up or down. Whatever part of the atmosphere it hits, it only knows to go straight forward - all that matters is the angle at which it hits.

Now, as an observer standing on the surface of the Earth, the direction of travel of the meteor as it appears to you is dependent on where you are in relation to the meteor, and the angle at which the meteor enters.

Here's an example: Lets say you are looking South, and a meteor shoots down from directly over your head towards the Southern horizon. An observer a few hundred miles South of you, and over the horizon, seeing the same meteor as you wold appear to see the meteor shooting upwards from the Northern horizon.

So depending where you view the meteor from, and the angle of entry of the meteoroid, different observers will observe the same meteor going completely different directions, and seemingly almost any angle.

A rather long and complex way to answer you (I hope that I have not confused you more), but it's actually quite hard to tell if you are seeing a meteor from the side or not if you are not experienced enough to identify the meteor and it's origin.

In this case, the meteor was actually at an angle to you, according to the rough flight path that has been calculated. The result of this is that it would have appeared to travel slower to you than to someone seeing it side-on. In extreme cases, where a meteor is traveling directly towards you, it will appear not to move at all (think about it) - these are called "point meteors".

Here is a page with footage of the same bright meteor captured on multiple cameras separated by hundreds of miles, which illustrates how perspective influences the way a meteor appears to us:

Hope that helps

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 11:48 AM
Thanks for highlighting this one Skyfloating

Originally posted by warrenb

This happened in the exact same area on May 25th 2007

Meteorites hit near Redwater, May 25th 2007

now that is bloody weird

the odds of a meteorite falling in the same area twice within roughly 1.5 year span... non existant?

The odds of it are an where near non existent. Even with random events like meteorite dropping fireballs, statistically, you are likely to get at least some events happening in the same area in a small space of time.

True randomness does not entail an even distribution! You get "clusters".

Meteorite dropping fireballs occur more often than most people realize - most are unseen since they occur over sea/unpopulated areas or in the daylight.

There is no evidence conspiracy here.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:04 PM
Pieces of large meteor may have landed in central Sask

With their descriptions of the meteor - its brightness, colour and sound - he pinpointed the most likely fall location to be near Manitou Lake.area near the town of Macklin, Sask., about 100 kilometres south of Lloydminster, near the Alberta boundary.

Hildebrand says the meteor could likely be seen up to 700 kilometres away, into the northern United States. It contained about a tenth of a kiloton of energy when it entered the earth's atmosphere, equal to 100 tons of the chemical explosive TNT.

"It would be something like a billion-watt light bulb."

Besides sonic boom sounds, he said witnesses also reported hearing hissing or crackling noises like frying bacon. Fireballs can act as radio transmitters, Hildebrand said, causing odd sounds.

He said other people saw the meteor break into pieces and turn red as it slowed down.


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:09 PM
I have seen tiny meteorites fall from the sky. They were green, white, blue. You cannot prove that meteors do not contain copper.

Originally posted by rickyrrr

Originally posted by whoshotJR
reply to post by chapter29

I think Iron burns green.

not a one liner

Copper, not iron. I don't mean to say that meteors are made of copper. They are not. I am saying that *this* object must have contained copper if it was burning green as reported.


[edit on 20-11-2008 by rickyrrr]

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