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9 types of intelligence. Are there more?

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:01 PM
You wait until it actually starts... If you think you can control all of us that are living in the here and now and activated to the truth? You wait and see now

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by NeuronDivide
For those of you that KNOW.... this thread has been manufactured by A CERTAIN COMMITEE to extract certain points of information from you all... - and they are doing this because they are actually scared of PROMETHEUS...- but make haste.... slowly....

I will learn more than THEM from these discussions.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
reply to post by mind is the universe

Yeah, some confusion in the translation me thinks....

"Myself" & my "self".

I would also agree that the ego carries little wisdom at all, and infact is probably the seed of ignorance eh?

My all time favorite book..In The Dark Places Of Wisdom by Peter Kingsley.

Veeeery deep. Interesting stuff about "incubation" and the lost and forgotten secrets of self-healing.

Might have a glimpse at that

Yup ego, is the main problem in this world. Most humanity still wail on it. It's what causing the animal behaviour. It's what's causing the ignorance too in today's world.

Greed, war and aggression. The basic animal behaviour's. The most basic intellegence is survival. This is what I'm been trying to get through to people over the last few months. Look at the world today, look at how humanity behave's. Look at the wars, how are we behaving. The majority of human's still behave like animals pretty much, and what's that again - on the survival mode, even when they are not aggressive. People are not learning or tapping into their wisdom. People are giving their mind's up and power up to the animal king's of this planet. I say animal king's as they are the master of been the animal.

The elites, the riches, the materilistic etc.

Sheeple would be the word I would use for the rest of the people. I kinda went a little off topic, but I needed to say this anyhoo

[edit on 23-11-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:08 PM
Committee? Is someone implying that I have Multiple Personality Disorder?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:09 PM
Understanding is easier when you see things as a spectrum rather then a rainbow. People fool themselves into thinking they see a rain bow with assumed particulars of colors of the rainbow when what they are really seeing is a spectrum. A spectrum doesn't have X number of colors well defined in it but rather it ranges it's light patters throughout the visual light frequencies and beyond and below and above.

Sure for discussion we need to break spectrums, as posable audio frequencies, into accepted seperations to ajdust a music scale or a box of crayons. However he that is very wise sees the light and hears the sound as a range rather then a list.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:10 PM
I suppose all those times we use the "ego", we're Not using those "intelligences".

I often find myself at social gatherings talking to the "ladies". They can teach so much more and have slightly less inflated egos.
I can't stand the chest-beating gorillas who are incapable of talking about anything seriously.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:11 PM
I don't think the ability to learn counts as beeing inteliget,the ability to take decisions does, especialy when you make them in a pressing enviorment.
Mixing things and making them come out the right way makes someone inteligent Guessing on hints after taking in to consideration some factors also I think counts. Knowing something does not count, not knowing something but adding to it by intuition, and sence is real inteligence. In other words reading a manual does not make anyone smart, figuring out on your own the formula with out a manual makes someone a genius.

In fact I'll go a bit far and say that learning is not inteligence at all, iteligence is an ability.In my own opinion knowlege does not indicate how inteligent some one is.

As an overview, inteligence is making decisions on the unknown with only some hints, improvisations that need to be analised and then moved around, ideas can pop up from that and triger a decision.

Who reads a manual is not inteligent, but knowlegeble.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by pepsi78

Learning is'nt been intellegent

Oh god.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

I love your rather confusing description...I do understand.

It's the fact that the "intelligences" have been split into different categories that brought me here in the first place.

9 of them and EVERYTHING in between, above, below and around etc is more how I see it.

Quote: Donnie Darko:

"You can't just "lump" everything together like that"

Infinate degrees of everything. The moment you begin to categorise is the moment you start placing limits on the possibilities and perspectives.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78
I don't think the ability to learn counts as beeing inteliget,

Oh having the ability to learn doesn't lead to intelligence?

Who reads a manual is not inteligent, but knowlegeble.

Q: So if someone accumulates a wealth of knowledge over the years are you saying that it can't help them become intelligent?

Wrong imo.

May I suggest you return to the opening post and start again.

If you read you will gain knowledge, with that knowledge you can learn and gain intelligence. It IS possible....what you may ultimately gain is maybe a little wisdom.

Good luck.

ps..Knowledgable (from : possessing or exhibiting knowledge, insight, or understanding; intelligent; well-informed; discerning; perceptive.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by NeuronDivide
You wait until it actually starts... If you think you can control all of us that are living in the here and now and activated to the truth? You wait and see now

But we will stay on topic, just so you know

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by mind is the universe
But what does it mean if you have universal and spiritual intellegences?

I mean I'm pretty much normal and your average intellegent person. IQ is slighty above average last time I did it.

I mean, Knowing you have this? what does it mean. I'm not an einstein obviously, but what would you call people who are sharply intutive??

Just wonderings

Somone who is very rounded in all aspects of spiritual growth and

Someone who listens to a song and is touched deeply on a level they do not know, only to feel they have a very deep missing or longing of something that is very powerful but they dont remember what it is. It's like you remember just how wonderful you felt in another time but dont remember or know why. All you know is that you feel increadible amounts of love and loss that translate to pain and tears that you dont know the source of. All you know is you miss it and want to go back to it.

Its so powerful, it makes this life now, seem like nothing to you and you almost feel selfish for living.

Edit* Song:

[edit on 24-11-2008 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by nerbot

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
To follow your own truth with your understanding is called wisdom. In other words, to follow through with what you beleive to be truth is wise.

...sorry, I can't accept that in the simple terms you have described.

What if the persons belief of truth is based on little truth and/or limited understanding without accepting there's more?

Isn't that called "ignorance"?

I suppose what you've described IS true if we accept it could also relate to "bad" wisdom, but then it's not wise!

Wisdom from

Would it not be wise to search your feelings for your idea of what wisdom is?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by mind is the universe

But inner truth is in everyone, and most people don't tap that part. Where the wisdom is.

It is ignorant of course to blindly say that your personal truth is all knowing. That is not wisdom. I have inner knowing and the inner source from within speaks to me, it's true as it comes to me. But I don't hold that knowing to be the ultimate. I don't take the wisdom personal. Wisdom isn't personal. I would think that is ignorant and blocking actual wisdom from coming through to think wisdom comes from the self.

Does this make much sense?

Maybe he meant, been true to yourself, means wisdom is coming through, rather than followin your own wisdom. God this is confusing lol.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by mind is the universe]

I agree with you.

Wisdom is more like an action that you base on your current level of understanding.

"Wisdom is the doing or choosing from inner truth."

I hope you understand, wisdom takes courage.

Wisdom from wikipedia, just to see:

First sentance,

"Wisdom is knowledge, understanding, experience, discretion, and intuitive understanding, along with a capacity to apply these qualities well towards finding solutions to problems."


Being wise is taking advantage of all your lessons, knowledge, truth, understanding, and anything that will help you make the right decisions in your life, for you and no others.(unless its advice) It sounds selfish, but, in truth, if your following your self and your truths and dreams, you become more loving to others with it, the more you do it. You just wont be wasting your time with those who do not show love back. Not that you dont care
Not reciving love is just as unhealthy as not giving love.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:28 AM
Cosmic intelligence is taking in creative forces in the universe and understanding how everything in the cosmo's reflect oneself and connect to all parts of itself in the same ways. Cosmic Intelligence is awareness from a universal perspective and people who have this can expand their own concouse soul awarness out into the expanding universe and recongnize it as one. This kind of intelligence is very rare on earth. It is the signs of a species whos first dreams of using their awarness to expand into the cosmo's and find and experience other life. To call out and ask from within and from above and to expand self out and into all with love, reaching out and touching the stars with your essence, with your soul. Alot of people are contacted this way. The call of god is great in a person with this soul and they can hear and feel the powerful roar of god deep within themselves, as they see relfection of self through all life forms.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

That was a wonderful post
really beautiful

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:52 AM
I am uneducated (in the academic sense) anyway.....I remember family members going on about their kids and how clever they were at school....I never really got my head around school but when it came to doing something creative I would be the first to get up and do it....right now, everyone comes to me with their computer problems, anything technical and anything that needs designing......things that the person studying law or looking down microscopes cant do....these people live to work and I work to live.....I am constantly studying life and dont have a real interest in any particular subject....

Jack of all trades, master of none....I find it better to have my finger in all pies rather than one....makes life a bit more interesting...

btw - quiz came back as spatial....excellent thread too.....makes a change from armageddon...

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:59 AM

Q: So if someone accumulates a wealth of knowledge over the years are you saying that it can't help them become intelligent?

They have expiriance.It's easy when you specialise in something, you know it all.What if something pops up that you are not familiar and you have no book this time.You know alot but you remain like a child in from of a new thing.Do you have what it takes to figure it out.

Inteligence is not knowing something is getting to know something by your own doing, intuition, the ability to get ideas from a hint, and to glue things
in one pice with out alot to go on is real inteligence.

An expirienced person can be inteligent because he may be also smart, but a inteligent person can also not be inteligent.Anyone can learn by reapiting something over and over the same thing will eventualy learn.

Manuals are good, because they are useful, how inteligent would you be if you were left in the middle of the jungle? Sure you might know a few things like north,south,east,west but the unknown waits for you, you have to get ideas of your own that you know blank about and turn them in to reallity.Guessing something based on some factors that are surounding you will also make you inteligent.

Inventors, scientists, astonemers for example are inteligent people because they are able to bring in something new that is not in their knolege and in the manual.

Reading something step by step and then doing that does not make a person inteligent.Dumb people will learn too..

[edit on 24-11-2008 by pepsi78]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

Well that I agree alot with. I believe cosmic intellegence, is not something you just pick up. I think it's an intellegence your naturally born with. Infact I think we all are. But we are just not intune to it. It's stems from the full awarness of the reality around you, and your self been in the reality. The universe is like a mirror onto your soul. And whether you have the awarness of cosmic intellegence, it still reflects everyone's soul. We are the universe. The universe is shown to us, for us to understand ourselves as the universe is us.

So i doubt your statement that it's rare to have this ability though. Many people have cosmic intellegence on a pure level within, but don't talk about it. All people have it but don't access it.

In my case, I have internal wisdom coming through from me, from how the universe is showing to me and what's revealed to my conciouseness. I understand it, and other's may understand it, if I try express what it is I'm been shown.

Some people would just look at me and go, WTF is he on about. So alot of people don't talk about it, as it's not the compatitble knowledge to the daily hectic lives we live in today of work, run and sleep etc. Even though it's something we should be sternly trying bring awarness onto.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

I think your absolutely right. Some people nuture it and allow it to grow into something beautiful and others forget it or put it to the very back of their mind. I call it an intelligence because so many people do not utalize in the knowing or they have a hard time understanding their inner truth.

Some people are at the level that ego is love and that is their only truth. Could you explain comsic intelligence to them with their understanding?
Although the potential is there, each soul is at a different evolutionary level and that is a huge step that some are not ready for.

People are limited by their understanding. Some of us can bring people awareness and I see that happening around the world, but people have to be ready to except it and each person is different.

So as I say, allow the winds of life to take you where your needed and spread the love of god wherever you go. You are making a difference.

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