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Oh to be ignorant again

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posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 04:12 AM
Well, my friends know I've never been one for small talk. I mean, c'mon, what do people really talk about these days besides what was on TV last night.

So, I find myself at places like this...

We've got, to name just a few...

A president elect that likes his "birth" privacy, and who was raised as a muslim but is a christian now.

911 w/ WTC7 being demolished on film to name just ONE BS of 911

The Federal Reserve (argh)

The Amero (now the globo?)

700 Billion Bailout (or was it 3.5 trillion?) Can a brother get a handout?!?!

Fema Camps (can I get a heated cell please?)

Prop 8 freaks on both sides (I have never introduced myself as "Hi, I'm Bob, I'm heterosexual") You?

America that has lost the "American" by losing it's borders and culture

A whole new phase of anti-God, anti-religion societies

Illegal Mexican immigrants taking over our, crap, everything

A completely corrupt government

and I could go on with this list until you would simply close out and go read another thread ;-)

What am I saying here? What is the purpose of this thread?

It appears to me that we are so busy dealing with stupid crap, that the big picture before us, which should be completely obvious, may just be being missed. How many times have you heard "If you want to hide something, put it right out in the open"?

So, what are we missing? While we are away protesting prop 8, what is happening before our eyes? While we are arguing over Obama Hussain's birth certificate, what are we missing? Does it really boil down to a "biblical" revelations of sorts? There is no question that the economy was crashed on purpose. Again, there is no question that America is or was the strongest nation on the planet. There is also no question we are all being fed the word "Globalization".

So, I'm asking you smart people, the ones like me that cannot stomach stupid sitcoms, MSM, etc., what is your opinion on the REAL overall goal of the elite that control our world?

FEMA camps... Slavery does not make sense to me. Although there are the many FEMA style camps set up, why would you have population there simply to feed and cost you money to take care of?

Obama. You would only have a muslim raised man for approval on a global level. Why? America has been known for Masons, Illuminatti, skull and bones presidents. Where does Obama really come in to play? What chess piece is he? He he another Kennedy or Lincoln pawn?

Crashing of the economy. This one is the easiest, as we know about the global bank, the push for global currency, global government. This would also make sense as to Obama coming to power, to be more accepted by muslim Countries. He would be everyones choice as mr. global guy.

Anyway, thanks for reading (if you made it this far). I have never been in a situation like this before, when my neighbors are coming to me and asking me what I think, what they should do, what they should prepare for. See, I'm know as "the conspiracy guy" on the block. But, because what I have been talking about for the last five years is starting to become reality, suddenly I'm the "go to" guy for "real" information. We are in sad times no doubt. I'm only wondering how long it will be untill people like us will have to go underground to survive. I really hope that someday my friends and neighbors can call me a silly conspiracy idiot. But at the current time, I'm afraid it may never happen.


I miss America

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 04:45 AM
Yes, I do believe ignorance truly is bliss. I started researching conspiracies a lot as a hobby with the rise of reality TV. Their plan to dumb me down and keep me entertained with mindless entertainment like American Gladiator and America's Got Talent backfired.

Couple of things, though. One, the globo? That just sounds stupid. Amero I can handle, but Globo? No way. I hereby implore any of TPTB who stumble upon this thread to find another name for our future currency!

Two, I believe that the FEMA camps, which I am inclined to believe do exist, are either in case of mass uprisings and/or an outbreak of some kind. At least I hope that is what they are for, and they do not have to be used. But I think we are about due, if not overdue, for a pandemic, no?

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by knows_but_doesnt

So, what are we missing? While we are away protesting prop 8, what is happening before our eyes? While we are arguing over Obama Hussain's birth certificate, what are we missing? Does it really boil down to a "biblical" revelations of sorts? There is no question that the economy was crashed on purpose. Again, there is no question that America is or was the strongest nation on the planet. There is also no question we are all being fed the word "Globalization".

Yes, it's absolutely clear that the economy was crashed on purpose. There is also a fair amount of criminal activity going on with respect to the Wall Street bailout (sources of debt being bought, etc).

Let's face it, the US employs huge quantities of economists and accountants. They have known what is happening for *years*. But they have to destroy the largest, strongest player (US) before they can remake the system.

......what is your opinion on the REAL overall goal of the elite that control our world?

FEMA camps... Slavery does not make sense to me. Although there are the many FEMA style camps set up, why would you have population there simply to feed and cost you money to take care of?

Those that will not go along will be eliminated. Right now, these criminals are afraid because they have not yet completely consolidated power. The right revelations today could result in these mass-murdering bastards swinging from the gallows tomorrow.

Obama. You would only have a muslim raised man for approval on a global level. Why? America has been known for Masons, Illuminatti, skull and bones presidents. Where does Obama really come in to play? What chess piece is he? He he another Kennedy or Lincoln pawn?

same old same old.

Crashing of the economy. This one is the easiest, as we know about the global bank, the push for global currency, global government. This would also make sense as to Obama coming to power, to be more accepted by muslim Countries. He would be everyones choice as mr. global guy.

Anyway, thanks for reading (if you made it this far). I have never been in a situation like this before, when my neighbors are coming to me and asking me what I think, what they should do, what they should prepare for. See, I'm know as "the conspiracy guy" on the block. But, because what I have been talking about for the last five years is starting to become reality, suddenly I'm the "go to" guy for "real" information. We are in sad times no doubt.

Short term, prepare for the worst with stores of water, food and supplies.

Long term, you will have to decide if you will accept their crimes and their rule. If you will not accept their rule, you can fight or you can rot & die in their prisons and re-eduction camps.

Right now, I vote that we find a prosecutor with *integrity* and prosecute them for their crimes and warcrimes. When they are found guilty, I vote we kill them.

[edit on 11/20/2008 by anonymousATS]

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Well us being Slaves to the system we have no control , no say, no power little control over our lives anymore does that not bother you as a human being.

It bothers me that rich people with all the money and the power have all the say and all they use it for is more capital gain for themselves some people they turned out to be like the Du Pont family for example needing a bail out for their company called GM, as if they don't have capital gain to cover their losses the IMF federal reserve will bail them out and they will continue to make gas guzzling vehicles that no one buys and they will be in debt once again.

These people like the Du pont Family have funded both sides of world 1,2, 3 they are crooks and no one cares.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 04:12 PM
Until the age of 25 I used to say over and over again "Something isn't right" "Why can't other people see that something isn't right"

Then one day during a deep meditation I said "Enough is Enough! I want to know" From that day forward the veil was lifted and I saw everything as it was. The icing had been taken away and I was left with one hell of a bitter taste. Don't get me wrong I enjoy being awake and out of my bubble, but I am so frustrated waiting for others to wake up, how long is it going to take? what is it going to take to get them to wake up.

I actually work with people who think that our government is actualy trying to help them. Can you believe that? I work with people that laugh in my face when I mention 911 was an inside job. Even after I supply fact after fact after fact

The truth is people do not want to wake up its a much easier cosey lifestyle in their bubble nothing to worry about apart from themselves. They have indeed taken the blue pill

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