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Is the world heading for a Meltdown? Or will we pull through?

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posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:00 AM

So here it is for me. Since the begining of September the sheer amount of worry and claims that the world economy is doomed to fail has been the focal point of things in MSM, here and just about anywhere else you look right. We have had a multiple of threads here and all over the internet and in the MSM we have had people claiming that things are about to get seriously bad..... here are a just a few links of whats out there.

Ok, so these are just a few out there, it's not hard to find. And on top of that we have prophetic people and machines out there that seem to all be pointing towards this. (that is of course if you believe in such things) For me personally I have never put much faith in prophetic teachings and prophecies, allthough I will give this webbot thing some credit. I dont fully believe it, but it seems to be a somwehat reliable source out there. If this earthquake comes as they predict in the next few weeks then maybe I'll hold it in higher regard.

Webbot predictions for 2008/2009

But there is also alot of rumbling that we will be just fine. The global community will pull through and we will be just fine in about a year or so. Could that be possible? Could we here be just a little paranoid when it comes to MSM that we are dismissing what is being said by them out of hand without actually listening and researching what they are saying?

I know for me, I want to believe them, I want to feel comforted that everything is fine and this is just a bad hiccup in the global economy. I want to believe that I wont have a problem getting a student loan next year when I appply for it. But how can I feel good when most of what I read and look at is pointing to something that we have never seen before. People are linking this state of affairs to the Depression. But one thing that worries me is this current event could realistically take us into something that is far more dire that the first depression is it not? Our entire globe is pretty much linked these days, I mean it's to the point now that is US, or Britian fail then that will cause countries like Canada, France and Germany to fail, and if they fail it will trickle down to smaller countires, which then will collaspe the major oil countires in the world will it not?

You know i have searched and searched for the last two months. I have dug through an enourmous amount of research and information to try and get a firm grip on whats going on. I have been trying to answer the question for myself. Can we make it through these hard times? Is our global economy doomed to fail and take it's people along with them? Because in the end all of us here know exactly what would get a global world out of a depression like this.....just look back at what pulled us out of one back in the 30's....thats right it was a devastating World War. And if things get that bad again I am terrified that the PTB will try to fall back on such a thing thinking it would get us back on track.

For me I still can't answer the question satisfactorily that we will or will not be faced with a global crisis. And truth be told I'm scared to hell, I'm in college these days and it has gotten to the point where my grades are actually being effected. I'm finding it hard to keep my mind on track, I'm finding it hard to get the energy to get to my classes and put the effort through. All I keep thinking is "Whats the point...even if i can get a loan next year, buy the time I get out I won't be able to find a job" Wich has led me to looking for a job now. But you know what, I cant find one now as it is.

So what are we looking at depression followed by extremley hard times that may infact revert the world into an era of the early 1900's? Or are we going to pull through and survive this whole mess? If things do fail...what kind of world are we going to be living in? I have gone through enormous amounts of info and still can't decide one way or the other. So the question I pose to the people who read this is this. What information do you guys have one way or the other that has helped you to decide wether we will survive this crisis or go down with it?

Thanks for taking the time to read through my ramblings.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:16 AM
did you read this thread?

answers some of your questions of what a depression in our moder times "could" potentially look like

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:32 AM
No, i did not se this thread before, thanks for posting, some good information on it so far.


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