posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:16 PM
Thanks Skyfloating
There’s nothing too cheesy for this thread lol
Shame on me, I haven’t seen Vanilla Sky
but from the clip’s I’ve seen its looks great.
Dead Poet’s Society… There are so many things to learn in just this one movie alone and so many inspirational moments. "Carpe diem"
Thanks BlackOps719
The Shawshank Redemption… Now there’s an inspirational work of art, in movie terms. The ending has a beautiful quality to it, which I just cant
describe in words.
Thank you Destiny-fate
Haven’t I seen you somewhere before !
We Were Soldiers…I haven’t see the movie but after watching that clip, I felt I was ready to go into battle myself. lol
A River Runs through it… A beautifully moving tale about life, love and loss, very elegantly made.
Titanic… The greatest romantic movie ever !
Thanks Edn
Amélie… My Czech friend tells me this is a good movie, unfortunately I haven’t seen it yet.