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My Hard Drive Got Erased

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:24 PM
Hello, can anyone please help me. I just got my 160 GB hard drive erased. Which includes almost EVERY UFO documentary, videos, you name it...GONE. If anyone has a list or archive of the videos, I would be SO gracious to be able to download or even pay to get these back. I had over 7 full length dvd's of videos, interviews, even the video with the interview of Buzz Aldrin and the moon walk. If anyone can help me, I'd be so gracious. Almost all of my videos were from back in the day when we all had the google player and relevant Google videos. Thank you.


posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by bluediamond74

We can talk about how to help recover some of the data from your hard drive.

But I don't really have any lists of UFO videos to give you. Just search google video. You will remember most of them in time.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:50 PM
First, do not write ANYTHING onto the hard drive. If you didn't do that already, you can recover your data with almost 100% security. Than, check your drive for deleted partitions. You can do this by running TestDisk

Scan your drive. If it finds nothing, use the "Deeper Search" feature. The found partitions are marked in green. Then you can write the found partitions into the partition table and all data is safe.

//EDIT: Here you find a Step by Step Tutorial for the program.

[edit on 18.11.2008 by SiONiX]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:56 PM
1) Don't use it, doing so will invite past data to be overwritten causing permanent loss.

2) Which ever one of your friends you generally go to with PC problems, go to him.

3) Pray to the flying spaghetti monster

Data recovery is one of the trickiest aspects of PC repair, also the most expensive if you want it done professionally (many thousands). It can be done though, I do it routinely for friends if there's no physical damage.

It's too much to try an explain unfortunately
You need to find someone who's done it. A live version of KNOPPIX is a good start, Test Disk, I've used some good WinPE tools.

Also depends if you did a quick format or full format where it overwrites the sectors with 00000's

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 10:01 PM
Oh, the good ol' days of "undelete."

If it wasn't erased to advanced security specs, you should have a pretty good chance of getting the data back.

Good luck.


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