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Odd Police Information Given To Me

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posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:13 AM
While researching for this thread on Anthrax Bioterrorism attack I found some pretty interesting facts.

Cities Nation Wide have been going through drills for such attacks.

Police/First Responders/Fire Personnel/MAIL carriers and their families will be first in line (as your contact stated) to receiver aid.

Mail Carriers (who've already volunteered) will be escorted by the police and military to distribute vaccines, etc, throughout their community.

Anyway - it makes sense to take care of those who are responsible for taking care of others, first.

What doesn't make sense is all this *planning* going on.
Well, I guess it does make sense if the ones in *the know* are repairing for the inevitable.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Raist

believe me your not being a downer... you are just expressing your denial in a way that is publicly seen... believe me you are not convincing, spreading doubt or for one second bring anyone "down" by your theory... when you see enough corruption with your own eyes you tend tno live off of your gut not your doubt as you do...

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:17 AM
To be honest this is not that surprising and has been around for quite a while, often workers in hospitals are also told that they and there imediate families or partners will be vacinated against whatever pandemic is happening. The logic being that if your vacinated and your family is sorted that you will turn up for duty to help out instead of worrying about those nearest and dearest to you.

Logically this would include Paramedics, Police Officers, Doctors the Army and any other formal aids to the civil power for example the Red Cross who in some juristictions can be drafted to officialy aid the Emergency services during a Emergency.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:11 AM
First responders, hospital workers, military and government officials have always been told they will be treated first in the event of some kind of attack like anthrax.

Makes sense doesn't it? After all, if they are out of commision who would protect us from riots that will surely happen if an attack did happen? Who would treat the sick?

I have worked in a hospital for about 3 years since I have been in the military and they are always the first to get a flu shot, get tested for TB and other various diseases that could pop up.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:13 AM
If you want to verify this information for yourself, get to know pawn shop owners. They are in frequent contact with the police and are privy to much information the 'public' is unaware of.

On the other hand, 'Plans' rarely go as planned.

[edit on 19-11-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:21 AM
What do you guys recommend to have in house if an attack occurs? How are you all preparing for the future mentally and also in terms of supplies?

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by GreyFoxSolid

Mpls Postal carriers are to stockpile anti biotics in their homes for fast dispersal as needed this was in the news a couple of weeks back

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by GreyFoxSolid

Rather than being above top secret, it was just a routine development announced in the national news relating to government planning re vaccine. The report expressly stated it was not in response to any perceived imminent threat. The "emergency" was announced so as to give the manufacturer's immunity. One can debate whether the vaccine is safe, the nature and extent of the risk of an attack, etc. but we needn't fuel rumors by making it seem like it is secret info from a grapevine. If you google the issue you will see numerous reports about the program.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by fringe

If their is an anthrax outbreak, only a select few (military, hospital workers, police, high end officials) will be privy to anthrax vaccines.

I do not beleive their is a vast supply of anthrax vaccines readily available to the public. If millions were to get infected, I would think 70% would perish due to the amount of time it takes to supply the infected population with the vaccine, also given transporatation time and waiting in lines, lol.

As for supplies, have a months supply of food and water, thats what I have lying around my college apartment.

Also, it would be good to have a few extra bottles of rum to for spirits.


posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by GreyFoxSolid

Thanks GreyFoxSolid for the information. It is always good to be informed about things that rarely hit the mainstream media.


posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by GreyFoxSolid

I also live in the same area as you. I have a neighbor who works for a public utility and mentioned the same type of preferential treatment for utility workers regarding a flu vaccine. He implied that if there was trouble of any sort the workers are needed to keep power up and running.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by bubbapug1985

Cheers, I'm thinking of stocking up even though I'm in the UK. Our two countries are closely tied and I am hoping that the first year (historically the most active) of the Obama presidency is a quiet one.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:44 AM
As prior military and also first responder I can tell you that, I myself was told and signed paperwork that my family was covered in case of a biological attack. The reason explained to me for this is if I respond to a screne and without knowing carry some back home that my family would be cared for at the highest lvl. I have no quams with letting people who put their lives on the line have a few perks even if it includes family members. Guys get a life, this doomsday mayhem is out of control. I dont have enough fingers and toes to count how many times you guys have tried to instigate some consipiracy from incidental facts on this website, there is just to many to recall and none of them have come true. I can tell you this, its not the incredible you want to look for here... its the mondane. How are the chickens doing on the island.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:50 AM
I hate to jump on the gloom and doom bandwagon, but in talking with some ramdom stranger in Wal mart, I found out that he was a retired Army officer in the Nuclear field. He stated that he is pretty sure that an event dwarfing 9-11 will happen soon. he even stated 10-20 thousand people. Now just some random guy isn't a big deal, but didn't Biden talk about the same thing not long ago? It would be a good idea to keep the radar on.

It should also be noted that I live close to Ft. Bragg, so finding a retired Army officer is just about as hard as finding sand at the beach.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:05 AM
colin powell, joe biden and others have warned us of this upcoming attack. to many insiders that hint at this scenario, it seems to be common knowledge to them.

the MSM has primed the populace for a virus or flu outbreak for years. and it is well known since pearl harbor that any politician that wants to make "real change" needs a false flag event. this will be a great consolidation plan. they already have full control over the financial sector after socializing the biggest players. they have full control over information gathering through google, youtube, yahoo and telecom backdoors, to name a few.

we can expect some form of major disaster, as warned, within the next few months. our president has nothing to do with it. this plan is being carried out by the global elite in the cfr, central banks, and bilderbergers. our president-elect will be compliant with their plans, otherwise he wouldnt be our next president.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by network dude

A random guy at walmart. Wow. If anyone would know he would.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by dirtonwater

We might be able to get a "read" if the financial markets take another sharp drop down. Some of the big money boys can pay for accurate info.

One time I was at the racetrack and there was a horse with morning line odds of 15-1, it dropped to 9-2 shortly before post. It hadn't raced in a year and hadn't won a race in two years. I said what the heck and bet on it. Wire to wire winner. Keep your eyes on the money.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Survivorman1969
By the way, it also coincides with the so-called warning today on the Drudge Report at the G20 Summit about a strong belief that terrorists will attack soon, more severely than 9-11. It could be about that.

Oh, great, yet another warning it will be much worse than 9/11.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by GreyFoxSolid
He received some kind of form for him and his family that would grant them first rights treatment, because he is a first responder, in the event of an "anthrax or other biological attack".

I re-read this when someone just quoted the same part. In the fresh outlook of the morning, this doesn't seem so scary to me after all. That's because it goes along perfectly with what I posted earlier in the thread about first responders being approved for anthrax vaccines now. It just seems like a routine thing, unless you look at the *entire* anthrax emergency declared on October 1 in the light of someone knowing something is going to happen. If you just look at the isolated fact of people getting a form offering them (optional) pre-treatment for anthrax, then it's just organizations following through on decisions made a few weeks ago in the spirit of general preparedness and the general predictions of doom going around the world anyway.

So, I'm not trying to contradict myself. I just feel like we already were aware of the preparations and this is simply part of that and nothing new and shocking. To me, it's not a confirmation that an attack is truly about to take place. I don't know what confirmation I would need, but I'm looking for something new. It's still good to know they are following through on the October 23 determinations, though.

If I were reading on this site, I would have gotten mentally ready for anthrax, or any germ attack, simply based on what we knew weeks ago (and what we always know could happen).

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:05 AM
Hmmm that is kinda scary that they have received a form like that. Just yesterday i saw 4 Helicopters flying around last night about 6:20pm around the area. Oh i live by a military base so idk if this has to do with anything but i jsut got a weird feeling lol.

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