posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 12:25 PM
About 5:30PM on Wednesday 14th March 2012 there was a bright star in the sky (like the star of bethlehem) could nearly be seen world wide, until it
crashed onto earth (It was a spectactular fireball as it passed by my skies). World media around the world scrambled to the location, and so did the
United States Air Force, as it crashed in the state of Kansas at Pine ridge somewhere. As of yet, no one knows what it is... lots of speculation;
Satellites, or space station... meteor. But, the US AirForce are first to secure the area, Yer... atleast by 30 mile radius, and any attemps to fly
over head will result in a criminal offence/shot down, was warned to everyone from a military official. Just as economies all over the world were
breaking down, and relations between super powers... this event began to create a new problem. As the Authorities began to struggle keeping this
secret, and being able to manoeuvre trucks in and out of the secured "crash site" 24 hrs had passed, and people and governments around the world
were demanding answers, they got none. Throughout the day, 15th March, many helicopters were coming and going, it was assumed that they must be taken
whatever had crashed. 16th March 02:00am heavily armoured military truck was assualted by a unknown group, all military personnel with the convoy were
killed. 6 hours later questions were being asked about the "hijacking" of this convoy, and the families of the soldiers killed were beginning to ask
alot of questions, it was also known that one of the soldiers involved with the convoy had over heard alot of discussions and had told family members
about it. The family had told the media that its an "alien" space craft that had crashed and that 6 alien corpses were found in the wreck. The World
Media went on a spin with this information, people around the world were shocked and governments, but the question people wanted to know; "Where is
it now?" and this caused many attempted cons with people offering info to the media on leads, but demanding money. In about weeks time 20th March
alot of videos and pictures appeared online, especially YouTube. It was listed for about 2 hours before the Media were informed of its listing, and
within an hour or so the stuff uploaded was gone. The frustration that this had caused was choatic, and people were beginning to demand immidiate
answers from the White House, Pentagon and US State Department. Within 48 hours over 200,000 people were rallying outside the White House and
government buildings around the world, this was due to calls on blogs likes of bebo,facebook and myspace. The situation was beginning to lose control,
as like Thailand's revolt in 2008 which the Thai gov't were toppled the same was beginning to happen in the United States and around the World as
people demanded information... even countries that had no knowledge of this, were beginning to feel the "roars" of there people outside parliament
and senate house's, more than likely fueled by there decades of lies was at critical level. You couldn't imagine how easily people around the world
decided to forget about there daily lifes, and problems just to march on there governments demanding information, it was unimaginable! but it
happened. I guess, when pictures and video's surfaced online, and it wasn't long before it was gone and no answers from governments, it wasn't long
until fanatics took things more seriously. As newsletters were passed around the crowds, with lots of details and info about this alien crash, and the
corpses... more and more people began to come appear at the rally's just to have a newsletter. Things got hot, especially the US, with National Guard
being brought in, and things going nutts, it was not long before some people were shot, and riots beginning to breakout all over. God! there was many
crazy things happening with people until the United States government decided to unlock what it had known about aliens were released.
run out...