posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 05:56 AM
We all know of the 3 spatial dimensions around us and time that we consider as a dimension too.But have you ever wondered that what we call soul or
mind could actually be another dimension.
We all have dreams in the night and actually are entering the dimension of the mind at these times.While we dream we have no knowledge of time and
space around us.
I come from India,a land known for the saints,sages and enlightenments it has seen.Many of these saints had supernatural powers which they achieved
through meditation but rarely used these potent powers.They had powers like clairvoyance, clairaudience,telepathy and so on which science still cannot
explain now.How did they get these powers ? By meditation and focus.In meditation the goal is to tap into this 4th dimension.
I have read about a saint who lived in the early 1900's in a village. Once he was stricken with an incurable illness and he did something that amazed
all the villagers,he told his friend that he could not live long with this illness and thus decided to cure himself by 'leaving' his body.He told
him to bury the body if he doesn't return in 3 days.Saying this he 'died' in his friend's lap and left his body and his friend kept his word and
prevented the villagers from performing the regular rituals after death.To everyone's surprise the dead body suddenly regained life on the third day
only to be completely rejuvenated and healthy again.He said that he went to cure his ill soul. Even if science denies the presence of soul and stuff
like that how can it explain a man who died and resurrected after 3 days ?
Could our mind and soul be our actual connection with higher beings\dimensions ?