Originally posted by Seekerof
Second, neither you, BT, and/or others have confirmed that PNAC "set-us-up"....how 'they' are Nazis (another subjective judgement), etc.
So Seek, you're actually Karen Hughs!?!?
Watch out, pheonix has that groupie lust look in his/her eye for you!
The subjects for discussion on ATS: 99.999% are unconfirmable, in an absolute sense. So, again in an absolute sense, all things discussed range from
rant to conjecture to reasoned thought to strong hypothesis.
PNAC setting us up is
strong hypothesis, given that the flimsiest excuse ( Iraq connected to 9/11 ) was the catalyst to pull Middle East
Specialist Military units out of the Afgan farce & redeploy them to Iraq, along with a few 100k's more. Add to that the the authors of
Rebuilding America's Defenses, which is a blueprint to everything that has
happened & everything that will happen in Iraq, completely run the Executive Branch of our Government!!
That it doesn't register with you is because you're a Bush Apologist, with others, well, they're just ignorant.
As for my Mussolini Avatar
- We don't have Nazi's in PNAC or running our government, we have Italian style Fascists. People, usually those same ignorant Neo-Cons, bristle at
this very accurate labeling because they don't know history.
Mussolini's version was not bunnies & hugs, but they were far from Nazi's.
From Benito's
manifesto, tell me this doesn't cover some of your ilk's pro war
"...It thus repudiates the doctrine of Pacifism -- born of a renunciation of the struggle and an act of cowardice in the face of sacrifice.
War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have courage to meet it. All other
trials are substitutes, which never really put men into the position where they have to make the great decision -- the alternative of life or
death.... "
fas�cism [ f� sh�zzm ] any movement, tendency, or ideology that favors dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise,
repression of all opposition, and extreme nationalism
Think of:
"Dictaorship seems a whole lot easier, as long as I'm Dictator" - Bush
" God chose me" - Bush
"I think God wanted George Bush to be America's leader through this" - Rudolph Giulliani
- Corporate America has had
banner profits yet jobs are no where to be seen.
- Corporate America has had all of their lobbying prayers answered: deregulation, decreased federal oversight, decreased federal environmental
oversight, federal welfare.
- "America's vision for the world"
- There are few things dumber than the whole administration wearing American Flag lapel pins.......who'd you think they worked for, Israel maybe?
SO, yes, my avatar speaks exactly on how I feel about the cowards in the Republican party exclusively concerned about being in and staying in power,
as opposed to thinking about protecting & advancing America.