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CNN finds truth 'disturbing'

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 12:43 AM
Just thought i would link this here, really interesting. I really, really hate corporate news channels.

[edit on 18/11/08 by serbsta]

[edit on 18/11/08 by serbsta]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 12:44 AM
Messed up YouTube link. "Malformed"

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Hey bud your link dose not work.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:02 AM

Re posted and added link at the bottom, sorry if the embedded version doesnt work, i dont know whats wrong.

Edit, should be working now.

[edit on 18/11/08 by serbsta]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:17 AM
No offence, but could you even give us a clue as to what the video is about?

Not everyone has got broadband!

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

It's an expose about the small percentage of right wing extremist Americans on the blogosphere who believe that 9/11 was Israeli/Zionist conspiracy act.

[edit on 11/18/2008 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

It's about the small percentage of Americans who believe that 9/11 was Israeli/Zionist conspiracy act.

Thanks. I don't know why people don't put at least some description with the clip itself.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:31 AM
Does anyone here really believe that Jewish people were responsible for or committed the actual attacks on 9/11?

I would be surprised I thought these had been debunked before people were even debunking.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:39 AM
There's more solid evidence that Pakistani ISI was involved than there is Zionist conspirators.

With all the perfectly valid leads to follow if you want to dip into the 9/11 conspiracy world, why choose this?

Anti-semitic conspiracy theories in the MSM sells better than sex.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Stillresearchn911

I certainly think it had Zionist influence, but i am in no way anti-semitic, i have 2 jewish friends. Thats what i am trying to get at here, theyre simply mocking the whole idea of 9/11 having any relation to Israel whatsoever, which is simply untrue.

Notice the elderly man getting interviewed.... " we have been mistreated for 2000 years... " This is where the nation of victims issue really pisses me off, sometimes it goes too far.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 02:54 AM
the anchor woman was blond right?
sorry ladies, I'll take that back, but she was the cliche' to a T.
the only person who made any sense there was the black woman who tried to say the gov. needs to fess up with the truth so that conspiracy theorists would not be necessary
the rest of the bunch made me angry
no question that it was a well scripted event -- a blatant and desperate attempt nevertheless by the MSM to attack their attackers

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 02:59 AM
the evidence of israeli involvement is damning and way more powerful :

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Domenick DiMaggio

the evidence of israeli involvement is damning and way more powerful :

It all sounds like a diversion from from the truth.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by lucidclouds

Originally posted by Domenick DiMaggio

the evidence of israeli involvement is damning and way more powerful :

It all sounds like a diversion from from the truth.

oh so the NYC emergency channel 30 audio about capturing 2 guys in a truck full of explosives which had a mural painted on it of a plane diving into the nyc skyline and exploding while israelis are being arrested in other vans with explosives or boxcutters, fake arab passports, and traces of explosives is a diversion from the truth?

and the fact that they were in place filming the wtc when the first plane struck is a diversion from the truth?

and the fact that 3 of them went on israeli tv and bragged that their only purpose was "to document the event" is a diversion from the truth?

and what truth is it that this evidence is a diversion from?

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by serbsta
reply to post by Stillresearchn911

I certainly think it had Zionist influence, but i am in no way anti-semitic, i have 2 jewish friends. Thats what i am trying to get at here, theyre simply mocking the whole idea of 9/11 having any relation to Israel whatsoever, which is simply untrue.

Notice the elderly man getting interviewed.... " we have been mistreated for 2000 years... " This is where the nation of victims issue really pisses me off, sometimes it goes too far.

ISRAEL, the MOSSAD, ZION etc has almost everything to do with 9/11!

Any Jew that says there's no relation to Israel is either in denial and can't accept the truth, or has never done any real research or investigation.... or they're part of the conspiracy. lol

The connections are obvious, but if anyone can show me where sources such as is factually wrong or pushing erroneous assertions, i'd love to see a counter-argument that presents the same type of evidence showing how and where missinglinks et al and their sources are wrong.

Now In the bigger picture 9/11 was created for the protection of Israel, and as a catalyst for the nwo.

I'll even go a step further by saying 9/11 has essentially created or IS a RELIGIOUS WAR,,, or perhaps has officially begun the final portion of a war of religions thousands of years old.

Muslims, Christians and Jews full of hate and evil about to lob nukes at each other in the name of their god to prove their path is righteous.

a War on Terror can never be won... and anyone that thinks it can is a FOOL. ie Most Americans, its leaders, its military and its president. All who continue to make grave miscalculations.

whats most disturbing about this LIE called the War on Terror, is that it can only lead to a conflict where Nucelar Devices will be used soon.

which reminds me... the person who predicted 9/11 says the First three cities struck are as follows:


thats the near future... which I believe will begin by January 20th, 2009 if IsRAel is stupid enough to attack IRAN... The gravest and mother of all miscalculations to date.

So if you think Obama is our next president, think again... it'll be GEORGE W BUSH.

sure glad i don't live in Israel or DC

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:45 AM
what i'm quite interested in is why it is acceptable to assume, with very little evidence, that muslim extremists were responcible for the attack but it is racist anti-semitic hate speach to believe that jews had something to do with it.

this is just a blatant double standard in my view. are CNN pushing the idea to paint people who suggest other than the official line as racists or does CNN really believe that any suggestion of negativity towards any jew is racism?

actually, there is a question in my mind as to why there is even a term for hatred against jews, why do we need the term anti-semitisim in particular?

[edit on 18/11/08 by pieman]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by Stillresearchn911
Does anyone here really believe that Jewish people were responsible for or committed the actual attacks on 9/11?

It wouldn't suprise me after seeing the Jewish guy's response. Seemed pretty desperate to convince the undecided that Jews had nothing to do with it.

So, if we believe that Jews did it, we are not misinformed, not deceived, not confused, not even liars, but, "mentally ill".

"Gee, I better not believe the Jews did it, otherwise I will be mentally ill!"

Just like a Jedi mind trick, it only works on weak minds...

Originally posted by cogburn
Anti-semitic conspiracy theories in the MSM sells better than sex.

Just one thing about the "anti-semitic" thing. What's wrong with calling it "racism", like people would if it involved any other race? What's with the special term for racism against Jews? Is it because they're supposed to be God's chosen people? Special terms for special people?

All the Jews I have met seem like really nice people. I just don't get why they are more important than the rest of us...

[edit on 18/11/08 by NuclearPaul]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
Just one thing about the "anti-semitic" thing. What's wrong with calling it "racism", like people would if it involved any other race?

it can't be racism as "jewish" isn't a race, it's a religious denomination. jews aren't a race any more than christians or muslims are a race. at worst it's sectarianism or something approaching it but i wouldn't go as far as racism.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 05:43 AM
Truthers = anti-semites. That's a clever one....

sort of like

computer hackers = pedophiles.

Instead of dealing with a complicated topic, just write off an entire group as an offensive population, and ignore them. How ironic that the guy they interview at the end keeps talking about being a scapegoat, and calls all truthers "mentally ill."

God I hate this reasoning so much.. not because of the reasoning itself, but because I know that many, many people will believe it without second thought. CNN says truther = anti-semite, so that's that.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 05:49 AM
Zionism is a political ideaology! Nothing to do with religion,hell its against the teachings in the Torah,thats why you get folks like these that could be classed anti semite according to this garbage,like redneck said its trying to single out people and label them.

[edit on 18-11-2008 by Solomons]

[edit on 18-11-2008 by Solomons]

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